Anzor syrtsov biography. A verdict has been rendered in the case of the contract killing of a businesswoman in the center of the resort city. Cool sluts in the city of Krasnodar

In the Krasnodar Territory, the murder of crime boss Eduard Kakosyan, who bore the nickname Karas and was a member of the clan of Grandfather Hasan, was committed. The thief in law was shot from machine guns right in the Central District of Sochi.

The deceased, 31-year-old Eduard Kakosyan, despite extensive connections in the criminal world, had a completely legal business in the form of several retail outlets, Interfax reports, citing a source in law enforcement agencies.

The wounded businessman was taken to the hospital, but he could not be saved. It is known that Kakosyan is the owner of a number of shops and cafes in Sochi.

According to one version, Kakosyan’s murder may be connected with the recent attempt on the life of influential thief in law Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed Ded Khasan, RIA Novosti reports. “Kakosyan was part of Ded Hasan’s inner circle and carried out his business-related orders,” said law enforcement agencies. In particular, he was the “supervisor” of restaurants owned by Usoyan in Sochi.”

Bandits are “preparing” for the Olympics

As the 2014 Olympics approaches, the venue of which is the resort city of Sochi, criminal clans are increasingly defending their interests in this place by force of arms. So, last month in Moscow there was an attempt on the life of the 73-year-old “king of the Russian mafia” Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed Ded Hassan.

Usoyan was shot on the evening of September 16 near house number 12 on Tverskaya Street in the center of Moscow. Grandfather Hasan and his guard came under fire from a sniper who had holed up in an apartment in the building opposite, and were seriously injured. In particular, Ded Hasan received a gunshot wound to the abdominal wall, but the bullet did not damage the vital organs. The assassination weapon was a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

According to one version, they tried to kill Usoyan precisely in the fight for construction kickbacks in Sochi. However, some time ago this version was refuted by one of the representatives of the Slavic crime clan. “Sochi resources are being cut by officials who don’t even know his (Ded Hasan’s) name,” the crime boss confidently stated.

However, the “Sochi trace” appeared in inter-clan massacres before. Thus, in February 2009, 37-year-old mafioso Alik Minalyan with the characteristic nickname Alik Sochinsky was killed in Moscow. On February 6, 2009, the killers waylaid the victim at house No. 7 on Initiative Street, when Minalyan was getting out of his own Mercedes car. Having shot the thief in law, the killers fled the crime scene in a VAZ-2109 car.

During the shooting, the driver of the deceased, who brought Alik Minalyan to a rented apartment, also received back injuries. The victim Avanes Pogasyan turned for help to one of the city clinics, after which the doctors informed the police officers about the incident, who posted guards near the room of the unusual patient. Later, a witness to the murder of the “authority” was interrogated.

It is known that Alik Minalyan permanently lived in the Khostinsky district of Sochi. Moreover, shortly before his death, he launched a vigorous activity in the territory under his control, where the XXII Winter Olympic Games are planned to be held in 2014. “Law enforcement agencies note that his (Alik Minalyan’s) activities have intensified in connection with the preparation of Sochi for the Olympics,” the capital’s law enforcement agencies said after Minalyan’s murder.

However, since the beginning of 2009, Alik Minalyan had very strained relations with other influential crime bosses. According to some reports, he was even deprived of his “crown” and the status of a thief in law literally a few days before his death. It is assumed that this was done by 38-year-old Armen Harutyunyan, nicknamed Sabo, Plump and Armen Kanevsky (considered the right hand of Ded Hassan himself).

In 2006, Minalyan survived an assassination attempt, which was also committed in Moscow. Then he was shot at on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, but the crime boss and his driver escaped with injuries.

Apparently, from then on Alik seriously feared for his life. In the spring of 2007, he was detained by police who seized a Makarov pistol with a loaded clip during a search of the “authority.” At the same time, an entire arsenal was discovered in the trunk of the thief in law’s car. The court then sentenced Minalyan to a year of suspended imprisonment for illegal possession of weapons.

Andrey Dzyatkovsky

Veteran of military operations in Chechnya, Andrei Dzyatkovsky, was expelled to Russia from Thailand in mid-2017, where he hid from justice for almost 5 years, receiving 60 thousand rubles monthly on bank cards from those who ordered the murder.

The Central District Court of Sochi sentenced 36-year-old Andrei Dzyatkovsky, whom the court found guilty of the contract killing of businesswoman Liana Syrtsova, as well as the attempted murder of Sochi resident Dmitry Anenkov, who happened to be at the scene of the crime. This was reported by the Kommersant-Rostov-on-Don publication.

The court sentenced Andrei Dzyatkovsky to 14 years in a maximum security colony, taking into account the pre-trial agreement he had concluded with the investigation, his status as a combat veteran and the medal “For Courage”, which he received during a special operation in Chechnya.

The defendant Dzyatkovsky admitted his guilt, naming the organizer of the crime, who, according to him, ordered the murder of the woman because of a long-standing conflict with the Syrtsov family. The publication does not name the customer, but it was previously reported that Liana Syrtsova was killed during a vendetta between two Sochi criminal clans. The media named the son of crime boss Nikolai Guseinov, entrepreneur Roman Guseinov, and his cousin Salih Hasanov as customers.

Liana Syrtsova, the wife of the “authoritative” businessman Viktor Syrtsov (Viktor Nerussky), who went missing in 2002, was shot dead in March 2012 near her own store “Venice” in the center of Sochi. The killer also wounded a bystander, after which he fled, throwing the Glock used for the murder into a flowerbed.

It was not possible to catch the killer in hot pursuit, but 5 years later he was detained in Thailand and extradited to Russia. All these years, Dzyatkovsky, who received documents as a citizen of Ukraine, lived in Thailand, where he received about 60 thousand rubles monthly on bank cards from the customer as a fee for the murder.

During the investigation, Dzyatkovsky admitted to committing the murder. According to Dzyatkovsky, Liana Syrtsova was ordered to him by his employer, for whom he worked as a driver and security guard. The customer informed him that Syrtsova intended to organize the murder of him and his relatives. After this, the alleged initiator of the murder fled and was put on the wanted list.

The lawyer for the Syrtsov family told the publication that the victims were satisfied with the verdict and considered it legal and justified. In the near future, a criminal case will be brought to court against Dzyatkovsky’s accomplice Kirill Novikov, who, on behalf of the killer, was watching the victim on the eve of the murder

As The CrimeRussia previously reported, Liana Syrtsova was also known as the mother-in-law of a local authority from the retinue of thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), businessman Eduard Kagosyan, nicknamed “Karas”. He himself was killed in Sochi two years earlier by his mother-in-law, and in October 2012, Kagosyan’s own son-in-law Timur Mamulia was killed. According to investigators, all three murders were committed due to a long-standing conflict in which the Syrtsov-Kagosyan family clan has been involved since the 90s.

In 2016, the alleged organizer of the murders of Eduard Kagosyan and Timur Mamulia and accomplice Peter Pinchuk was extradited from Greece.

Peter Pinchuk

In February 2017, a jury of the Krasnodar regional court found Denis Murdalov not guilty of committing the murders of Kagosyan and Mamulia, but in May of this year the Supreme Court overturned this decision, sending the case for a new trial. Materials regarding Pinchuk were submitted to the court in December 2017. It was reported that his case could be combined with that of Denis Murdalov.

A veteran of the war in Chechnya, a resident of Sochi, Andrei Dzyatkovsky was sentenced to fourteen years in prison for the murder of businesswoman Liana Syrtsova, committed more than six years ago. The court took into account his cooperation with the investigation as well as the medal received for participation in hostilities in Chechnya.

Liana Syrtsova was shot dead in March 2012 near the Venice store she owned in the center of Sochi, while the assailant wounded a bystander. Representatives of the investigation said that they had suspects, but due to publications in the media they managed to escape.

A 36-year-old employee of a private security company, Andrei Dzyatkovsky, suspected of murder, was detained in Thailand in 2017 and extradited to Russia, TASS reports.

Andrei Dzyatkovsky admitted his guilt, entered into a pre-trial agreement and named the organizer of the crime, who, according to him, ordered the murder of the woman because of a long-standing conflict with the Syrtsov family, Kommersant reported on July 16.

The hearing of the case took place in a special order. The court sentenced Dzyatkovsky to 14 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony. When imposing the punishment, the court took into account information about his personality, in particular, his status as a combat veteran and the medal “For Courage”, which he received during a special operation in Chechnya.

As follows from Dzyatkovsky’s testimony, in 2012, an acquaintance of his, for whom he worked as a security guard and driver, the boss told him that a certain woman allegedly intended to organize his murder and the murder of his relatives. Dzyatkovsky was told the signs of the woman, after which he began surveillance, and then, choosing an opportune moment, attacked the woman.

The alleged initiator of the murder fled and was put on the federal wanted list.

Lawyer Timur Filippov, representing the Syrtsov family, said that the victims were satisfied with the verdict. “It took a lot of effort on the part of law enforcement agencies, who identified the criminal and collected irrefutable evidence of Andrei Dzyatkovsky’s guilt,” the publication quotes the lawyer as saying.

Liana Syrtsova was the wife of businessman Viktor Syrtsov, who disappeared in 2002 and his disappearance remained unsolved. In 2010, her son-in-law Eduard Kagosyan was killed, and in October 2012, Kagosyan's son-in-law Timur Mamulia was killed. In 2017, the trial of the murder of Kagosyan and Mamulia ended in the regional court - the jury acquitted the defendants Denis Murdalov and Timur Matua, but the Supreme Court overturned the verdict.

Sochi resident Andrei Dzyatkovsky was sentenced to fourteen years in prison for the murder of businesswoman Liana Syrtsova. A woman was shot dead in March 2012 near her own Venice store in the center of Sochi; the perpetrator also wounded a bystander. The defendant Dzyatkovsky admitted his guilt and named the organizer of the crime, who, according to him, ordered the murder of the woman because of a long-standing conflict with the Syrtsov family.

The Central District Court of Sochi sentenced Andrei Dzyatkovsky, a 36-year-old private security company employee: he was found guilty of the murder of businesswoman Liana Syrtsova, as well as the attempted murder of Dmitry Anenkov, who happened to be at the crime scene. The court sentenced Dzyatkovsky to 14 years in a maximum security colony. The hearing took place in a special manner, the defendant admitted his guilt and entered into a pre-trial agreement.

Liana Syrtsova died from a killer’s bullet on the evening of March 22, 2012 - the woman left her own store “Venice” on the central street of Sochi and headed to the butcher shop, at that moment a man approached her and shot her in the back of the head. Two more bullets hit a bystander. After that, the killer fled, throwing his Glock pistol into a flowerbed. The crime took place in a crowded place, but eyewitnesses were unable to describe the killer in detail, and it was not possible to catch him in hot pursuit.

Law enforcement officers got on the trail of the killer only five years later. The investigation established that at the time of the murder, Andrei Dzyatkovsky’s car was near the crime scene, and a sample of biological materials taken from the pistol matched the man’s DNA. As a result, the accused admitted to committing the murder, explaining that the weapon was given to him by an acquaintance for whom he worked as a driver and security guard.

According to Dzyatkovsky, in 2012, his boss told him that a certain woman allegedly intended to organize his murder and the murder of his relatives. Dzyatkovsky was told the signs of the woman, after which he, together with his acquaintance Kirill Novikov, began surveillance, and then, choosing an opportune moment, attacked the woman.

After the murder, Andrei Dzyatkovsky received documents as a citizen of Ukraine and went to Thailand, where he activated bank cards given to him by his boss, which received about 60 thousand rubles monthly, according to the defendant, this was a fee for the murder. In 2017, Dzyatkovsky was detained in Thailand and extradited to Russia. After this, the alleged initiator of the murder fled and was put on the federal wanted list.

The prosecution proposed to sentence Dzyatkovsky to 14 years in prison. When imposing the punishment, the court took into account information about his personality, in particular, his status as a combat veteran and the medal “For Courage”, which he received during a special operation in Chechnya.

Lawyer Timur Filippov, representing the Syrtsov family, told Kommersant-Yug that the victims are satisfied with the verdict and consider it legal and justified. “It took a lot of effort on the part of law enforcement agencies, who identified the criminal and collected irrefutable evidence of Andrei Dzyatkovsky’s guilt,” the lawyer noted.

In the near future, a criminal case will be brought to court against Kirill Novikov, who has been charged with complicity in murder.

As Kommersant-Yug previously wrote, several years ago in Sochi three relatives of businessman Viktor Syrtsov died (disappeared in 2002, the disappearance remained unsolved): in 2010, Syrtsov’s son-in-law Eduard Kagosyan was killed, in March 2012, Viktor Syrtsov’s wife was killed Liana, and in October 2012, Kagosyan’s son-in-law Timur Mamulia was killed. According to investigators, all three murders were committed due to a long-standing conflict in which the family had been involved since the nineties. The Syrtsov-Kagosyan family controlled various businesses, including the Melodiya shopping center and Sochi Furniture Factory LLC, construction companies, catering enterprises and hotels. In 2017, the trial of the murder of Kagosyan and Mamulia ended in the Krasnodar Regional Court - the jury acquitted the defendants Denis Murdalov and Timur Matua, but the Supreme Court overturned the verdict, and the case will soon be sent for a new trial.

Anna Perova, Krasnodar