Old age pension: insurance, social, minimum. Right to a pension, pension concept Get an old-age pension

Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation - on the same basis as citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

2. Citizens who simultaneously have the right to various pensions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation are assigned one pension of their choice, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

3. The right to simultaneously receive two pensions is granted:

1) citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma. They may establish a disability pension provided for in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 (using paragraph 3 and paragraph 5) of Article 15

2) participants of the Great Patriotic War. They may establish a disability pension provided for in Article 16 of this Federal Law and an old-age insurance pension;

(see text in the previous edition)

3) parents of military personnel who served in conscription, died (died) during military service or died as a result of a military injury after dismissal from military service (except for cases where the death of military personnel occurred as a result of their unlawful actions). They may establish a survivor's pension provided for in paragraph 4 (using paragraph 5, paragraph 4 (using paragraph 5) of Article 15 of this Federal Law, and a social pension provided for in Article 18, paragraph 4 (using paragraph 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 12 February 1993 N 4468-1 "On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the Russian National Guard Federation, and their families" (hereinafter referred to as the Law of the Russian Federation "On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system , troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families");

(see text in the previous edition)

4) widows of military personnel who died during conscription as a result of military trauma and who did not remarry. They may establish a survivor's pension, provided for in paragraph 4 (using paragraph 5) of Article 15 of this Federal Law, and an old-age (disability) insurance pension, or a survivor's pension, provided for in paragraph 4 (using paragraph 5) of the article 15 of this Federal Law, and the social pension provided for in Article 18 of this Federal Law (with the exception of the social pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner), or the pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner provided for in paragraph 4 (using paragraph 5) of Article 15 of this Federal Law, and a pension for length of service (for disability), provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system , troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families";

(see text in the previous edition)

5) citizens specified in subparagraph 11 of paragraph 1 of Article 10 by paragraph 3 (using paragraph 4) of Article 17 of this Federal Law, and an old-age (disability) insurance pension or survivor's pension provided for in paragraph 3 (using paragraph 4) Article 17 of this Federal Law, and the social pension provided for in Article 18 of this Federal Law (with the exception of the social pension in case of loss of a breadwinner);

(see text in the previous edition)

6) citizens awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.” They may establish a disability pension provided for in Article 16 of this Federal Law and an old-age insurance pension;

(see text in the previous edition)

7) family members of deceased (deceased) citizens from among the cosmonauts provided for in Article 7.1 of this Federal Law. They may establish a survivor's pension provided for in Article 17.1 of this Federal Law, and any other pension established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (with the exception of a survivor's pension or a social survivor's pension).

4. Pensions provided for by this Federal Law are established and paid regardless of the receipt of a funded pension in accordance with Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 424-FZ “On Funded Pension”.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. Federal civil servants have the right to simultaneously receive a long-service pension provided for by this Federal Law and a share of the old-age insurance pension established for the specified long-service pension in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions.”

(see text in the previous edition)

Among the residents of any country, including the Russian Federation, there is a category of people who, for various reasons, are unable to support themselves independently by receiving wages. To support them, the state provides special programs and benefits in the form of one-time or regular transfers. Monthly budget payments represent social pensions.

What are the differences between types of pensions?

The social payment option for persons without a permanent income who need material maintenance is determined by the government agency (PFR), which makes the payment from budget resources.

Who can claim payments

Labor (insurance) payment in the Russian Federation:

  • intended for persons who have reached the legally defined age threshold;
  • is compensation for wages received during employment.

The following persons receive the right to a social pension in the form of regular financial transfers:

  • due to certain circumstances, left without stable sources of income;
  • have not accumulated insurance experience.

Labor compensation for each participant in the insurance system is calculated personally, taking into account the wages he previously received and the total time worked (work experience).

The size of budget amounts and adjustments to their values ​​are established by law and strictly fixed amounts. Resources for state support are allocated from the country's budget, and labor insurance is formed from private payments (transfers from participants in the insurance system).

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  1. Legislative regulation
  2. The categories of those who receive a social pension and who receives a labor pension, as well as the amount to be paid, are established by the laws of the Russian Federation.
  3. The main points regarding the assignment of payments from the state are regulated by the main legislative document - Federal Law 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001.
  4. The administrative regulations for the purpose of assistance are defined in the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (No. 157n, 03/28/2014).

The indexation amount for payments is approved by an annual resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Who can count on government assistance

  • In 2019, a budget pension in the Russian Federation is provided to disabled persons permanently residing in the country:
  • upon reaching a legally defined age (old age);
  • on disability;
  • for those who have lost their breadwinner;
  • children whose both parents are unknown;

as state support for special entities.

Old age pension

  • Old age assistance is intended for persons with Russian citizenship:
  • women over 65 years of age;

men over 70 years of age.

For foreign citizens and those without citizenship, but meeting the specified age restrictions, payments are available if they have resided legally within Russia for at least 15 years.

Old-age benefits are also available to citizens representing some peoples of the Far North, including men over 55 years of age and women over 50 years of age.

To receive assistance, applicants are required to confirm their permanent residence in the North, namely in the historical places of residence of a number of small peoples.

State assistance for disability

  • For disability, a social pension is assigned to the following categories of citizens:
  • disabled minors;
  • persons with any disability group, including those from childhood;
  • WWII participants with disabilities resulting from illegal actions they committed or intentional harm to their own health;

military personnel who have become disabled due to a crime they committed.

Payments to persons who have lost their breadwinner
Benefit for the loss of a breadwinner is paid to minors under 18 years of age.

Payments continue until the age of 23 for children who have lost two or one parent while studying full-time. Relatives who have not reached the age of majority (grandchildren, brothers or sisters), if the latter do not have able-bodied parents (guardians), are also entitled to receive assistance. Important!.

The fact of paid labor activity does not affect the payment of social pension

Requirements for applicants for budget benefits
In the Russian Federation, the circle of persons entitled to a social pension includes those persons who permanently live in the country. For those living in the country temporarily, this type of assistance is not legally defined.

At the same time, the absence or presence of Russian citizenship is not an obstacle to applying for benefits. The state subsidy was introduced for financially vulnerable categories of citizens who do not have the right to financial support under the pension insurance system.

  • Payments to children are awarded:
  • upon the loss of a breadwinner;
  • upon receiving a disability group;

unless both of their parents are identified.

Disability benefits are paid to a minor who was born disabled or acquired a disability before reaching adulthood.

Important! Payment is assigned on a fixed-term or indefinite basis upon confirmation of the condition (disability). At the end of the period for receiving payment, in order to extend it, you must undergo re-examination and submit updated documents.

  • Assistance for the loss of a breadwinner is received by:
  • children left without both or one parent;
children of a deceased single mother.

The children of a citizen declared missing by a court decision are equal in rights to the children of a deceased parent (breadwinner).

By government decree (No. 1049), benefits are assigned to residents of northern regions who lead a traditional lifestyle and economy for the area upon confirmation of belonging to one of the small northern peoples (Chukchi, Eskimos, Lamuts, Itelmens, Aleuts).

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Right to double payment

Some of the citizens who receive a social pension in Russia have the right to count on two amounts, one of which is for disability or for old age (old age)

These include:

  • parents and widows of military personnel who died or were injured during military service;
  • able-bodied family members of persons who have become disabled due to radiation sickness, including due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Amount of budget allowance

The state sets a fixed rate of assistance based on the cost of living without taking into account the labor pension.
Once a year, benefits are adjusted in accordance with the inflation index in the country. The amount of payments in the Russian Federation has increased by 2.9% since 04/01/2018.

Benefits for the current year for those receiving a social pension are approximately:

  • 12432.44 rubles - for disabled minors, disabled people of group I. since childhood;
  • 5180.24 rubles - for disabled people of the IInd group, children of a deceased parent, persons applying for state assistance due to age;
  • 10,360.52 rubles - for children left without both parents, children of a deceased single mother, disabled people of group I. and II gr. from childhood, whose both parents are not identified;
  • 4403.24 rubles - for III gr. disabled people.

From April 1, 2019, these amounts will be indexed by 2%.

Recipients of assistance are entitled to an additional payment from the local social security authority if the amount of the payment is less than the subsistence level accepted for the region of their residence. Additional payment is made through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation if the amount of the benefit is below the subsistence level in the country.

For those residents of the North who are given a social pension, its amount is calculated based on the regional coefficient in the place of residence, but if the recipient of the payments leaves the designated territory, this increase is canceled.

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The social pension, unlike the insurance pension, does not compensate for the earnings lost by a citizen as a result of loss of ability to work, therefore its value is usually lower than the insurance coverage. The payment is made from federal budget funds, and its amount is set by the state.

At what age is the social old-age pension granted? The age indicators are:

  • women - from 60 years old;
  • for men - from 65.

When a person reaches 80 years of age, the benefit increases.

Old-age benefits are also awarded to representatives of rare ethnic peoples of the Far North who permanently reside in the territory of their ancestors, support their culture and engage in folk crafts. They have their own age threshold for assigning payments:

  • for women – 50;
  • for men – 55.

Elderly people living in the Far North and belonging to rare ethnic peoples, receive government assistance ahead of schedule due to difficult climatic conditions in the territory of their residence.

There are also a number of conditions under which these payments can be assigned:

A social pension cannot be assigned for old age if a citizen has work experience, is registered as an individual entrepreneur, or is officially employed.

To all those who were officially employed and paid contributions to the Pension Fund, an insurance pension is assigned.

Nevertheless, a citizen can refuse it in favor of a social one. However, most often this need does not arise, since the amount of this payment is significantly less than the labor payment.

How long does it take for citizens to receive it?

The period for granting old-age benefits differs from the period for establishing insurance coverage. And the period during which payments are made is the same for these types of pensions. Social benefits are established for the entire period of life, like insurance ones.

Old-age benefits may stop being paid in the following cases:

The recipient of the money must immediately notify the Pension Fund of these changes so that the accrual of funds stops.

Social benefits based on length of service

Another type of state support is a long-service pension. It is not social, but payments are also allocated from the federal budget. This benefit is assigned to citizens who have accumulated work experience in certain fields. The period worked provides an opportunity to retire early and receive financial compensation for length of service.

This pension is received by:

  1. Civil servants who have worked for 15 years. Moreover, they must hold the position of a civil servant for at least 12 months without a break.
  2. Medical workers. The length of service for those who live in the city is 30 years, for those who work in rural areas - 25.
  3. Military. The condition for receiving payments for persons serving in the armed forces is to serve in the army of the Russian Federation or the USSR for 20 years. You can also apply for a long-service pension upon reaching 45 years of age.
  4. Teachers and educators. The required minimum period of work is 25 years.
  5. Employees of correctional institutions, internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and drug control also have the right to retire at the age of 45 or after having accumulated 20 years of service.
  6. Pilots and astronauts. Experience for women is 20 years, for men – 25.

State payments for length of service are established depending on the length of work, its nature, region of residence and position held.

How much experience do you need?

How much experience is needed? The peculiarity of the appointment of old-age benefits is that No work experience is required to obtain it. It is provided to those who, for some reason, were unable to work during their lifetime and lost the right to receive an insurance pension.

If the labor pension is formed from employer contributions paid during the entire working period of the person, then the amount of the social monthly old-age benefit is set at a fixed amount.

Will they issue it if there is none?

Will a person receive benefits if he has no work experience? Initially, this type of benefit was introduced with the aim of providing material support to vulnerable categories of citizens who had lost the opportunity to work and receive labor payments.

There can be many reasons why a person has not been able to accumulate work experience throughout his life: illness, caring for a disabled person, incapacity, etc. However, the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision” does not say anything about the reasons why there may be no work experience.

Based on this, a person who has worked unofficially all his life can apply for old-age benefits along with citizens who did not work for good reasons.

A social pension is assigned to everyone who meets the conditions for receiving it, including citizens who have no work experience.

The old-age pension is a monthly social benefit financed by the state budget, which is assigned to unemployed persons without insurance coverage. Unlike insurance benefits, the retirement age for social security is five years later than the generally established retirement age.

Video on the topic

You can learn from the video at what age a social old-age pension is awarded and how much work experience is needed to receive it:

Citizens of the country who have reached the age established by law have the right to receive a state pension. The pension system that is currently in effect assumes that any pension is conditionally divided into two components: insurance and funded.

Each payment has its own characteristics and purpose. Who is eligible to receive funds and what is needed for this, we will look into this article.

What is an old-age insurance pension?

An insurance pension is a monthly material payment, the main purpose of which is to compensate for wages or other monetary income received during the period of working activity.

This also includes compensation for income lost by disabled family members as a result of the death of a worker. To understand what an old-age pension is and who it is paid to, you need to know the reason. But the amount itself is determined once, then it is simply determined by the state.

To do this, you should contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence or registration, where you can find out the further sequence of actions.

Who is entitled to an old-age insurance pension?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, men who have reached the age of 60 and women over 55 have the right to old-age insurance benefits.

Note: came into force at the beginning of 2017. This means that every year the retirement age will increase by 6 months until it reaches 65 years for the stronger sex and 63 years for women.

Right to early insurance pension

For these professions the concept was introduced. The law establishes the following conditions for retirement for such citizens:

  1. Due to dangerous or difficult working conditions, these citizens may stop working after 20 years of experience;
  2. The second important condition is that the employee must have insurance experience at least 8 years. This means that the employer must pay money to the Pension Fund for the worker during this period of time.
    This indicator will increase by 1 year every 12 months, and by 2014 it will be 15 years. Only in this case does the citizen acquire the right to payment;
  3. The last important indicator is number of conditional points.
    Now the minimum indicator is 11.4, but after a gradual increase by 2025 it should not be below 30.

To schedule an early monthly payment, all of the above conditions must be met.

What is a funded pension?

It is calculated according to a slightly different scheme. If the money that is transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from insurance premiums is spent on payments to current pensioners, then the funded part is transferred to the employee’s personal account and does not go anywhere from this account. Thus, money is gradually accumulated and even multiplied by using it in various projects.

In other words, the rights of pensioners include receiving a payment that consists of two components. The state not only gives the right to choose a pension as a percentage, but also protects older people as much as possible from risks and inflation.

Who is entitled to a funded pension?

Let's figure out who has the right to receive the funded part of the pension, and when the opportunity to withdraw the money comes.

According to the law, in order to pay financial resources, the following factors must be present:

  • the presence of savings that are on the personal account of the insured person in one of the organizations that has the right to conduct such operations;
  • availability of the right to insurance payments. Obtaining such a right can occur according to the general rule: at 55 and 60 years old, respectively, for women and men, or earlier for some categories of workers. An employee can retire at the age of 40: depending on the length of service, the right to an old-age pension depends;
  • . Those who by inheritance have the right to such manipulations are allowed to receive money. One of the options is to write a will or indicate a citizen of the Russian Federation in the application as a legal successor.

If all the conditions are met, but they refuse to give the money, then it follows that the pensioner’s right to receive a pension has been violated. In this case, the citizen can safely go to court with a claim.

Note: The legislation provides for pre-trial protection of the rights of citizens to receive a pension.

Categories of citizens who can receive a funded pension

Several categories of persons have the right to receive the funded part of the pension.

For convenience, they were divided into three groups:

  1. workers who were born in 1967 and older and were participants in the compulsory insurance process. They can receive funds if they worked at any time after 2011 or are currently working, have at least 6 years of insurance experience, and have reached the required age;
  2. men born from 1953 to 1966 and women from 1957 to 1966. These workers were separated into a separate group because their accumulation lasted only three years (from 2002 to 2004 inclusive). They can withdraw the funded portion as soon as they reach a certain age. For the second category, insurance experience and other conditions are not provided;
  3. T e, who takes part in. This includes employees who regularly transfer part of their salary taxes to the fund, or young families who have allocated part of their maternity capital towards a future funded pension.

The legal successors of the insured person or his relatives are included in a separate category. They can receive money if the employee dies before reaching the age of assignment of the funded portion of payments, or before it is adjusted.

Moscow pension

The Moscow pension is considered the highest in the country.

This is due to the fact that prices for accommodation and food are also several times higher. The money on which a citizen from the outback can live for a month is unlikely to be enough even for a week of living in the capital. Those who are entitled to a Moscow pension consider themselves simply lucky, because in addition to the basic amount they receive an additional payment. Thus, The amount to be paid is predicted to be a minimum of 11,816 rubles.

Whatever it is, it needs to be clarified. In order to make an additional payment you need to live in the capital for at least 10 years. It is important to know that the total number of years is counted. This means that if you left for a while and then returned, the years are added up.

Is it possible to seize a pension?

Every citizen who has reached the required age has the right to a state pension. But in some cases, it is still not possible to receive money if the bailiffs have begun to seize the pension.

This situation is indeed possible if a citizen has:

  • unpaid loan;
  • alimony debt;
  • or by rent.

If, in accordance with the law, we consider whether a bailiff has the right to seize a pension, it is necessary to clarify that the citizen must own a certain bank account into which money is regularly received. This account, like any other, is a financial instrument of influence. Therefore, it can be completely frozen.

Thus, citizens have the right to a state pension at their own time, determined by law, depending on the insurance period, length of service, working conditions, family circumstances, etc. However, the most important condition for receiving an old-age pension is still considered to be reaching the established age.

The legislation of the Russian Federation has long provided for many state guarantees. Among them, it is worth highlighting the provision of pensions to the elderly population. Moreover, the size of future payments directly depends on the amount of wages received during working age, as well as on how long the length of service is. What to do if a person did not officially work? Is there an old-age pension without work experience?

Main types of pension

To answer the question of what kind of old-age pension is calculated without work experience, it is necessary to consider the main types of such payments. There are currently two types:

  • insurance;
  • social.

In the latter case, citizens are accrued an old-age pension without work experience. A pensioner can only claim social benefits. At the same time, the pension amount is minimal. If a citizen of the country was officially employed, then he is awarded an insurance pension. Its size depends on the length of service. To receive this type of pension in the Russian Federation, you must work for at least 7 years.

What is included in the internship

To figure out what kind of old-age pension will be paid without work experience or an insurance one, it is worth clarifying what exactly is included in the length of service. It includes:

  • the period of job search, provided that the citizen was registered with an institution such as the Employment Service;
  • for women, the maternity period is 1.5 years for each child, but does not exceed 6 years;
  • military conscription for men;
  • care for elderly or incapacitated relatives whose age is at least 80 years;
  • for rehabilitated persons, the time of imprisonment is taken into account.

It is worth noting that it is planned to increase the minimum length of service. To receive an insurance pension, you will need to work for more than 15 years. The Ministry of Labor recommends applying to government agencies on a permanent basis. After all, the insurance pension is higher than the old-age pension without work experience.

In some cases, it is not possible to get a formal job. Finding themselves in such a situation, citizens can count on a social pension. This requires a number of documents.

Retirement age

Citizens who are entitled to an old-age pension can be divided into several categories:

  • women over 60 years of age and men over 65 years of age who have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • those who have reached retirement age but do not have Russian citizenship and have lived in the country for 15 years;
  • women aged 50 years and men over 55 years of age, who are representatives of the indigenous population of the North, living in their historical homeland until retirement age.

When is a social pension assigned?

An old-age pension without work experience was provided for those who, for some reason, were unable to earn work experience for insurance payments. This category includes disabled persons, as well as those who find themselves in difficult life situations. Of course, those who are fully capable but have no work experience can also receive such a pension. Those who have worked for private companies for many years without signing a formal contract can also count on government support. The pension begins to accrue upon reaching a certain age.

What conditions must be met

To receive a minimum old-age pension without work experience, the following conditions must be met:

  • the pensioner must have citizenship of the Russian Federation or reside on its territory for 15 years;
  • To receive an old-age pension without work experience, a citizen’s age must be 60 years for women and 65 for men.

It is worth noting that social benefits are assigned 5 years later than insurance benefits. However, there are exceptions. For example, for those who live in the Far North, where living conditions are harsh, pensions are granted for men from the age of 55, and for women from the age of 50.

Combination with other payments

If, when choosing several pensions, the social pension is more profitable, then the citizen can choose it. In addition, such a pension can be received simultaneously with other survivor benefits. It applies to social pension if:

  • the citizen is the wife or parent of a serviceman who died in combat;
  • the citizen has received the right to such a social pension because he is a member of a family that suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident or during the liquidation of the consequences of this disaster;
  • the citizen is a member of the family of the deceased cosmonaut.

It is worth considering that disability payments stop on the day the old-age payment is assigned. You cannot receive these types of pensions at the same time.

Collection of documents

To assign a social pension, it is recommended to contact the Pension Fund department, which serves each specific area. When the entire package of papers has been collected, you can contact a specialist from this organization. To apply for an old-age pension without work experience in Russia, you need to collect the following list of documents:

  • passport or a document that replaces it;
  • SNILS;
  • a document confirming citizenship or a certificate received from the FSM, which indicates the period of residence of the citizen in Russia;
  • work book, provided that it was issued at all;
  • if necessary, it is worth submitting a certificate or certificate proving that the citizen belongs to the peoples of the Far North.

If you are entitled to a payment related to the loss of a breadwinner, you must also bring papers confirming your right to it. The list of documents depends on your case.

Additional payments and allowances

Now you know how to get an old-age pension without work experience in Moscow and other cities of Russia. It is worth considering that elderly people can receive a municipal supplement. This may require:

  • documents from a medical institution confirming the disability group;
  • documents on family composition.

In addition, those citizens who receive an old-age pension and do not have work experience can receive auxiliary payments. They help not only pay utility bills, but also help the elderly person have a decent standard of living. Some of these additional payments can be received from the Pension Fund, and the rest from the social security institution.

Approximate amounts of social pension

The amount of an old-age pension without work experience depends on many factors. In some cases, the payouts may be modest. For example, in cases where a citizen does not have sufficient work experience, he is assigned a pension in the amount of 3,262 rubles. Some factors are taken into account:

  • Indexation carried out annually. At the beginning of each year, or more precisely, in April, the size of such a pension can be recalculated. This is done to ensure that government assistance does not lag behind inflation, as well as the cost of living. For example, in 2017, the pension was recalculated with a coefficient of 1.03. As a result, the average payment amount became 8.6 thousand rubles.
  • Location. There are regions in Russia where pensions and all kinds of benefits are paid at an increased rate. Of course, if you change your residence, the privilege is lost. An increased pension is provided for those who live beyond the Arctic Circle. When moving to the southern regions, the payment amount is significantly reduced.
  • The old-age pension increases when a citizen turns 80 years old, as well as if there is a dependent.

Features of calculating social pension

Otherwise, a social pension is calculated for those who received disability benefits. The new state assistance cannot be less than what the citizen received before retirement age. Most often, the size of the old-age pension corresponds to the size of the disability payment for the last period of receipt.

Unforeseen situations also happen. It often happens that after recalculation, the social pension turns out to be less than the subsistence minimum. In such cases, a citizen may qualify for benefits designed specifically for non-working elderly people. The social security institution assigns such additional payment. When a pensioner gets a job, the payment of such assistance stops. A citizen must notify specialists from the Pension Fund or social protection of the population about employment.

When can a social pension be denied?

In some cases, a citizen may be denied a social pension. The right to it is lost if:

  • moving outside the Russian Federation for permanent residence;
  • upon receipt of another citizenship;
  • resumption or start of work;
  • if the money remains unclaimed for six months.

The small peoples of the Far North cannot lose their disability status. Even if a citizen starts working in old age, he has every right to receive social government benefits in old age.

If the social pension remains unclaimed for six months, then its payment is temporarily suspended for the same period. A complete cancellation of such state assistance occurs if the pensioner has not applied for the renewal of payments.

Changes in pension calculations

Some changes to the pension calculation process were introduced in 2017, and others are still planned. In general, during this period the following reform should occur:

  • increasing the retirement age and its subsequent leveling to 65 years for both men and women;
  • an increase in the required length of work experience for employees of budgetary organizations, especially for doctors and teachers;
  • the only social insurance tariff, which is determined based on the amount of earnings;
  • exception from the norms of the legislation of a funded pension, so that a citizen can decide for himself whether he needs it or not;
  • reduction of indexation of all payments;
  • elimination of some payments for that category of pensioners who are still working;
  • abolition of early retirement for those who work for enterprises in hazardous conditions.

All these pension reforms are planned to be completed during 2017. Some of them have already been introduced and are in effect.