Cash turnover is his organization. Cash turnover. Change in turnover rate

Cash circulation is organized by the state represented by the Bank of Russia and is based on the following principles:

All organizations, enterprises, institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal form, must keep cash (except for the established limit) in commercial banks;

Banks set limits and terms for cash transfers for serviced enterprises;

Cash circulation is the object of forecast planning;

Businesses can receive cash from commercial banks, individuals and other businesses. Payments of enterprises occur mainly in non-cash form. If payment for goods (services) by an enterprise is provided in cash, then for this purpose it either withdraws cash from its account in a commercial bank, or uses the available cash left to the enterprise within the established limit;

Money circulation is managed centrally, which should ensure stability and elasticity of money circulation;

Cash held in the working cash register of the cash settlement center, if the limit established by the Bank of Russia is exceeded, is transferred to reserve funds and withdrawn from circulation;

The Bank of Russia constantly monitors cash circulation in the regions of the country.

Let's look at the organization of cash flow using the example of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, cash circulation is regulated by the Regulations on the rules for organizing cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the Bank of Russia. The provision is mandatory for implementation by territorial branches of the Bank of Russia, cash settlement centers (RCCs), credit institutions and their branches, including institutions of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as organizations, enterprises and institutions (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) on the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to the Regulations, all enterprises, regardless of their organizational and legal form, store available funds in bank institutions in appropriate accounts on contractual terms.

Cash received at the cash desks of enterprises is subject to delivery to banking institutions for subsequent crediting to the accounts of these enterprises.

Cash is handed over by enterprises directly to the cash desks of bank institutions or through joint cash desks at enterprises, as well as by enterprises of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization (Goskomsvyaz of Russia) for transfer to the appropriate accounts in bank institutions.

Acceptance of cash by banking institutions from serviced enterprises is carried out in the manner established by the Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated February 27, 2010 . N 2405-U). The procedure and terms for depositing cash are established by bank service institutions for each enterprise in agreement with their managers based on the need to accelerate the turnover of money and timely receipt of it at the cash desks during the working days of bank institutions. The deadlines for the delivery of cash by enterprises are expected, as a rule, to be daily.

Cash accepted from individuals for the payment of taxes, insurance and other fees is handed over by the administrations and collectors of these payments directly to banking institutions or by transfer through enterprises of the State Committee for Communications of Russia.

Cash limits kept in the cash registers of enterprises on a daily basis are established by the banks servicing them in agreement with the heads of these enterprises. At the same time, the specifics of the enterprise’s activities are taken into account. The cash limit, as directed by the bank, can ensure the normal operation of the enterprise from the morning of the next day, the limit can be determined within the limits of the average daily cash revenue, etc. Banks issue cash to enterprises, as a rule, at the expense of current cash receipts at the cash desks of credit institutions.

Cash in credit institutions serviced by cash settlement centers (CCS) is regulated in the same way.

To ensure the timely issuance of cash by credit institutions from the accounts of enterprises, as well as from the deposit accounts of citizens, territorial branches of the Bank of Russia or on their instructions, the RCCs establish for each credit institution and its branches the amount of the minimum allowable cash balance in the operating cash desk at the end of the day.

The establishment of limits on the working cash registers of cash settlement centers and their reinforcement are carried out in accordance with the Instructions for issuing and cash work in institutions of the Bank of Russia, as amended. Instructions of the Bank of Russia dated February 27, 2010 N 2405-U.

Let's consider the scheme of cash turnover in the Russian Federation (Fig. 2.1).

Scheme of cash flow in Russia


│ Bank of Russia, territorial departments of the Bank of Russia │

│ System of cash settlement centers of the Bank of Russia │



┌>│ System of credit organizations ├─┐

│ /│\ \│/ │

│ │ Organizations, enterprises, institutions of all organizational and legal │ │

│ │ forms │ │

│ └───┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬───┘ │

│ /│\ \│/ │

│ ┌───┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───┐ │

└─┤ Population │Russia.

Banking operations for settlements can also be carried out through correspondent accounts of banks opened with each other on the basis of interbank agreements.

The system of non-cash interbank settlements is regulated by the Bank of Russia. One of the main legislative acts is the Regulation on the organization of interbank settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation No. 14, approved and supplemented. According to the Regulations on the territory of Russia, non-cash payments between banks and other credit institutions are carried out by cash settlement centers (RCCs) of the Bank of Russia. For settlements, each bank institution opens a correspondent account at the RCC. Banks must ensure timely receipt of funds in their correspondent account in the amounts necessary to make payments.

The prerogative of the Bank of Russia is regulation and mediation in payments between banks and other credit institutions, which allows it to control and regulate money circulation in the country.

Under money circulation refers to the process of continuous movement of money in cash and non-cash forms, serving the processes of circulation of goods, services, and capital movements.

It is necessary to distinguish between concepts "money turnover" And "payment turnover". Payment turnover is understood as a set of payments made by counterparties of market relations in the business process. Since not all payments are made directly in financial form, the concept of payment turnover is much broader than the concept of cash turnover. It includes calculations using various surrogates for money.

The diagram of money circulation within the economic system is shown in the figure. Ovals indicate banking institutions and specialized financial institutions, rectangles indicate non-bank participants in monetary transactions. The arrows show and number the cash flows operating in the economic system accordingly. Let's look at these flows in more detail.

The first group of cash flows, marked with arrow 1, arises in the relationship between the central (national) bank and commercial banks. The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is the issuing center of the country, therefore, it supplies commercial banks and specialized financial and credit institutions with cash. In case of excess cash supply at a particular commercial bank, it is obliged to hand over the excess money to the corresponding territorial institution of the National Bank - a cash settlement center, which gives rise to a counter cash flow. In addition, during the collection of money from institutions of the second level of the banking system, dilapidated and unusable banknotes are handed over.

Rice. Scheme of money circulation within the economic system

Thus, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is the organizer of the settlement system in the economic system, i.e. carries out settlements between commercial banks and specialized financial and credit institutions.

Cash flows marked with the number 2 characterize payment and settlement transactions carried out between the banking and non-banking sectors of the national economy. All business entities officially registered on the territory of the Republic of Belarus have accounts in banking institutions of the country for making payments, both among themselves and with individuals. Individuals can open a special deposit account with a bank, through which non-cash payments can be made. The debit and credit of funds to the above accounts determines the non-cash part of the cash turnover at this level.

Cash transactions at this level are possible by withdrawing and crediting cash to the above accounts by individuals and legal entities. Legal entities can withdraw cash from their accounts for settlements with individuals (employees, payment of other contracts with individuals, payment of dividends to private shareholders, etc.), and can also make limited payments among themselves (cash flow 4 ). The population can carry out any settlement and payment transactions not related to business activities in cash. The procedure for making payments for business transactions (i.e., transactions aimed at generating additional income) is discussed separately.

Cash can be credited to the accounts of legal entities in the form of revenue from the sale of products and the provision of services. National legislation allows cash payments not only in retail trade, but also in a number of other transactions (for example, payments for agricultural products).

The part of the cash flow serviced by cash flows 3 involves mainly cash transactions, since these are transactions with individuals. This includes operations for direct cash payments by employers, as well as all retail and a significant part of small wholesale trade.

Cash flows 4 and 5 show internal cash flows, carried out, as a rule, in cash. These are settlements between legal entities among themselves in small amounts and between individuals (markets, private practice, etc.).

Cash flows 6 assume internal operations of the banking system. These transactions are possible both in cash and non-cash form. Non-cash transactions at this level are carried out in two main directions:

  • interbank settlements without the participation of the National Bank (clearing houses and unions, direct correspondent relations)
  • interbank lending (lending by one commercial bank to another). These operations are regulated by the National Bank, as well as internal agreements of transaction participants

Money circulation is divided into two areas:

  • cash
  • non-cash

Cash turnover is a continuous process of movement of cash, which is represented by banknotes, or bank notes, treasury notes, metal change coins. The circulation of cash serves the receipt and expenditure of cash income of the population, part of the payments of enterprises and organizations.

Cash circulation is organized by the state represented by the central bank through a system of cash settlement centers, where there are reserve funds of banknotes and coins, as well as circulating cash desks for accepting and issuing cash. Cash settlement centers service the settlement activities of banks, collect money and carry out operations related to cash flow. The organization and management of cash circulation is carried out in a centralized manner, which should ensure the stability and elasticity of monetary circulation.

All legal entities store their available funds in bank institutions in appropriate accounts on contractual terms.

In the Republic of Belarus, due to the enormous expansion of cash circulation, this turnover for legal entities is legally limited. There is a cash limit for business entities.

Non-cash money turnover reflects the movement of value without the participation of cash through the transfer of funds to the accounts of credit institutions, as well as offsetting mutual claims.

Non-cash turnover involves the participation of intermediaries in the monetary transaction represented by specialized credit organizations. The emergence of such intermediaries means that cash flows begin to be managed by specific institutions created for the accumulation and redistribution of funds. Non-cash turnover is also possible directly between counterparties during counter exchange of goods, when there is an offset of mutual claims and obligations. In this case, only that part of the non-cash turnover that is not regulated by offset occurs through intermediaries.

Participants in non-cash transactions open accounts in banks and other credit institutions. The movement of non-cash money is carried out on behalf of the client of the relevant credit institution, executed by the corresponding unified payment document.

Non-cash transactions are carried out in various forms established by the central bank. It also determines the forms of payment documents and the procedure for their execution. The choice of payment form depends on the specific terms of transactions and operations and is fixed in agreements between counterparties.

Non-cash turnover can be classified depending on the nature of the transactions carried out by counterparties. Non-cash turnover servicing commercial transactions is carried out in parallel with the turnover of material assets. Non-cash turnover servicing financial transactions can be divided into two parts. One of them is related to the fulfillment of the obligations of enterprises and citizens to the state to pay taxes and fees. The other part services financial transactions carried out by market participants with various monetary instruments through specialized financial and credit institutions. Such transactions are speculative and virtual in nature. Virtuality means the possibility of concluding a transaction in the absence of the asset itself and its acquisition after the occurrence of certain events provided for by the terms of the contract, as well as a transaction with the delivery of an asset in the future (forward transactions).

The volume of non-cash money turnover depends on the size, level of prices and taxes, the structure of production, the cost of tangible and intangible assets, assets and factors of production traded on the market, interest rates on loans and deposits, the speed of payments and settlements, the state of the banking payment system, the scale of export -import operations, etc.

The circulation of securities is also carried out in the form of non-cash turnover. It has significant specifics, since securities are a less liquid asset compared to money. The most common securities are quasi (bills) and equity securities. These securities are issued in a certain volume, at a single denomination, uniform rules and conditions and require registration of the rights of the holders.

Cash and non-cash turnover are closely interconnected. Cash turnover easily turns into non-cash, for example, when collecting cash proceeds received by an enterprise, or when individuals open a bank account, etc. The unity of cash and non-cash turnover is also manifested in the fact that they form the money supply, which is the object of monetary targeting.

Cash and non-cash money turnover reflect the general state of the economy and are at the same time subject to active influence from all participants in monetary relations. The normal state of cash and non-cash turnover means that the economy is developing successfully, there is economic growth and sustainable development of households. And, conversely, the crisis state of the economy leads to a decline in production, a reduction in investment, an increase in unemployment, while money loses stability, depreciates, there is a rise in prices, an imbalance between supply, and inflation.

Cash turnover - it is a collection of payments over a period of time that reflects the movement of cash both as a medium of exchange and as a means of payment.

Scope of use of cash is mainly related to the income and expenses of the population and includes:

  • settlements between the population and retail and public catering enterprises;
  • and payment of other cash income;
  • depositing money by the population and receiving money from the bank;
  • payment of pensions, benefits, scholarships, insurance compensation;
  • issuance of consumer loans by credit institutions;
  • payment for securities and payment of income on them;
  • utility bills, payment of taxes to the budget by the population.

Thus, cash is used for the circulation of goods and services, for payments not directly related to the movement of goods and services. Cash circulation is carried out using various types of money: metal coins, other credit instruments (bank bills, credit cards). Cash issuance is carried out, as a rule, by central banks and, in some countries, by the treasury. As a general rule, cash flow between enterprises and organizations is insignificant.

In countries with developed market economies, the share of cash payments in the entire payment turnover is 3-8%. This is achieved by transferring salaries to bank accounts. In the USA, less than 1% of the population receives wages in cash, in England - up to 10%, in Canada - 5%. All payments by the population for goods and services are carried out through checks and various payment cards.

Currently, the scope of cash turnover in Russia is unreasonably wide. If at the beginning of market reforms it reached 1/4, now it exceeds 40%.

Basic reasons for the expansion of cash turnover:

  • economic crisis;
  • cash crisis;
  • non-payment crisis;
  • slowdown in settlements;
  • an insufficiently organized system of interbank settlements;
  • deliberate reduction of profits in order to avoid taxes and expand cash payments outside banks.

A sharp expansion of cash circulation leads to an increase in distribution costs, the replacement of old banknotes with new ones, the emergence of “black cash”, and a shortage of tax payments. The results are deficits, financial instability. If money circulation passed through bank accounts, then the central bank would have more opportunities to take it into account, regulate it and have complete information about the state of the economy. This would make it possible not to expand emissions. Unaccounted cash turnover is most often converted into foreign currency, and this requires the state to expand the process of issuing cash for payments from the budget.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates in detail the rules for using cash in the country. At the same time, different procedures for settlements with the participation of the population have been established, depending on the connection between cash payments and business activities. These payments are made by bank transfer. Persons not engaged in entrepreneurial activities make payments both in cash and non-cash. In accordance with the current procedure for organizing cash circulation, limits for the balance of cash in their cash registers are established for each enterprise, and all money exceeding the limit must be deposited with the bank servicing this enterprise. If there are several accounts in different banks, the enterprise, at its discretion, applies to one of them with the expectation of establishing a limit on the cash balance in the cash register. When checking a given enterprise, banks are guided by this limit. For an enterprise that has not submitted a settlement to the bank, the cash balance limit is considered zero, and undelivered cash is considered above the limit.

The issuance of cash to enterprises from the bank is carried out at the expense of current receipts at the bank's cash desks. To ensure the timeliness of cash payments, the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation establishes for each bank the amount of the minimum allowable cash balance in the operating cash desk at the end of the day.

Before the transition to market relations, cash turnover was planned and regulated on the basis of the balance of cash income and expenses of the population and on the basis of the State Bank's cash plan. With the help of these plans, the problem of balancing the money and commodity supply, the issue of the size of emissions, and the withdrawal of money from circulation were solved. The issue was of a directive nature. With the transition to market relations, emission plans ceased to be prescriptive. Forecasting the balance of cash income and expenses helps the Central Bank of the Russian Federation more fully take into account the demand of the population and predict the structure of consumer demand. If the income of the population exceeds expenses in the balance sheet, this means that the money supply in the hands of the population is increasing. In this case, cash issuance is required for customer service.

The main items of income of the population in this balance are: wages, pensions, benefits, scholarships, income from property and business activities. Today, the relationship between wages and property income has changed. Wages account for less than 50% of the population's income.

Expenses of the population - purchase of goods and services (2/3), obligatory payments and deposits (10%), purchase of currency (20%). The increase in the population's money has sharply decreased, as have savings in securities and deposits. Since 1991, cash turnover forecasts have been compiled in Russia, which are based on reliability and reality in determining changes in the cash supply in circulation. They are needed to determine the need for cash in Russia as a whole, by region and by bank. Forecasts of cash turnover reflect the volume and sources of cash inflows to banks, the size and direction of their issuance and, ultimately, the issue or withdrawal of money. Calculations are prepared by banks quarterly, distributed by month, and sent to the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation two weeks before the start of the quarter. Three days before the start of the quarter, the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reports estimated data on turnover in the region as a whole for the receipt and disbursement of cash to banks.

The revenue side of cash turnover calculations reflects: trade revenue, revenue from transport enterprises, revenue from consumer services and entertainment enterprises, rent and utility bills, receipts to the accounts of agricultural enterprises, revenue from the sale of currency, revenue from communications enterprises, income from the sale of securities. The expenditure side reflects: wages, pensions, benefits, the issuance of funds for the purchase of agricultural products, and business expenses.

Currently, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is moving to market forecasting methods related to establishing the volume of refinancing, changing interest rates, using required reserve norms, and using monetary aggregate calculations. Open market operations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are increasingly becoming the main method of regulation. In this case, a comprehensive system for regulating cash flow is used.

The issue of money involves ensuring the money supply from the following sources:

  • commercial bank lending:
  • state lending:
  • increase in gold and foreign exchange reserves.

In the first case, the issue is secured by bills and others, in the second - by government bonds and obligations, in the third - it does not require collateral, since gold and currency are collateral.

The assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation serve as support for the issue of banknotes, while the Bank of Russia determines the procedure for conducting cash transactions, establishes rules for the transportation, storage, and collection of money, forms a mechanism for creating reserve funds of banknotes and coins, and determines the procedure for replacing and destroying damaged money. The functions of cash regulation of the money supply are assigned to the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which are organized at the main territorial departments of the Bank of Russia, where reserve funds of banknotes and coins are created. They are necessary to ensure emission, regulate the banknote structure of the money supply, replace damaged banknotes and save transportation costs.

In addition, the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has created circulating cash desks that accept and issue money during the operating day. The balance of money in the cash register is limited, the surplus is transferred to the reserve fund. Cash services for commercial banks are provided on a contractual basis. The issuance of money, the acceptance of excess money, and cash services are carried out with the reflection of all transactions on correspondent accounts of banks and other legal entities.

Issue of cash is the release of money into circulation, which increases the amount of cash in circulation. The size of emissions in a command economy was strictly regulated by the state; in a market economy, there is a method for forecasting emissions. Issue operations (operations for the release and withdrawal of money from circulation) are carried out by:

  • the central bank (bank of issue), which enjoys the monopoly right to issue bank notes (banknotes), which make up the vast majority of cash circulation;
  • the treasury (state executive body), which issues small-denominated banknotes (treasury notes and coins made from cheap types of metal, which in developed countries account for about 10% of the total issue of cash).

The state is taking measures to regulate the production process, using the credit and monetary systems to weaken possible cyclical fluctuations in economic processes. In many countries, under the influence of increasing inflation, such a method of stabilizing the economy was used as targeting— establishing targets for regulating the growth of money supply in circulation and credit, which were to guide central banks. Since monetary circulation is influenced by various economic factors, and not only depends on the increase in the amount of money supply, many countries have now abandoned targeting monetary aggregates. In essence, targeting is the establishment of direct restrictions on changes in the volume of money supply. An important point that influences the effectiveness of regulating the dynamics of the money supply using targets is the order in which the latter are established: in the form of control figures (France), deposits (USA), forecasts (Japan).

Organization of cash flow

Let's look at the organization of cash flow using the example of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, cash circulation is regulated by the “Regulations on the rules for organizing cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Bank of Russia - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBRF). The provision is mandatory for implementation by territorial institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, cash settlement centers (RCCs), credit institutions and their branches, including institutions of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as organizations, enterprises and institutions (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) on the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to the regulation, all enterprises, regardless of their organizational and legal form, store available funds in bank institutions in appropriate accounts on contractual terms.

Cash received at the cash desks of enterprises is subject to delivery to banking institutions for subsequent crediting to the accounts of these enterprises.

Cash will be handed over by enterprises directly to the cash desks of bank institutions or through joint cash desks at enterprises, as well as by enterprises of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization (Goskomsvyaz of Russia) for transfer to the appropriate accounts at bank institutions.

Acceptance of cash by banking institutions from serviced enterprises is carried out in the manner established by the “Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation” (as amended by the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated February 27 2010 No. 2405-U). The procedure and terms for depositing cash are established by bank service institutions for each enterprise in agreement with their managers based on the need to accelerate the turnover of money and timely receipt of it at the cash desks during the working days of bank institutions. The deadlines for the delivery of cash by enterprises are expected, as a rule, to be daily.

Cash accepted from individuals for the payment of taxes, insurance and other fees is handed over by the administrations and collectors of these payments directly to banking institutions or by transfer through enterprises of the State Committee for Communications of Russia.

Cash limits kept in the cash registers of enterprises on a daily basis are established by the banks servicing them in agreement with the heads of these enterprises. At the same time, the specifics of the enterprise’s activities are taken into account. The cash limit, as directed by the bank, can ensure the normal operation of the enterprise from the morning of the next day, the limit can be determined within the limits of the average daily cash revenue, etc. Banks issue cash to enterprises, as a rule, at the expense of current cash receipts at the cash desks of credit institutions.

Cash in credit institutions serviced by cash settlement centers (CCS) is regulated in the same way.

To ensure the timely issuance of cash by credit institutions from the accounts of enterprises, as well as from accounts on deposits of citizens, territorial branches of the Bank of Russia or on their instructions, the RCCs establish for each credit institution and their branches the amount of the minimum allowable cash balance in the operating cash desk at the end of the day.

The establishment of limits on the working cash registers of cash settlement centers and their reinforcement are carried out in accordance with the “Instructions for issuing and cash work in institutions of the Bank of Russia” as amended. instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2010 No. 2405-U.

Let's consider the scheme of cash turnover in the Russian Federation (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Scheme of cash flow in Russia

The main links of cash circulation

The initial impulse that triggers the cash flow mechanism is the corresponding directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to cash settlement centers. According to it, cash is transferred from their reserve funds to the working cash registers of the RCC. And thus they go into circulation. From the working cash desks of the RCC, cash is sent to the operating cash desks of credit institutions (commercial banks). Some of this money serves interbank settlements, some is sent as loans to other banks, but most of the cash is issued to legal entities and individuals serviced by this commercial bank.

Part of the cash in the cash registers of organizations, enterprises, institutions is used for settlements between them, but the majority is transferred to the population in the form of cash income (salaries, pensions, benefits, etc.).

The population uses cash for mutual settlements, but most of it is spent on paying taxes, rent and utility bills, purchasing goods and paying for services, paying insurance, rent payments, etc.

Accordingly, money from the population goes either to the cash desks of trade enterprises, the State Committee for Communications of Russia, as well as enterprises providing services to the population, or directly to the operating cash desks of commercial banks.

Forecasting and assessing the state of cash flow

To determine the volume, sources of cash receipts at the cash desks of banking institutions and the directions of their issuance, as well as their release or withdrawal from circulation in regions, territories, republics and the Russian Federation as a whole, a forecast of cash turnover for each quarter is compiled.

To determine the need for cash, forecast calculations are made of the expected receipts in their cash registers and cash disbursements based on the time series of the “Report on Cash Turnovers of Bank of Russia Institutions and Credit Institutions” or on the basis of cash requests from serviced enterprises.

Calculations of expected cash receipts at the cash desks of credit institutions (commercial banks) and their disbursements are compiled quarterly, distributed by month. The results of cash receipts and expenses are reported to the RCC, in which the correspondent account of the credit institution is opened, 14 days before the start of the forecast quarter.

Cash settlement centers make forecasts of cash turnover in terms of receipts, expenses and emission results in general for the credit institutions they serve based on an analysis of cash turnover passing through their cash desks and corresponding messages from credit institutions. Calculations are carried out quarterly with distribution by month and 7 days before the new quarter are reported to the territorial branch of the Bank of Russia. This is necessary for predictive calculations of the size and, if necessary, the issue of money in order to reinforce the working cash registers of the RCC.

To determine expected changes in the cash supply in circulation and the needs of enterprises for cash, territorial branches of the Bank of Russia draw up forecasts of cash turnover for the region, territory, and republic according to the sources of cash receipts at the cash desks of bank institutions and the directions of their issuance for the coming quarter. This work is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the prospects for the socio-economic development of the region, reporting data on cash turnover for previous periods, as well as information received from the RCC and banks on the projected cash turnover and emission result.

The territorial branches of the Bank of Russia take into account the predicted results of the issue of money when developing measures to organize cash circulation in the region, as well as when drawing up plans for the delivery of cash to the reserve funds of cash settlement centers.

Regional branches of the Bank of Russia analyze the state of cash circulation in the regions on a quarterly basis.

The objects of analysis are: emerging trends in cash turnover and its structure; sources of cash receipts at the cash desks of bank institutions and directions for their withdrawal from the cash desks of bank institutions; speed of cash return to the cash desks of bank institutions; ongoing changes and trends in the economy; changes in the consumer price index; the state and development of non-cash payments between legal entities and individuals; the level of collection of cash proceeds (especially trade) generated in the consumer market. The territorial distribution of the issue of money in circulation, the reasons for the increase in the issue (reduction in withdrawal) of cash are studied; unused opportunities for bank institutions to mobilize internal cash resources to meet the cash needs of enterprises; results of banking control over enterprises’ compliance with the procedure for conducting cash transactions and working with cash; ongoing changes in the directions of use of cash income of the population and the sources of their formation; the state of spending by legal entities on wages and social payments; reasons for the formation of overdue debts for the payment of funds for wages and pensions.

Cash circulation is organized by the state represented by the Central Bank. The basic requirements for organizing cash circulation are set out in the “Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation” adopted by the Central Bank (approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
04/24/2008 No. 318-P).
Cash circulation is organized on the basis of the following principles:
all enterprises and organizations must keep cash (except for the part established by the limit) in commercial banks;
banks set cash balance limits for enterprises of all forms of ownership;
cash circulation serves as the object of forecast planning; monetary management is carried out centrally;
the organization of cash circulation is aimed at ensuring the stability, elasticity and economy of money circulation;
Enterprises can receive cash only from the banks that serve them.
It is established that the procedure for settling claims for identified shortages, surpluses, non-payment and counterfeit banknotes is determined by an agreement concluded between the credit institution and the client.
To provide cash services to individuals and legal entities, as well as to carry out transactions with cash and other valuables, credit organizations create equipped and technically fortified premises in buildings owned or leased by them. The need to create premises for performing transactions with valuables is determined by the head of the credit institution based on the transactions performed with valuables.
To ensure the timely issuance of cash from the bank accounts of organizations, enterprises, institutions, regardless of the organizational and legal form, and individuals carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, as well as from citizen deposit accounts with credit institutions, the amount of the minimum allowable cash balance is established in the operating cash desk at the end of the day. The actual balance of money in the cash register should not be lower than the established one.
The minimum cash balance in the operating cash desk is established by the credit institution in agreement with the Bank of Russia, based on the volume of cash turnover passing through the cash desk, the schedule for receipt of cash from clients, the procedure for its processing and other features of the organization of cash circulation and cash operations. If necessary, the minimum allowable cash balance in the operating cash desk at the end of the day may be revised by the credit institution in accordance with the established procedure.
When performing cash transactions, credit institutions in the prescribed manner may use software and hardware equipment, machines for receiving and issuing cash to customers, including using a personal computer installed at the cashier’s workplace, terminals operating in automatic mode and intended for receiving cash from clients and its storage, ATMs and other software and hardware systems.
A credit organization can insure the cash of the operating cash desk, located in the storage facilities of the credit organization itself and its internal structural divisions, software and hardware systems, as well as the life of cash workers who carry out transactions with cash (valuables).
If the cash of a credit organization is insured for an amount not less than the amount of the minimum allowable balance of cash in the operating cash desk established by it, the requirements for the technical strengthening of premises for transactions with valuables and software and hardware systems are determined by the credit organization in agreement with the organization providing insurance. activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and which has concluded an insurance agreement with the credit organization.
A credit organization carries out collection and delivery of its own cash and valuables, as well as cash and valuables belonging to clients, independently or on contractual terms through other organizations that carry out collection operations and are part of the banking system of the Russian Federation.
The issuance of banknotes of the Bank of Russia from the cash desks of a credit organization is carried out in the packaging of enterprises that produce banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, institutions of the Bank of Russia or credit organizations. Cash foreign currency is issued from the cash desks of a credit organization in the packaging of the issuing bank or credit organization.
For comprehensive cash services for individuals and legal entities and the processing of cash, a credit institution creates a cash department consisting of receipts, expenses, receipts and expenses, evening cash desks, recounting cash desks and others. The feasibility of creating certain cash desks, their number and the number of cash workers, as well as the need to install ATMs, electronic cashiers, and automatic safes are determined by the head of the credit institution.
The head of a credit institution ensures the safety of funds and valuables, organizes cash services for customers, controls the posting of cash received at the credit institution's cash desks, and bears responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Direct cash transactions are carried out by cash and collection workers. The operations performed by these employees are determined by the functional responsibilities assigned to them by the administrative document of the credit institution.
Cash transactions when servicing legal entities and individuals can be carried out by a cashier with the assignment of the duties of an accountant. In this case, software and hardware equipment and corresponding software must be used, in which a control system is installed that excludes the cashier's access to transactions on the client's bank account without his order. The specified employee, in the prescribed manner, checks cash documents received from clients, draws them up, reflects the amount of money in the cash register, accepts or issues cash, reflects the amount of money accepted or issued in the client’s bank account.
Cashiers are prohibited from:
entrust the execution of assigned work with valuables to other persons, as well as perform work not included in the scope of their duties established by these Regulations and enshrined in the administrative document of the credit institution;
carry out instructions from clients to carry out cash transactions on their accounts, bypassing accounting employees, in the absence of the above control system;
store your money and other valuables together with the money and valuables of the credit institution.
Self-test questions
What regulatory documents regulate the organization of cash circulation in the Russian Federation?
What is cash flow?
What role do the working cash desks of cash settlement centers play in cash flow?
On what principles is cash flow organized?
Which organization determines what minimum cash balance should be in the operating cash register?

Finance: lecture notes Kotelnikova Ekaterina

1. Cash turnover, principles of its organization and structure

Cash turnover is a system of monetary settlements regarding the sale of goods by enterprises to each other and the population. Cash turnover is the amount of payments made in a country over a certain period. Money turnover is a process of continuous movement of banknotes in cash and non-cash form.

In general, cash flow is divided into two parts:

1) cash flow that arises during settlements between enterprises in the process of selling products, i.e. these are payments for commodity transactions;

2) cash flow, payments of which arose for non-commodity transactions (salary payments, dividend payments, tax deductions, etc.).

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “money turnover” and “payment turnover”.

If money turnover includes only payments made in cash and non-cash money, then payment turnover also includes payments by other means: checks, bills, etc. Thus, money turnover is an integral part of payment turnover.

Cash turnover

All enterprises and organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal form, are required to keep available funds in accounts with commercial banks.

Cash received at the company's cash desks during the day must be deposited daily with the bank that serves them. At its own cash desks, an enterprise has the right to leave cash only within the limit established by the bank servicing it. When determining this limit, the specifics of the enterprise’s activities are taken into account, since it must ensure normal operation of the enterprise from the morning of the next day.

The limit is set annually, but its size can be revised during the year at the request of the enterprise.

Exceeding the cash limit is allowed only within 3 working days when issuing wages and other social benefits at the enterprise.

The funds necessary for the operation of the enterprise are requested from the servicing bank; however, the commercial bank itself also does not keep all the cash received from the client.

Banks hand over the bulk of their cash to the RCC, a division of the Central Bank.

Banks typically provide businesses with the cash they request, usually from the daily cash flows in their tills. But if there is not enough current cash to satisfy the current request of the enterprise, the bank requests cash from the RCC.

But the latter also store cash in their operating cash desks in a limited amount. They receive the bulk of cash from commercial banks, which transfer it from operating cash desks to the reserve funds of the RCC, i.e., temporarily withdraw it from circulation.

If the cash available in the operating cash desk of the RCC to satisfy the requests of the commercial bank is not enough, then the RCC applies to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for permission to transfer part of the cash from the reserve fund to the operating cash desk.

Non-cash money turnover

Non-cash payments are settlements without the participation of cash, carried out by debiting funds from the payer’s account and crediting them to the recipient’s account. To do this, it is necessary that settlement and current accounts of payers and recipients be opened in the bank.

A current account is opened for legal entities engaged in commercial activities and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - PBOYUL.

The owner of the current account has complete economic independence in spending the funds in his account. A current account allows you to perform almost any transaction: all the owner’s cash receipts are credited to it, and funds are debited from it at the owner’s request.

Current accounts are opened for separate divisions by legal entities (branches, representative offices). It is assumed that they are not financially independent, i.e. the owner of the current account can dispose of the funds on it only in accordance with the estimate approved by a higher organization.

To open a current and current account, the client must provide the bank with the following documents:

1) application;

2) documents on state registration of the enterprise;

3) a copy of the constituent agreement on the establishment of the enterprise;

4) a copy of the company’s charter;

5) two cards with sample signatures and a seal imprint, certified by a notary;

6) a certificate from the tax office confirming registration.

The bank does not have the right to refuse to open accounts for a client if the transactions that will be performed on it are provided for by law.

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17. The system of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the principles of its organization Structure is the form of internal organization (structure) of the elements of any body. The structure of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a single centralized system of divisions of the main bank of the country with a vertical management structure, consisting of

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1. Money turnover, principles of its organization and structure Money turnover is a system of monetary settlements regarding the sale of goods by enterprises to each other and the population. Cash turnover is the amount of payments made in a country over a certain period.

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