Motorcycle purchase and sale agreement. Successful transaction: correct sample motorcycle purchase and sale agreement and rules for filling it out A simple motorcycle purchase and sale agreement

A motorcycle purchase and sale agreement, although not drawn up as often as its counterpart in relation to a car, is also quite in demand. Let's see what rules are used to compile it and whether the forms that can be found in abundance on the Internet can be useful in compiling it.

What is the difference between buying and selling a car and a motorcycle?

Strictly speaking, the only significant difference will probably be the price (and even then a new sports motorcycle will cost the buyer more than a heavily worn-out car). In all other respects, these contracts are similar: vehicles have numbers that must be mentioned in the text of the contract, the contracts themselves are subject to registration with the traffic police, etc.

What exactly should be contained in a contract for the sale and purchase of a motor vehicle?

According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the purchase and sale agreement for a motor vehicle, which includes a motorcycle, must contain the following information:

  • date and place of drawing up the contract;
  • name of the agreement (it must be indicated that this is a purchase and sale agreement);
  • full name and address of the seller and buyer;
  • for legal entities - full name, legal form and details (TIN, OGRN, etc.);
  • complete information about the motor vehicle: manufacturer's brand, model, type;
  • year of issue;
  • VIN number, if assigned;
  • numbers of all units on which they are located (engine, frame, etc.);
  • color;
  • Details of the PTS or other document for the motorcycle: number, series, date of issue, who issued it.

In addition, taking into account the requirements of civil law, the price of the motorcycle must be indicated in the contract. Therefore, if you decide to use an agreement form found on the Internet, be sure to make sure that there are appropriate lines to fill out.

Don't know your rights?

How to draw up a contract for a motorcycle?

Download the contract form

As we have already said, it is quite possible to use a ready-made form, which can be found on almost any legal website (especially since the request “motorcycle purchase and sale agreement form” is very common in any search engine). If it meets all the above requirements, it will be enough to enter the necessary data - and you will have a ready-made contract in your hands.

If you don’t trust the forms, then you can draw up the contract yourself. It is generally accepted that such a document has the following structure:

  1. Preamble. The name of the agreement, the date and place of its preparation, an indication of the parties - their full name and a short name, which will be used further in the text of the agreement.
  2. Description of the essence of the transaction: that the seller transfers the motorcycle (this is where the most complete description of the object should be, taking into account the information that must be in the contract), and the buyer pays money.
  3. Contract price and payment procedure. Payment can be made in any way agreed upon by the parties: with full or partial prepayment, payment after transfer, etc.; You can pay in cash, or you can transfer money to the seller’s account. In the latter case, it would be better to attach copies of payment documents from the bank to the contract when registering with the traffic police.
  4. Conditions for transferring the motorcycle (after making a deposit, full payment, etc.). If possible, it is better to draw up a transfer and acceptance act as a separate part of the contract and record in it the condition of the motorcycle at the time of transfer. This will save you from further disputes about the quality of the motorcycle. In addition, in this paragraph you can (and should!) indicate exactly what items are transferred along with the motorcycle (keys, repair kit, etc.).
  5. Responsibility of the parties under the contract. This clause may not be introduced, but then the party that violated the terms of the transaction will only be liable for directly caused damage (which will still need to be proven in court), and a penalty for late payment will be possible only in the amount of the discount rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  6. Final provisions. They usually indicate the number of copies of the agreement (there must be at least 3 - for the seller, the buyer and for the registration authority of the traffic police), the validity period of the agreement, etc.

Motorcycle purchase and sale agreement form

The contract itself is drawn up in simple written form. It is not required to have it certified by a notary, however, if the parties so desire, the law allows for a notarial form.

In the event that the purchase and sale takes place through an intermediary or representative of a party, the authority must be properly certified - and this is where the notarial form will be required. The exception is when you purchase a motorcycle from a representative of a trade organization who personally signs the contract: an internal power of attorney from the organization, certified by the seal and signature of the manager, will be sufficient for him.

What additional documents will be required when buying or selling a motorcycle?

Since a motorcycle is a vehicle, in addition to drawing up a purchase and sale agreement, the parties will also need to make changes to the title, indicating the new owner there. The previous owner must leave his signature there. If the motorcycle has been resold frequently, the PTS form may run out of free space - then you will have to additionally fill out a new PTS sheet with the traffic police.

In addition, according to current legislation, a motorcycle must have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy - without it, the new owner will not be able to use the motorcycle. To obtain compulsory motor liability insurance, you may need a technical inspection card.

The law allows 10 days to register a motorcycle with the traffic police, so it is better to complete all these documents as quickly as possible. However, the legislator is partially accommodating to vehicle owners: now the presence of the seller is not required for registration; the buyer can register a motorcycle without first removing it from its previous registration.

Well, the last thing worth mentioning is the notorious general power of attorney. Although now this method of sale is gradually dying out, it is better to remember that under any power of attorney issued by the “seller” to the “buyer” you cannot become the owner of a motorcycle (that is why the words are used in quotation marks). It is impossible to sell an item while acting as both a seller and a buyer. So it’s better not to save on time and money, but to immediately draw up a full-fledged purchase and sale agreement.

To buy or sell a motorcycle, you will need to draw up an appropriate agreement. It acts as a guarantee between the parties to the transaction, so it will need to include the most important points prescribed by law.

If you value your time, then you can always use a ready-made form, or you can draw up an agreement on your own, i.e. not according to the template.

It is important to include in the document such points as:

  • date and place of drawing up the contract;
  • Name;
  • contact details of the parties to the transaction;
  • if we are talking about legal entities, then the full name and details;
  • year of manufacture, complete information about the motorcycle;
  • unit numbers, color;
  • details of the PTS, other document for the motorcycle.

It is important to indicate the price of the motorcycle, because without this clause the contract is not concluded at all. Once it is compiled, you will need to check the data.

Nuances of drawing up a motorcycle purchase and sale agreement between an individual and a legal entity

When it comes to buying a motorcycle, it is important to note that there are some details that arise that must be strictly followed.

Before making a transaction, you will need to make sure that the legal entity’s property is not seized, because this is the most important condition.

If this condition is not met, the transaction can be considered illegal.

But there are also some peculiarities, for example, in the contract and PTS, instead of a signature, a legal entity must put its seal. In the power of attorney, it is important to include information about the vehicle, indicating its value. As for all other points, please note that motorcycle registration will be carried out similarly to the standard procedure.

Of course, without any experience or relevant knowledge in this area, it is better to seek help from lawyers. They will not allow you to make certain common mistakes, and at the time of the transaction it is best to have an experienced person nearby.

Registration of a motorcycle with the traffic police

As soon as the motorcycle is purchased, the new owner must register it, which is given ten days.

To re-register a motorcycle, you need to contact the traffic police, providing the relevant documents:

  • Application for registration of a motorcycle.
  • Vehicle passport.
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Passport, motorcycle registration document.
  • MTPL policy issued to the new owner.

It is important to note that if the purchased vehicle is not registered within ten days, the previous owner has the right to suspend the registration procedure.

Don't forget about possible administrative fines. This leads to the fact that there is no need to delay this process unless there are good reasons for it.

But if any problems arise, you will need to inform the old owner about it.

In order for the transaction to remain transparent and beneficial for all its participants, all necessary conditions must be adhered to.

For the purchase and sale of a vehicle (car or motorcycle), a classic model is used, which is based on the 2017 rules. The difference in transactions lies only in the price of the object (a new sports-class motorcycle can cost more than a heavily worn-out car). The form must be properly completed and registered with the traffic police.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2017 notes a certain structure of the document:

  1. Date and place of document preparation.
  2. The name of the agreement (the correct wording is a purchase and sale agreement).
  3. Full name and address of each of the two parties.
  4. Legal entities must provide the full name, type of organizational and legal form, as well as details.
  5. A complete description of the vehicle (type, make, model, year of manufacture, VIN number if available, numbers of all installed units, color).
  6. PTS details (number, series, as well as information about when and where issued).

From the very beginning, you need to indicate all the details about the vehicle, including the price.

Compilation rules

What should the structure be:

  1. Preamble. Title of the document, date and place of execution. Full name of each party.
  2. Description of the essence of the upcoming transaction.
  3. Determination of property value and payment features.
  4. Conditions for transferring a motorcycle.
  5. Responsibility of each of the two parties.
  6. Final provisions (number of copies of the agreement)

What should be the form of the contract?

In order to understand how to draw up a motorcycle purchase and sale agreement, it is recommended to download the example and follow the established standards. The document must be drawn up in simple written form. Notarization is not mandatory, but in 2017, confirmation of an agreement to purchase a car or motorcycle is not prohibited. Parties must listen to personal needs and wishes.

Notarization is necessary in cases where the transaction is carried out through an intermediary or a representative of the party.

What additional documents may be required to draw up a purchase and sale agreement?

Considering that a motorcycle is a vehicle, appropriate changes should be made to the PTS. The previous owner must sign to confirm the fact.

For a motorcycle, you need to issue an MTPL policy using a vehicle technical inspection card.

Important! You have 10 days to register your motorcycle.

You should first download an example of the main agreement, draw up a valid motorcycle purchase and sale agreement, and register with the traffic police if both parties are interested in the transaction and have serious intentions.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will talk about motorcycle purchase and sale agreement. The execution of a motorcycle purchase and sale transaction is almost entirely the same as, however, there are several features that apply exclusively to two-wheeled vehicles.

The purchase and sale agreement for a motorcycle can be concluded in simple written form, i.e. theoretically it can be written on any piece of paper of a suitable size. However, it is much more convenient to issue a document electronically. The form and sample agreement will be given below in the text of the article.

Motorcycle purchase and sale agreement form

So, let's say you decide to sell or buy a motorcycle. After the seller and buyer have discussed all the details of the transaction orally, a purchase and sale agreement should be concluded. Conclusion of an agreement is mandatory, because it is on its basis that a motorcycle can be installed on.

If you do not want to draw up the contract yourself, you can contact a specialized company, whose employees will draw up the contract for you. Such a service costs from 500 rubles to several thousand. In this case, employees, as a rule, only fill out the contract form.

Some drivers mistakenly assume that company employees are responsible for filling out documents and performing additional checks of the vehicle. In practice, intermediaries do not bear any responsibility for the purchased vehicle. Those. through an office that processes documents, you can purchase a “credit” vehicle, a “seized” vehicle, etc. Those. There is no practical sense in turning to intermediaries. You can just as easily fill out the motorcycle purchase agreement form yourself.

You can download the motorcycle purchase and sale agreement form in pdf format (above) to fill out electronically, or in the form of images to fill out by hand (click on the image to enlarge):

Sample contract for the purchase and sale of a motorcycle

Let's look at a sample car purchase and sale agreement (click on the image to enlarge):

You can also download a sample contract at.

To complete the agreement you will need the following: documentation:

  • Seller's passport.
  • Buyer's passport.
  • Vehicle passport (motorcycle PTS).

Let's consider filling out a motorcycle purchase and sale agreement step by step:

1. In the header of the document, indicate the place where the contract was drawn up, the date the document was drawn up, as well as the full names of the buyer and seller (according to passports).

2. Clause 1.1 of the motorcycle purchase and sale agreement is completely filled out based on the first page of the PTS. Please note that a motorcycle, unlike a car, does not have a body number, so the phrase “No body (cabin, trailer) number” should be included in the contract.

Motorcycles use the frame number instead of the body number. Information about it must be included in the contract.

3. In paragraph 2.1 you need to write down the cost of selling the motorcycle (in numbers and in words). The value in the contract must match the amount of money actually paid. Otherwise, the buyer will be forced to pay extra taxes when subsequently selling the motorcycle.

4. In paragraph 3.1, write down the deadline for handing over the motorcycle.

5. In paragraph 4.1, write down the place where the motorcycle was transferred, in paragraph 4.2, enter a list of items included with the motorcycle.

6. Fill out clause 6.1 based on the seller’s passport, clause 6.2 based on the buyer’s passport.

Check all the data entered into the contract, then print it out in triplicate. One copy is intended for the seller, the second for the buyer, the third will remain with the traffic police.

This completes the preparation of the motorcycle purchase and sale agreement. You can start signing the document, transferring money and the vehicle.

Registration of a motorcycle with the traffic police

Within 10 days from the date of purchase of the motorcycle, you need to change its registration data with the traffic police or register it.

To register a motorcycle with the traffic police you will need:

  • Buyer's passport;
  • Power of attorney (if it is not the owner, but his representative who contacts the traffic police);
  • Certificate of registration;
  • Motorcycle purchase and sale agreement;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • Application (can be written on the spot, or in advance, filled out in simple written form).

Please note that to register a motorcycle you need an MTPL policy, and to obtain an MTPL policy you need a diagnostic technical inspection card. So, only 10 days are allotted for technical inspection, purchase of compulsory motor insurance and registration of a motorcycle.

In practice, filling out a motorcycle purchase and sale agreement on your own does not cause any difficulties. You just need to carefully fill out the form with information from the available documents. This usually takes no more than 20 minutes.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon.

This is a question - I bought a motorcycle 2 years ago from the company. There are all documents, purchase and sale agreement, vehicle passport. I did not register the motorcycle with the traffic police. Now I've decided to sell. Can I sell a motorcycle that is not registered with the traffic police, or do I have to register it before selling it?

Registration is required.

It is not necessary to register. It is only necessary that the entire chain of DCP be transferred to the traffic police. Well, so that there are no mistakes anywhere.

Which chick? I bought a vehicle from a company using a policy, now I want to sell it. If the purchase was made from a legal entity, then the PTS and DCP are filled out in accordance with all the rules and laws of the Russian Federation, there is even a seal of the organization there. How can I do this without fraud, but legally?

Conclude a contract with a new buyer; you do not need to enter anything into the PTS. Give him the contract between you and the previous owner. With these documents, he will register the vehicle in his name without any problems. What does this have to do with fraud???

Will it register or register? These are different things.

Will it register or register? These are different things.

Please explain the difference... Otherwise I thought it was monopenisual!

I think you understand me, but 1:0 is in your favor.

"Andrey-38", unregistered vehicle:

Can I sell a motorcycle that is not registered with the traffic police, or do I have to register it before selling it?

In order to sell it, registration is required, i.e. obtaining a state license. And only after that it can be sold, i.e., the registry can be changed. data.

After deciding to purchase a motorcycle and having completed all negotiations with the seller, it is necessary to draw up a purchase and sale agreement. This step is important, because without it, the vehicle will subsequently not be registered with the traffic police.

Features of the document

A contract of sale refers to a document in which the seller commits to hand over the motorcycle and the buyer must pay the amount they previously agreed upon.

Legal practice shows that there is no noticeable difference between purchase and sale agreements for a motorcycle and other motor vehicles. In essence, these documents are very similar and are compiled in almost exactly the same way.

When a motorcycle has an engine capacity of no more than 50 cubic centimeters, the buyer may not have to register the vehicle with the traffic police. There is also no need to issue an MTPL policy. If the power parameters are above 50 centimeters cubed, then insurance and registration with the traffic police is required.

To draw up an official document, it is important to focus on the regulations defined by law. The two parties can form a contract independently. The purchase and sale agreement for a motorcycle must contain the following clauses:

  1. Title (it is important to indicate that this is a “purchase and sale agreement for a motorcycle”).
  2. Subject of the agreement. The motor vehicle being sold must not be under arrest (that is, subject to collateral or credit). You need to check whether the motorcycle is listed as stolen and whether there are other encumbrances on it. These points need to be written down in the document. You can check this information on the traffic police website: https://gibdd.rf/check/auto. In addition, it is important to clarify that the person selling is the only rightful owner of the motorcycle.
  3. Price of motor vehicles and payment procedure. It is better to immediately specify the period that is given to the buyer to deposit funds.
  4. Term. The date when the buyer becomes the legal owner of the motorcycle is entered.
  5. Equipment. If the motorcycle is sold with additional equipment, it must be listed in the contract. For example, alarms, tools and more.
  6. Procedure for termination of the contract. The conditions under which the contract can be terminated are specified. Most often this is late payment or significant hidden damage to the motorcycle.
  7. Information about the participants in the transaction. Enter the full name, date of birth, addresses, passport numbers of the seller and buyer.
  8. The date and city where the document was signed.
  9. Detailed information about the motorcycle for sale. It is necessary to write off the exact data and characteristics of the motorcycle from the PTS (motor vehicle passport) and the MTPL policy without errors:
  • color;
  • manufacturer's brand;
  • model;
  • Production year;
  • vehicle type;
  • You also need to enter all available data about the submitted title for the motorcycle: by whom and when it was issued, number, series.

Important points

When selling a motorcycle, a pressing question often arises: is it necessary to have the contract certified by a notary? According to the legislation of 2018, transactions for the purchase and sale of motor vehicles do not have to be certified. The State Traffic Inspectorate is obliged to accept a document of any format: certified, simply printed or handwritten.

But if both parties wish, you can contact a notary office. The advantage is that the notary can verify the identities of the parties to the agreement, as well as correctly draw up and fill out the agreement itself. It turns out that in this way the risks are reduced.

If the motorcycle needs to be registered with the traffic police, then the contract should be printed in triplicate. When registration is not required (volume up to 50 cm3), then two copies will be sufficient.

To register a motorcycle with the traffic police, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • contract of sale;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • personal passport.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a ten-day period is provided for registering a motorcycle with the State Traffic Inspectorate. Therefore, it is advisable not to delay the collection and preparation of documents.

Sample filling