Is academic leave included in the period of study? Conditions and reasons for receiving academic leave. When and for what reason can you take an “academ”

The right of every student to take an academic leave from a university or other educational organization is fixed at the legislative level. In most cases, obtaining a specialty lasts several years. During this period, various circumstances may arise due to which a person will not be able to attend classes and absorb knowledge properly.

For such situations, the legislator has provided the opportunity to take a break from study.

Concept and legislative regulation

Academic leave is a certain time period that is given to a student upon application if it is impossible to complete an educational program of secondary vocational or higher education for medical reasons, family and other circumstances for a period of time not exceeding two years.

Law “On Education” No. 273 establishes the obligation for each student to fully master the curriculum, in accordance with his chosen specialty, and to comply with the rules established in the educational institution.

The procedure and grounds for granting academic leave are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2013 No. 455.

Thus, every student or graduate student undertakes to attend classes and take part in the public life of the university. Missing these events is possible due to extenuating circumstances, documented. For example, in case of a short-term illness, the student provides a certificate from a medical institution.

But a citizen may have circumstances that prevent him from attending classes and learning the necessary material for a long time. For such cases, the student is provided with academic leave. Such an exemption can be issued if there is documentary evidence of valid grounds.

This procedure is regulated in detail by Order No. 455 of the Ministry of Education, which establishes the rules for the provision of this measure. This type of exemption from classes is possible only in educational institutions of secondary vocational or higher education in specialties that require long-term training.

If a student takes a course for a period of one year, it makes no sense to arrange such a vacation.

Important! A citizen has the right to apply for this procedure at any time. But it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the training program. If the leave is taken in the middle of the semester, the person will have to go through the program again from the beginning of this time period after returning. If you submit your application after the session, you will not have to re-study.

You can apply for academic leave an unlimited number of times.

Reasons for providing

A break is granted if the applicant has the following reasons:

  1. For medical reasons:
    • Due to exacerbation of a chronic disease;
    • Due to the need for surgical intervention;
    • For rehabilitation after injury;
    • If the disease has developed and requires long-term treatment;
    • Due to deterioration in general health requiring restoration.
  2. For family reasons:
    • Due to the loss of parents;
    • For pregnancy and childbirth;
    • Newborn care;
    • Due to the illness of a minor child who is under the care of the applicant;
    • Due to the need to care for a disabled parent or other family member;
  3. For other reasons:
    • In connection with conscription for military service;
    • Due to the need to complete an internship abroad;
    • Due to difficult financial condition;
    • Due to the need to combine work and study;
    • Due to a natural disaster or other emergency.

Regardless of the basis, the applicant must provide documented evidence of the reason why they require a break.

Important! Contrary to popular belief, this procedure cannot be implemented without good reason. “Academic” is not provided, for example, if a student is trying to avoid expulsion in this way due to poor academic performance or absence from classes.

Registration procedure

The procedure for implementing this procedure is regulated by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455. This regulatory legal act prescribes a break from study if the following documents are available:

  • statements;
  • an official document that confirms the existence of a valid reason.

After submitting the documentation package, the application is reviewed by the dean of the faculty within 10 days. If the request is granted, an order is issued recording the fact that leave has been granted to the student. In accordance with this document, the citizen is excluded from the lists of the faculty. He will not be able to attend classes or receive other educational services until the end of the temporary period provided to him.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455, this type of exemption can be granted for a period of no more than two years and an unlimited number of times.

Since an unforeseen situation that would cause a break in studies can happen at any time, there are no restrictions. A 1st year student can also take advantage of the right to take “academic” for 1 semester.

Attention! Despite the fact that the legislation does not contain any prohibitions, a student may be refused due to the presence of debts in disciplines. A break may also be provided with the condition of handing over the “tails” at the end.

The registration procedure and package of documents will vary depending on the valid reason.

For family reasons

The legislation does not specify family circumstances under which the procedure can be implemented. Determining whether a reason is valid is at the discretion of the faculty dean or rector.

If a student plans to take a break due to the illness of a family member or to care for a small child, he must attach supporting documentation to his application. It could be:

  • a summons from the military registration and enlistment office about conscription for military service;
  • death certificate of a close relative;
  • income documents;
  • conclusion of a medical organization;
  • referral to study or work;
  • other similar documentation.

If it is not possible to obtain a supporting document, the competent authority of the educational institution has the right to release the citizen from study at its discretion.

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For pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the most common reasons for providing an “academy”. To implement the procedure, the student must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Obtain from a gynecologist a certificate of pregnancy in form 095/U.
  2. Submit this paper to the rector's office or dean's office.
  3. Receive a referral for a medical examination.
  4. Visit a medical institution at your place of temporary or permanent residence and submit the following documents:
    • Referral from the university;
    • Student ID;
    • Record book;
    • An extract from the card confirming registration due to pregnancy;
    • Certificate in form 095/U.
  5. Pass a medical examination and receive a conclusion.
  6. Write an application and attach to it the conclusion of the medical commission.
  7. Wait for the decision of the faculty dean or rector.

Note! At the end of the provided period, academic leave can be extended to 6 years due to the need to care for a child.

For medical reasons

The legislator does not establish a list of diseases and injuries for temporary exemption from study, so in each case the situation is considered separately. In most cases, this measure is provided due to the need for long-term treatment and rehabilitation.

To implement the procedure, the applicant must:

  1. Contact your doctor and get a certificate in form 095/U.
  2. Submit it to the competent department of the university and receive a referral to a medical commission.
  3. Visit the clinic at your place of permanent or temporary residence, providing the following documents:
    • Direction;
    • Student ID and grade book;
    • An extract from the medical card from the attending physician;
    • Certificate in form 095/U;
  4. Get examined and get a conclusion.
  5. Write an application and submit it to the competent department of the university, attaching the commission’s conclusion.

Important! Students who were released from studies due to this circumstance are entitled to compensation payments in the amount of 50 rubles monthly. To receive the accrual, you must contact the dean’s office, fill out an application and attach a copy of the order for permission to leave.

Due to conscription for military service

Persons studying full-time are exempt from conscription for military service. However, this rule does not apply to correspondence students. A citizen subject to conscription must undergo all procedures at the military registration and enlistment office, in particular the medical commission, which recognizes him as fit.

After that, he will be given a final summons with a date and a requirement to appear for military service. This document, together with the application for academic leave, must be submitted to the competent authority of the university a.

After reviewing the papers, the citizen will be allowed to become an “academic” for the duration of his service in the Russian army.

Due to the difficult financial situation

If a student has a difficult life situation, as a result of which he or his parents cannot pay for their studies, this can also become a reason for a long-term exemption from classes.

The following documents will help confirm this fact:

  • certificate of family income;
  • paper indicating registration as an unemployed person at the employment center;
  • certificate from the social security service.

If a citizen is under 23 years old and is studying full-time, certificates from social security for parents who have financial problems can be attached. You will also need a document confirming your family composition.

After collecting documentation, the student must contact the dean’s office or rector’s office of the educational institution and fill out an application for academic leave. The legislation does not contain mandatory requirements for the form of this document. In most cases, universities have developed a standard form, which the applicant adapts to a specific situation. If such a form is not available, the student can use the sample.

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It is important to indicate all the necessary data in it, as well as specify the basis for which an “academician” is needed.

Rules for leaving academic leave

The law provides students with the right to leave their vacation early. Often, the applicant does not know when the circumstances interfering with his studies will end, so he has the right to extend the break or terminate it before the end of the period.

Important! To leave the vacation, it is necessary to submit an application to the competent authority of the educational organization no later than 11 days before the start of the semester with a request to allow the citizen to study. When leaving an academic leave granted for medical reasons, it is necessary to attach a conclusion from a medical organization. If such an appeal is not received, the student’s actions will be regarded as “not leaving the vacation”, as a result of which he will be expelled.

Academic leave can be extended without leaving it. To renew, you must attach the same package of documents as to submit it.

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This article will be useful for students at the university. It will talk about academic leave: how to take it, when and other nuances.

Studying at a higher and secondary vocational educational institution is an important stage in the life of every person. After all, for many, it is the education they receive that will become their path to life. Despite this, things happen in life and it is not always possible to complete your studies without interrupting it. In this case, academic leave comes to the rescue.

What is a sabbatical leave?

Surely many have heard of such a concept as “academic leave”, however, not everyone knows what it is and how, in principle, it can be used.

  • Academic leave or as they say in common parlance, academicka is a certain period of time during which a student can legally not attend an educational institution
  • It is also important to say that to take this type of vacation you need to have certain compelling reasons

Which educational institutions offer academic leave?

Academic leave is not intended for all educational institutions, for example, at school, of course, there can be no talk of any kind of leave.

Academic leave can be taken at a technical school, college or university

  • Such leave can be obtained while studying under the program secondary vocational education. That is, in technical schools and colleges, academic leave is available to students
  • You can also get it by studying according to the program higher education. Such education is available in our institute, university and academy.

Who can take advantage of the right to academic leave?

Based on the above information, only those people who study in relevant educational institutions - colleges, technical schools, universities, institutes and academies - can exercise this right. In other words, all students of these institutions (students, graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) can take advantage of this right if they have legitimate reasons for doing so.

What should be the reasons for academic leave: list

As has been said many times, the reasons for such leave must be compelling and legal. For example, you cannot take such a leave because of poor performance or simply because you need to take a break from studying. Moreover, all stated reasons must always have evidence, that is, they must be confirmed by authorized institutions.

  • For medical reasons. This reason is perhaps the most common. After all, a person who has been diagnosed with a serious illness needs emergency and, most often, long-term treatment and, accordingly, he will not be able to study at this time. The legislation does not provide a clear list of ailments, but it is logical to assume that they must be serious, for example, for colds and sore throats, no one, of course, will give academic leave.
  • Family circumstances. Such reasons can also interrupt the educational process. This could be the illness of a relative and the need to care for him, problems of a financial nature, for example, the loss of a job by one of the parents and the inability to pay for education or child care.
  • Military service is also considered a valid reason for taking this leave.
  • There may be other circumstances that prevent a person from attending school. In this case, the management of the institution will independently decide whether the stated circumstance is valid.

Application for academic leave: sample

Many people, even knowing what an academic degree is and how to get one, do not know how to correctly fill out their application, without which there will, of course, be no talk of any vacation.

In fact, writing an application is very simple.

  1. On a standard sheet of paper at the top right, indicate the position, surname and initials of the person in whose name you are making the application (the head of the institution). You can also indicate the name of the institution itself.
  2. Next, you write your data. You must indicate the number of the group in which you study, the faculty, your last name and initials.
  3. Next, as usual, the word “Statement” is written in the center.
  4. Then the essence of the request is stated. Here you describe the basis on which you want to receive leave, its duration and list the list of supporting documents.
  5. Complete your application with the date it was written and your personal signature.

This concludes the writing of the application and you will only need to wait for the decision on it.

Academic leave for pregnancy and child care: how to indicate the reasons when applying?

Pregnancy occurs at different periods of life and education is no exception. At the same time, the importance of pregnancy and caring for a newborn baby is much greater than education, so the law provides for the right of women to take academic leave in connection with such circumstances.

  • It is important to note that pregnancy is considered an unconditional circumstance for obtaining an academic degree, that is, in principle, they have no right not to give you leave
  • This circumstance relates to medical indications, so this is how it should be indicated in your application.
  • To confirm your reasons in this case, you must:
  • Take a certificate in form 095/U, as well as a document confirming that you have registered with the antenatal clinic
  • Next, you need to apply with these documents to your place of study. There you will be given a direction to undergo a special commission
  • With the decision of this commission, you need to go to the management again and write a statement, attaching the received document to it

As for child care: in principle, there is no such reason in the legislation regarding the grounds and procedure for granting academic leave. However, according to other laws, a woman has the right to care for a child until he reaches 3 years of age. Therefore, it is recommended to initially obtain an academic degree due to being in a special situation, and then extend it for family reasons.

Academic leave for family reasons, caring for a sick relative: how to indicate the reasons when applying?

Family circumstances are not absolute reasons. That is, the educational institution will, at its own discretion, decide whether to provide you with an academic degree or not. Despite this, family circumstances are often cited as reasons.

  • Caring for a sick relative, the need for a relative to undergo a complex operation, the need to take a relative for treatment, etc. - all of these can be called family circumstances.

IMPORTANT: To receive academic leave for this reason, in addition to the application, you also need to provide supporting documents. This must be a document, a certificate that confirms the need for permanent or temporary care for a sick relative, the need to accompany him for treatment, etc.

  • Next, you write a statement, specifying family circumstances as the reason, but it would not be a mistake to clarify which ones, and attach documentary evidence of the above to the statement.

Academic leave for health reasons - how to indicate the reasons when applying: list of illnesses

Most often, an academician is hired precisely because of serious illnesses that have arisen. You need to know that getting leave for health reasons is not so easy. To do this, you need to collect all supporting documents, go through all the necessary procedures and then contact the management of the institution with these documents.

  • There is no clearly defined list of ailments that would make it possible to exercise the right to such leave.
  • However, in order to go on vacation for health reasons, the illness must be serious and last for at least 1 month.
  • It could be ulcers, asthma, diseases associated with oncology etc.

IMPORTANT: As evidence of the existence of the disease, it is necessary to take a certificate of form 027/U, 095/U and obtain the opinion of a clinical expert commission.

  • These documents must be submitted to the place of study, and you will also need to write a corresponding application. Diseases relate to medical indications, so the application can refer to just such an unconditional circumstance.

Academic leave for military service: how to indicate the reasons when applying?

It would seem that there is no need to interrupt the educational process due to military service, because you can get an education and only then salute your Motherland. However, many guys think differently and take a leave of absence in order to serve.

  • Military service upon conscription is an unconditional circumstance. This means that a person who, for this reason, wants to get a vacation will definitely get it by collecting the necessary documents and writing a corresponding application.
  • The application must indicate military service as the reason.
  • In this case, as supporting documents, the guy must provide a summons from the military commissariat containing the time and place of departure to the place of military service.
  • An application for the need to take leave must also be written to the management of the educational institution.

Academic leave for financial reasons: how to indicate the reasons when applying?

Unfortunately, anyone can have financial difficulties. In this case, people are very often unable to pay for their studies. Problems of a financial nature relate to family circumstances, so this reason must be indicated in the application. It will not be a mistake to clarify exactly what circumstances force you to act in this way.

  • In order to get leave for this reason, you need to take a certificate of family income and write an application at the place of study
  • Next, you just have to wait for the decision on your application
  • It is important to remember that family circumstances are valid, but conditional reasons. Therefore, what the educational institution’s decision will be is unknown in advance.

Is it possible to go on academic leave in the correspondence department, in college, graduate school, master's degree, for no reason, due to poor performance, with debts, in the first year?

Many people on sabbatical leave literally see their salvation. And in principle, this is true if we are talking about leave for health reasons, pregnancy and other truly valid reasons.

However, very often students want to go on academic leave simply because they want to relax or because of bad grades and the so-called “tails”.

  • It is important to understand that this type of leave is an opportunity to interrupt your studies for a certain period of time provided by law, for valid reasons. At the same time, it is assumed that a person takes such a vacation involuntarily and it does not depend in any way on his desire.
  • Based on this, we can say with confidence that it is impossible to take a vacation for no reason, just like that or because of poor performance. It is important to say that even if a person has these very compelling reasons, but at the same time there are a lot of “tails”, they may also not be given an academician (with the exception of illness, pregnancy).
  • As for college, then, of course, a student in such an institution has the right to such leave.
  • While studying for a postgraduate or master's degree, it is also possible to take such a leave, but again only for justified reasons.
  • Regarding whether it is possible to go on academic leave in the 1st year, the following must be said. The law does not limit students at what stage of their studies they can exercise this right. After all, illness or pregnancy can happen during any of the courses. Nevertheless, management very carefully checks all the grounds for a first-year student to receive academic leave. Since many newly arrived students often take advantage of this opportunity in order to save themselves from expulsion, etc.
  • Correspondence education is no exception. Therefore, while studying part-time, you can also take a vacation. This is due to the fact that a person who studies in this form of education can also get sick, become pregnant, etc.

What documents are needed to apply for academic leave?

In order to exercise your right to this type of leave, you must collect certain documents for any reason. Certificates depending on the reason for taking academic leave may differ:

  • For example, when taking leave due to illness, you need to take a certificate in form 027/U and 095/U, as well as undergo an examination and obtain an opinion from a clinical expert commission.
  • If we are talking about pregnancy, then it is necessary to provide a certificate stating that the woman is registered as pregnant and an extract from her hospital card.

  • If a guy is planning to take an academic degree and join the army, then he must provide a summons.
  • If we are talking about other reasons, for example, the illness of a relative, then you need a supporting document about his illness. In case of financial difficulties, you need to take a certificate of family income, etc.

Is it possible and how to extend academic leave?

If we speak correctly, the academic leave is not extended, but is issued again, but the result is essentially the same.

  • The academic certificate can be extended (reissued), but to do this you will need to completely repeat the procedure provided by law.
  • The student must write a corresponding application and document the reason why he cannot attend the educational institution again.
  • It's also important to mention a few things. As for maintaining a budget place and deferment from the army, this applies exclusively to the first leave.
  • And yet, you need to understand that the reason for repeated academic leave must also be valid. The fact that you were previously given an academic certificate does not in any way guarantee that you will receive it a second time.

How long does it last and how many times can I take academic leave?

In accordance with the law, academic leave must be granted as needed, that is, there is simply no clearly defined number of times.

  • However, we should not forget here that when considering an application for leave, which indicates conditional reasons, management makes a decision at its own discretion. That is, if a person submits an application and the reason stated in it is not compelling for management, then he will not receive an academic position either the first time or all subsequent times.
  • The maximum vacation period can last no more than 2 years. However, based on the fact that it can be taken an unlimited number of times, its duration does not play a big role.

After such a break in study, the student returns to the same course in which he studied before leaving on leave.

Academic leave for full-time study at the university: do they pay a stipend, a pension, is there a deferment from the army?

The legislation clearly regulates the issue of stipends and deferment from service. Based on this, we can say the following:

  • Academic leave is not a reason why payments of scholarships (state social, academic) should stop
  • Therefore, students retain the right to receive such funds
  • The deferment from service remains. But there is an important point: it remains only for the period of the first academic leave

Is it possible to leave academic leave earlier?

There is an opportunity to go to classes earlier than the vacation ends, and this is provided for by the legislation of our country.

  • In order to start studying ahead of schedule, you need to write a corresponding application addressed to the management of the institution and submit it to the place of study.

  • In such a statement, it is necessary to indicate the reason why your study before the end of the academic leave became possible.
  • If you were on vacation due to an illness, then you will be able to return to study earlier than the specified time only after passing a medical examination and receiving the appropriate conclusion.

Can a request for academic leave be refused and why?

Whether or not you receive a leave of absence depends on the reasons you provide in your application and whether you can document them.

  • If we are talking about unconditional reasons, that is, one’s own illness, pregnancy, military service, then academic leave is mandatory. You just need to collect the documents you already know
  • If we are talking about conditional reasons - family or other circumstances, then it all depends on whether the management of the educational institution considers such reasons valid and compelling
  • From this we can conclude that you may be denied academic leave. The reason for refusal may be an unjustified reason or the fact that it will not be properly confirmed
  • Vacation may also be denied due to “tails” and poor academic performance. However, this is a purely individual matter; sometimes in such cases students are accommodated and given academic leave

Academic leave is a solution to many problems. This is truly a “lifeline” for those people who want, but for good reasons cannot currently continue their studies. You need to approach the issue of applying for an academic certificate extremely seriously and responsibly, because whether you get it largely depends on you.

Video: How to get academic leave?

Studying at a higher educational institution, technical school, or college is a fairly lengthy process and can take from three to 7 years.

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While studying at the university, various situations can occur in the lives of students: the birth of children, marriage, illness, unforeseen circumstances, in connection with which the concept of academic leave was introduced.

Its meaning is that each student can stop his studies for a while by decision of the heads of the educational institution, without losing his student status.

This type of leave is provided for both full-time and part-time students.

Who can take it?

Academic leave is required by law for every student of any educational institution (university, college, technical school) of any form of study (both full-time and part-time).

The basis of study does not matter either: leave is granted both to those who study on a budget basis and to those who study on a paid basis.

At the same time, the student is still considered a student of the educational institution, but he can no longer attend classes, take exams and tests.

Reasons for providing

There are several reasons why university students may take a leave of absence:

  • Medical indications. In this case, the main reason is the student’s health. This also includes maternity leave. If a student needs to take academic leave for medical reasons, he should prepare an application and provide an opinion from a clinical expert commission of a government institution.
  • The occurrence of exceptional circumstances. Such circumstances for a student may include illness or loss of a close relative, or family circumstances. This also includes natural disasters, the loss of a breadwinner for a family, a difficult financial situation, the need to leave the country in order to receive additional education or practice, or conscription into the army. Recently, this reason has become more common. While serving in the army, you can rest assured that you will retain your educational position.

Delivery deadlines

The period for which academic leave is granted is 12 calendar months. If leave is granted for military service, it is equal to two years.

University leave may be granted several times. Moreover, if a student studies on a contractual basis, he is exempt from paying tuition for this period. But if after restoration the price for studies is increased, then payment will be charged at the new rates.

Usually, to receive an academic leave, the educational institution asks the student to pay all debts so that in the future he can be reinstated for the next course without any problems.

It also does not matter which course the student decided to temporarily withdraw from: it can be either the first or the last course.

Design features

The decision on the possibility of granting leave is made by the heads of the educational institution.

The basis for making a positive decision is the student’s application for leave and relevant documents (depending on the reason).

When granting academic leave for medical reasons, the following is required:

  • student statement;
  • the conclusion of the clinical expert commission on the state of health (with the stamp and seal of the organization, registration number and signature of the doctor who issued the document) is issued for a period of one year;
  • medical certificates in form 095/U - about temporary disability for a period of 10 days or a certificate in form 027/U for a period of one month.

When granting academic leave for pregnancy and child care, you need:

  • statement;
  • certificate of pregnancy and general health - based on this document, a document will be issued in order to undergo a clinical expert commission;
  • conclusion of the clinical expert commission.

When granting leave in connection with military service:

  • statement;
  • a summons from the military registration and enlistment office about the intention to perform military service.

When granting academic leave for family reasons:

  • statement;
  • a document confirming the need to receive academic leave for family reasons (death certificate of a relative, invitation to practice in another country, certificate stating that a seriously ill relative needs care, etc.).

When granting leave for study/practice abroad:

  • statement;
  • an invitation from another university to undertake an internship or study, a decision of the educational council.

When granting leave due to the inability to pay for the educational process:

  • statement;
  • certificates of income of the student and family members and certificate of family composition.

If you want to convince the administration of an educational institution of the purity of your intentions, then it is better to provide a comprehensive package of documents for each item.

The heads of the educational institution also have the right to refuse to receive academic leave if they consider the circumstances to be disrespectful, or there are doubts about the documents provided.

A sample application can be downloaded here:

Financial features

When receiving academic leave, the student does not pay for the period of study. After restoration, tuition fees will be charged at the new rates of the educational institution.

If a student has paid extra money by paying a year in advance, he transfers this money through an application to management to pay for further education. This money is returned in rare cases.

Also, the provision of leave does not serve as a basis for refusing to pay scholarships to the student (social, etc.).

If the leave was granted for medical reasons, the student retains the right to receive monthly compensation payments. They are equal to 50% of the minimum wage.

Educational institutions also have the right to provide payments to students at their own expense.

Decisions regarding the provision of payments are made by the educational institution on average within ten days from the period the student provides all relevant documents.

During academic leave, students are not provided with a place in the dormitory.


Exit from academic leave is provided both upon completion of the academic leave period and ahead of schedule.

In order to leave in advance, the student must write a written statement to the management.

After its consideration, an order is issued, and only after this the student can be admitted to the educational process.

The management is also provided with a document from a medical institution, which indicates the possible continuation of the educational process without harm to health (if the leave was taken for medical reasons).

The same procedure precedes the extension of academic leave.

If the academic leave has already ended, and the student has not written an application for its extension and has not returned to study, the educational institution has every reason to expel the student from the educational institution.

Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, academic leave is granted in the manner and on the grounds established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, and maternity leave, care leave for a child up to the age of three years is also provided in the manner established by federal laws. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated June 13, 2013 No. 455 “On approval of the Procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students,” academic leave is granted to the student due to the impossibility of mastering the educational program of secondary vocational or higher education in organization carrying out educational activities, for medical reasons, family and other circumstances for a period of time not exceeding two years.

Academic leave is granted to a student an unlimited number of times.

While on academic leave, a student is relieved of responsibilities related to his completion of the educational program in the organization and is not allowed to participate in the educational process until the end of his academic leave. If a student is studying in an organization under an education agreement at the expense of an individual and (or) legal entity, he is not charged tuition during academic leave.

Academic leave ends at the end of the period of time for which it was granted, or before the end of the specified period based on the student’s application. The student is allowed to study upon completion of academic leave on the basis of an order from the head of the organization or an official authorized by him.

Such a by-law normative legal act is Order No. 1000 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for assigning a state academic scholarship and (or) state social scholarship to students studying full-time at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, state scholarships for graduate students, residents, assistant trainees studying full-time at the expense of federal budget allocations, payment of scholarships to students of preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education studying at the expense of federal budget allocations.”

The basis for payment of a state academic scholarship is the student’s compliance with established requirements: the absence of a “satisfactory” grade based on the results of the interim certification and the absence of academic debt.

The basis for termination of payment of a state academic scholarship, state social scholarship is the student’s expulsion from an educational organization, and for a state academic scholarship also - the student receiving a “satisfactory” grade during an intermediate certification, or the student developing academic debt (clauses 13–14 of the above). Order).

A student's being on academic leave, as well as maternity leave, child care leave until he or she reaches the age of three is not grounds for termination of payment of an assigned state academic scholarship or state social scholarship (clause 16 of this Procedure).

Thus, if before the grant of academic leave the student met the established requirements and received a state academic scholarship or state social scholarship, then such a scholarship will be paid during the period of the corresponding leave.

Being on vacation does not create academic debt and receiving a “satisfactory” grade based on the results of the interim assessment.

In accordance with clause 12, part 1, art. 34 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, a student has the right to academic leave in the manner and on the grounds established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, as well as maternity leave and maternity leave, parental leave until the child reaches the age of three in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

It should be noted that being on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years and receiving a monthly child care benefit provided for by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children” (with subsequent amendments and additions) does not interfere with the continuation of education (Part 2 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”).

Thus, such a student is granted academic leave in connection with child care. The period for granting one leave is limited to two years, however, according to clause 3 of the Procedure, academic leave is granted to a student an unlimited number of times. Thus, the student can receive another academic leave for a period of one year in connection with child care.

The basis for making a decision to grant academic leave is the student’s personal application and documents confirming the basis for granting academic leave (for example, a child’s birth certificate) (clause 4 of the Procedure).

It should be noted that the student has the right to interrupt her academic leave at any time and continue her studies; this will not affect the payment of her child care allowance.

The answer is given according to the state of the law as of 06/01/2014

Pregnant women often face the question of whether it is worth taking a vacation at all to interrupt their studies for a certain period of time. The permissible period for providing such leave is a year, maximum 24 months. Deductions for this period are not possible, but there are many nuances that are best familiarized with in advance.

Academic leave at a university or college: reasons and grounds for granting

Any female students have the right to take three types of vacation during their studies:

  1. For pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. Child care from birth to the age of three years.
  3. Academic.

Academic leaves can have a variety of reasons - from family circumstances to health reasons. You only need to have a serious, significant reason that precludes further continuation of the educational process.

For medical reasons

If your health has deteriorated significantly, then you should provide the rector’s office with:

  • certificates issued by the attending physician;
  • documents drawn up by representatives of the clinical expert commission;
  • certificate of temporary disability (form No. 095/у);
  • extracts from the medical history.

Under such circumstances, students can expect to receive additional compensation. It is enough to fill out an application and send it to the rector’s office. A mandatory attachment is a copy of the order on the admissibility of academic leave.

In connection with pregnancy and childbirth

In such circumstances, it is important to take care to provide the following documents:

  1. Certificate of incapacity for work.
  2. Application for academic leave, indicating the reason.

Family doctors or gynecologists issue certificates of disability.

Female students are also entitled to additional benefits in the amount of a scholarship.

Laws regulating the procedure for granting academic leave

The main document regulating the solution of the issue is Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 455, issued on June 13, 2013. There are other legislative regulations, but they already concern the rules for drawing up specific documents.

The procedure for obtaining academic leave for a student

During pregnancy, the procedure for obtaining leave will be as follows:

  • sending a personal statement to management, supported by relevant documents;
  • making a decision on the submitted document;
  • execution of an order;
  • determining the approximate date of birth, the time of the most necessary rest;
  • end of vacation.

If a student decides to restore the educational process, a separate order is issued.

Where can I download a sample application?

To do this, it is better to use special thematic sites dedicated to the consideration of legal issues. There are a large number of them on the Internet, all you have to do is choose the most suitable option.

Who decides on granting academic leave?

This responsibility is most often assigned to the immediate head of the educational institution. This is the rector or director. But such specialists themselves can delegate their powers to other employees of the institution who have the appropriate skills and knowledge.

Submission deadlines for correspondence courses

The maximum time cannot exceed one year. During their studies, students have the right to go on academic leave several times. The main thing is that the total duration does not exceed two years.

Maternity leave has the following duration:

  1. 140 days for standard childbirth.
  2. 154 in multiple pregnancies.
  3. 190 days – in the presence of complications.
  4. Three years to care for a child.

Deadlines for full-time study

In this case, the rules described earlier remain the same. Full-time study does not provide any advantages and is not associated with certain restrictions on rights.

Duration of academic leave

As already stated, the maximum for duration is two years. But most students limit themselves to only 365 days. You can take another vacation if the problems persist.

At the correspondence department

Here are the standard rules. Most often the period does not exceed 12 months. You can apply for leave several times, but the total time should still not be more than two years.


And here there are no differences from the standard situation. The departmental scheme used does not affect the rights and guarantees provided to students.

First pregnancy

In such circumstances, the information above must be taken into account. The timing depends on the presence or absence of complications. And can be within 140-190 days. From the documents you will need a certificate of incapacity for work, plus information from the attending gynecologist.

Second pregnancy during first vacation

If during the first vacation all two years are not used, then you can arrange another period of vacation. In the case where all the time has expired, it is easier to ask for deductions for family reasons, and only after that be reinstated in your studies.

Is it possible to extend academic leave?

This is one of the legal rights of any citizen. There are simply no restrictions in this case. Extension is permissible in the presence of any circumstances, with appropriate documentary evidence.

Extend child care up to three years

There are no special instructions regarding the extension of parental leave until the child is three years old in the current version of the legislation. But the extension algorithm is also used in this case; it is characterized by maximum simplicity:

  • we arrange the first academic leave due to pregnancy for a period of two years;
  • if the time of the first one is coming to an end, you need to apply for another one, but for family reasons. It can also reach up to two years.

How many times in a row can you take?

Any number of times. In this regard, there are no restrictions in the current legislation.

Material and organizational issues

Mothers have the right to receive financial assistance from the state if they are pregnant but have not yet completed their education.

Is the stipend paid during academic leave?

Here the exact figures depend on what type of scholarship is initially applied. Scholarships are divided into two types:

  1. Academic.
  2. Social.

Academic ones are assigned to representatives of budget departments if the exam results are excellent. A leave of absence means that students are relieved of their study-related responsibilities. Therefore, this type of compensation is not allowed. Monthly payments are provided only to those who are forced to take a break due to serious illness.

Social scholarships are paid to orphans. When receiving academic leave, transfers of funds are saved.

Is a hostel provided to the student?

If a student has taken an academic leave, the place in the dormitory is not retained. After all, the use of such a scheme implies a serious break from the learning process. There will always be other citizens for whom the place will be more relevant during this period.

Do they charge tuition fees for the commercial department?

There are no tuition fees for vacation periods. Payments previously paid may be returned to the student in full. Or transfer it to the training period after the vacation is over. Specific return conditions are discussed with representatives of the institution.

Will they restore the form and basis of training?

If you want to resume your studies, serious difficulties should not arise. The student writes a statement to the rector’s office about his desire. Then a separate order is issued with information about the citizen.

Payments upon early leave from vacation

The law provides for the possibility of early exit from academic leave when the appropriate opportunity arises.

For ordinary reasons, a statement addressed to the rector will suffice. If there were medical indications, a special commission is passed again. With this scheme, only child care benefits are retained from payments. The right to it is enshrined in Federal Law No. 81 “On state benefits for citizens with children.”

When can a student be denied academic leave?

Management has the right to refuse in such a situation. For example, if the stated reasons are not serious enough. Or when doubts arise about the evidence provided.

What else should you consider?

The right to receive additional benefits is reserved for students who attend the following types of institutions:

  • scientific;
  • higher;
  • professional;
  • additional.

Training must be face-to-face. The only thing that does not matter is whether a budgetary or contractual form of cooperation is used.

Benefit payments are made at the place of study. The source of funding is the local or state budget. The student’s application with the attached doctor’s certificate is the basis for making payments. The transfer of funds is scheduled no later than 10 days from the date of acceptance and consideration of the request from the student.

The stipend and the length of leave are the main factors influencing the amount of payments.

There are additional rules when taking vacations.

  1. Vacation is granted again no earlier than one year after leaving the first vacation.
  2. State employees receive up to 50% of the minimum wage during a break.
  3. Payment of scholarships is an issue decided individually by the management of a particular institution.
  4. Intergovernmental agreements regulate academic leaves for foreign students if they are paid for from the budget of the Russian Federation.

Academic leave is a convenient opportunity for those who really need it. Especially if the pregnancy occurs with some complications. The main thing is to pay attention to health conditions and listen to doctors’ recommendations. It is worth taking a vacation if your health has deteriorated so much that it is impossible to even travel using public transport. For others, academic leave will be a viable option to spend time with the baby immediately after his birth, without being separated from him.

Going on academic leave is an urgent decision if any circumstances do not allow you to fully master the curriculum. The exception is not the state of pregnancy. The student status is maintained. The procedure for obtaining leave is simple. It is enough to write an application to the rector’s office. The right to receive rest is exercised strictly in private. Each case is considered individually; under the same circumstances, one student receives a refusal, and the other receives approval. The percentage of the latter remains high. The opportunity is available to both ordinary students and those undergoing graduate studies.

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