B2B marketplace – Center. What is B2B and B2C sales? B2B companies what

Literally B2B (Business-to-Business) translates as “business to business.” This is a type of economic and information interaction between entities whose sales area is aimed exclusively at cooperation between legal entities. In this article we will look at what B2B sales are.

B2B sales means , that the company cooperates exclusively with organizations that operate in the B2C market (with consumers). These can be wholesale centers, closed markets, etc.

Toolkit for increasing profitability

Experts highlight 9 main points that allow you to effectively sell in the B2B market:

  1. Development of competitive advantages.
  2. Elimination of defects in products sold.
  3. Ensuring constant availability of goods in the warehouse.
  4. Regular expansion of the assortment.
  5. Fast execution of orders.
  6. Development of loyalty programs for clients.
  7. Creation of a “conveyor” of profits.
  8. Competitive pricing.
  9. The desire to conclude long-term cooperation agreements.

Sales on the B2B market

Let's look at which sales channels are most effective in B2B.

Direct sales

If we talk about the B2B segment, then direct sales are the most common tool in work. They imply direct contact with the buyer. One can name a number of reasons why bets are placed on such development strategies. Here are some of them:

  • Refusal to maintain unnecessary personnel and excess retail space.
  • The direct sales system provides more opportunities to quickly respond to changing customer needs.
  • You can achieve stable demand for the products sold.
  • A well-developed direct sales scheme contributes to the rapid development of the company.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Such meetings do not always result in a positive decision from the client, so from the standpoint of the average bill, it is costly.
  • You need to carefully work out your sales plan, and this is a slow process. Moreover, it is difficult to find professionals who would implement this operating principle.

Passive sales

Internet trading

Wholesale sales via the Internet have proven themselves on the positive side. Until recently, such a channel was used more in practice (i.e. for communication with individuals), but the situation today shows the increasing relevance of the Internet for B2B. The global network allows you to significantly reduce development costs and increase the volume of passive sales.

Network sales

The increase in sales is facilitated by service developments in the field of customer notification. The principles of work are based on calls to customers, during which the latter learn about new products and general changes in the assortment and work of the seller.

Dealer network

The technology of sales through dealer networks implies maximum territorial coverage. Since independent development of an entire network is often too costly for organizations, companies decide to open a franchise network or organize a search for partners.

Advantages of dealer networks:

  • Very fast development. In just 2-3 months you can cover the entire country with branches.
  • Direct access to clients located far from the main office.

The main disadvantages include:

  • Dependence on representatives who prefer to “live their own lives”, which can negatively affect the company’s reputation.
  • Financial losses. The peculiarity of the work of dealers is that their remuneration can reach 80%.

Each B2B sales technique has its own pros and cons, so it is simply impossible to say which one is the most optimal. An example of the work of many companies shows that the best methods are determined only through personal experience (in addition, there are specifics of the product being sold).

The work of many companies shows that best practices can only be determined through personal experience.

At its core, the B2B business sphere is similar to B2C. It goes through the same stages of development, uses the same tools to attract new clients, but the price is much higher. But do not forget that any company can simultaneously work in both B2B and B2C spheres.

Few people know what it is, although everyone who has ever looked at advertisements for current vacancies has read similar words: “A manager is required for the sales department of a large company, required in the B2B sector for at least a year, the wages are high.” And such advertisements are published more and more often. What is the reason for the popularity of such employees? Is there really such a capacious and saturated market hidden behind these three mysterious letters?

B2B - what does this mean, what are the features of working in this sector? Why do companies operating in this field require only experienced specialists, and why are wages higher than in other industries? Let's figure it out.

Learning terminology

B2B - what it is, decoding the abbreviation will help you understand. Behind it are the words “business to business,” which translated from English means “business for business.”

We can say about B2B that this is an area in which exclusively legal entities operate. The buyer subsequently uses the product for his own needs, production or provision of services to the public.

Can we say about the B2B sector that these are corporate sales? Rather yes than no. The line between them is very blurred, and almost no one separates them.

Working in B2B is very specific and requires special methods when developing marketing activities and conducting the negotiation process. It requires increased attention to personnel selection for the sales department.

Is this the right market?

Do you want to understand whether your company belongs to the B2B sector? Try to analyze your activities based on the following points:

    the customer buys the product as raw material;

    the client uses the product as a means of production (machines, packaging, tools, stationery, cars);

    the client uses your services in the process of producing their own product (transportation, consulting, personnel selection, IT, marketing);

  • the client is an enterprise and consumes your product for his own needs (building materials, fuels and lubricants, electricity, furniture, printed publications).

If at least one of the points applies to your business, we can say that the company operates in the B2B sector.

Who is my partner

B2C and B2B markets are often confused. What is it, what is the fundamental difference? The last abbreviation stands for “Business to Consumer”. That is, the partner of the legal entity in this case is the end consumer, an ordinary person purchasing a product (service) for personal use. Managers and ordinary employees of sales departments must distinguish between these two directions (B2B and B2C). What does this mean, how does it affect the workflow?

In the B2B market, the average contract price is significantly higher than in the B2C market, and buyers are much more discerning and competent. In each sector, communications with consumers follow their own special pattern and require their own, unique approach. These circumstances dictate various salespersons, personnel selection, and even the organization of employees' workdays.

They decide and decide

The method of making a decision to purchase a product is the main difference between the B2C and B2B markets. What it is and “what it’s eaten with” is easier to understand by looking at a simple example.

Let's imagine that the same person buys a phone, but is in two opposite situations. In the first case, he is a simple buyer, and the phone will be used as a means of personal communication. The decision is made fairly quickly, based on reviews in popular magazines, the prestige of the model and ergonomics. The seller has little influence on the selection process, since the communication time is short, and the buyer comes to the outlet with an already formed opinion.

But if the same person acts as the person responsible for purchasing telephone exchanges at the enterprise, the main factors influencing the selection process will be reliability, warranty, price of service, and the possibility of upgrading or expanding the network in the next few years. In addition, several more employees (IT specialist, supply manager) will participate in the decision making. Here, communication between the seller and the buyer takes place at the professional level, negotiations last for at least several days, and the selling party can have a significant influence on the final decision.

The above example clearly showed how simple relationships are in the B2C sector. Having analyzed it, we can say about B2B sales that this is highly intellectual work that requires the manager to have a thorough knowledge of his own product and extensive experience in active sales. At the same time, in B2C transactions are quite simple.

One or two

An enterprise can operate in one market or in two at the same time. For example, travel companies, lawyers, dry cleaners, cleaning agencies, auto, railway or air transportation work with both legal entities and individuals. In their case, sales are divided into two areas for the correct application of sales technology.

There are enterprises that occupy only the B2B market. What is this or who is this? First of all, manufacturers of raw materials, production components, and industrial equipment. That is, those goods that the average citizen simply does not want to buy, since he will not be able to use them in the future.

B2B and media

All B2B market players sell exclusively professional products. These are publications published for the purpose of providing information necessary in the process of work. For example, specialized accounting journals, as well as those devoted to issues of management, logistics, medicine, construction and others. As a rule, they are all aimed at a specific profession or industry.

How can I serve you?

Regarding the goods needed by a business, everything is extremely clear and understandable, but the question arises: B2B services, what is it, what do businesses need? They use the services of carriers, lawyers, doctors, insurers, cleaners, as well as business coaches and consultants, narrow specialists in industries related to the production process. Very often, contracts are concluded for the provision of seasonal services. For example, clearing the roof of snow, landscaping the area.

Choosing a seller

It is believed that a good salesman “will sell the devil to a bald man,” just like an excellent leader will be able to quickly organize any team. This is stated by almost all business coaches and popular manuals on acquiring sales skills. But is this true when we consider B2B sales?

That this is a completely separate genre of work has already been described above. Working with a business and providing services is quite difficult. And increased demands are placed on the manager.

What recruiters say about a good B2B salesperson is that he is a person:

    possessing high skills as a “universal seller”, that is, knowledgeable and successfully applying sales technology and psychology;

    having extensive professional knowledge in a given field (knowledge of the product) or intellectually developed enough to thoroughly study it in the shortest possible time.

If we draw an analogy with the game of chess, then a manager selling his company's goods or services to another business must masterfully play long games. In the corporate segment, the sales cycle can be very long, and the work of the salesperson is not limited to only fragmentary, short-term actions (commercial proposals, preparation of meetings and presentations). He must have strategic thinking, think through the game several steps ahead and be prepared for unexpected scenarios.

Personnel Management

The right approach to department management is one of the key factors for successful sales. As already mentioned, people in the B2B sector work in a slightly different format, and, accordingly, the approach to the leader of such a team should be special. Successful management and motivation experience in other industries cannot be thoughtlessly transferred to this market. For example, in FMCG companies, a manager reports on the number of meetings and calls, and his remuneration depends on this. And rightly so, because in this area the seller “feeds his feet.” But when a product is sold to another company, the number of cold calls is not critical, and it is also small, since the number of players in the B2B field is much smaller. Accordingly, the motivation system must be built in a completely different way.

New direction

It can be said about B2C and B2B that these are established trends that have been developed over the years. But times are changing, and, most likely, they will soon be replaced by new markets, such as C2B and C2C. In them, individuals will act as sellers, providing various services.

Growing every year. Almost every resident has available means of communication (telephone, Internet). Contacting another person who owns the desired product is easy. And entrepreneurs developing the field of information technology only contribute to the emergence of such contacts by creating convenient and safe platforms for communication on the Internet.

An example of the above is the international online auction e-bay, where anyone can put up for sale items at their disposal. The organizers of the site have developed an effective system of points and ratings that helps you find the best seller and secure the transaction. Similar sites, which are local in nature, are open in many countries. There are also resources that facilitate the exchange of things and the organization of joint wholesale purchases. Or you can rent the items you need from another person.

In order for an enterprise to receive a confident and stable increase in profit, each client needs to organize its own, special approach. Therefore, a thorough analysis of partners, planning of future transactions and analysis of already completed ones are the key points of the successful work of the selling company.

  1. Click on the “Register” button on any page of the site. Registration is free.​
  2. Enter the company's TIN and fill out the contacts. The platform will automatically download data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, just check it.
  3. Try to be specific about the categories of goods or services you supply. Based on them, B2B-Center will select specialized procedures. You will see notifications about them in your personal account and receive them by e-mail.
  4. The platform will check your company’s data within 1 day. Moderation is needed to protect users from unscrupulous counterparties. After processing the application, you will receive an email with your login and password to enter the site.

Make sure to register and obtain an electronic signature in advance. Many suppliers register on the site, receive an electronic signature, submit their proposal at the very last moment, when the procedure they are interested in is nearing completion, and due to haste, make mistakes in their documentation. An electronic signature may not work correctly due to an outdated browser, so you should test your electronic signature in advance and become familiar with the computer and software requirements (to the right of the registration form).

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B2B or B2C. Let's understand the terms.

The terms B2B and B2C seem to be clear. One of them (B2B) denotes sales for business, the second (B2C) sales for personal use. However, in some cases it is not clear what to include the sale of, for example, one air conditioner to a company, or a fax to a lawyer who uses it for his activities. It turns out to be ambiguous; at first glance, practice contradicts theory - let's try to figure it out.

According to the formal definition, B2B (English: Business to Business, literally business for business) is a term that defines the interaction of legal entities. In other words, if one company sells something to another company, then this action, by definition, falls within the scope of B2B activity. Similarly with the term B2C (English Business-to-Consumer, Russian Business for the Consumer) - a term denoting the commercial relationship between an organization (Business) and a private, so-called “end” consumer (Consumer).
However, in the Russian language there are concepts that seem to correspond to the definitions of B2B and B2C - wholesale trade and retail trade. But is everything so clear with definitions? Let's figure it out.
First, about definitions.
“Retail trade - Trade in goods and provision of services to customers for personal, family, home use not related to business activities.”
“Retail trade enterprise is a trade enterprise that sells goods, performs work and provides trade services to customers for their personal, family, and home use. (GOST R 51773–2009)
“Wholesale trade is an integral part of domestic trade; the initial stage of circulation of goods, their movement from producers to retail enterprises or, in terms of means of production, to enterprises.” - (TSB)
“Wholesale trade is trade in large quantities of goods, sales to wholesale buyers who consume goods in significant quantities or then sell them at retail.” - glossary.ru
“Wholesale trade is the trade of goods with their subsequent resale or professional use.” - (GOST R 51303–99)
“A wholesale trade enterprise is a trade enterprise that sells goods, performs work and provides trade services to customers for subsequent resale of goods or professional use. (GOST R 51773–2009)
Note - Wholesale trade enterprises include wholesale distribution and logistics centers, commodity warehouses, warehouse stores, wholesale food markets, wholesale and small wholesale trade centers, etc.

Any definition of wholesale trade, or wholesale (even the last one) implies trade in consignments of goods, which implies special characteristics of the product (packaging of a consignment of goods, warehousing, loading, delivery services, etc.). It's just that in the latter definition it would be an industrial purchase, implying a product that includes characteristics other than a single product.
Therefore, I do not agree that any sale from enterprise to enterprise is wholesale. Based on the essence of the definitions, wholesale is the sale of a batch of goods (at least packaging*) for subsequent resale or use in an enterprise. And there are contradictions in GOST. Therefore, it is easier to use the term B2B sales to avoid confusion.
*small wholesale trade: A type of wholesale trade associated with the sale of goods, the minimum batch of which cannot be less than the number of units in one manufacturer’s packaging for retail trade. - GOST R 51773–2009

Let's, based on the concepts presented above, give a strict definition of the terms B2B and B2C
B2B market is a set of consumers making purchases for professional use, as well as buyers (wholesale trade enterprises) making purchases for subsequent resale of goods.
Sales in the B2B market are carried out either through the sales department of a manufacturing enterprise or through a wholesale trade enterprise.

B2C market is a set of buyers making purchases for personal, family, and home use.
Sales in the B2C market are carried out through retailers.

Please note that the first definition in each pair implies the definition of a buyer, i.e. e. definition of the macro-segment, and secondly, the process of interaction between the seller and the buyer. This can lead to confusion, depending on what is meant by a market: “a collection of consumers” or “a meeting place between a seller and a buyer.” In the first case, we will talk about the macro-segment, in the second - about the industry (trade enterprises). In our discussion, when talking about the market, we are talking about the totality of consumers, adding to them wholesale buyers - intermediaries.
If we depict the system on a diagram, we get the following.

B2B and B2C markets - distribution channels and end consumers. © Andrey Minin

Thus, depending on which category of trading enterprise (wholesale or retail) the enterprise belongs to, it is focused on the B2B or B2C market.
In some cases, it may be focused on working in two markets at once. For example, construction bases that are happy to work with both private and business buyers. In this case, it is called a wholesale-retail enterprise. The situation is approximately the same with sales via the Internet; the website can be considered as a showcase, but sales are actually carried out from the warehouse. That is, it is a wholesale and retail store. Formally, we can divide B2B or B2C sales either for an enterprise operating in a specific market (focused on selling to one segment), or (for mixed types of trade) by the type of consumer making the purchase.

Now let's get back to our examples. In my opinion, the following logic is applicable for all cases (based on definitions). If a purchase through a retail store is a B2C sale, in another case it is a B2B sale. Formally, if a transaction is carried out as a sale between legal entities, it is a B2B sale. Accordingly, if the sale was in a retail store for cash, this is B2C.
But, in essence, the introduction of these terms was intended to introduce macro-segmentation, since the methods of working with segments of individual buyers and organizations differ in almost all elements of the marketing mix, from product to marketing communications.
Accordingly, a company selling air conditioners on the B2C market will create a product that differs from that offered to retail customers; at a minimum, it will be focused on a set of turnkey works for a facility owned by another company. Therefore, a company’s purchase of an air conditioner in a retail store (or from a supplier’s warehouse) and subsequent independent installation of it by its own installers in the director’s office or meeting room does not make this transaction related to the B2B market. After all, the sales company was initially focused on other methods of work and other needs of clients, as well as their behavior patterns.
In the case of fax, if the seller’s company is focused on working with companies, which include law firms, and organizes work in such a way as to attract them to its office (store), where sales are carried out by competent consultants, then this can be considered as work in the B2B market. Regardless of who the formal buyer is.
In some cases, a company may simultaneously operate in two markets. For example, small companies are computer sellers that can target consumers in two markets at once. At the same time, the main differences will be in marketing communications aimed at two different markets.

Thus, a company can be focused in its work on the B2B or B2C market, and at the same time use the appropriate marketing tools. If, at the same time, individual sales are made to buyers from another segment, this does not mean at all that the company operates in a different market, just that the purchase was made by a buyer from a non-target segment. In this case, everything falls into place. There is no contradiction in the theory.

© Andrey Minin 2012

B2B sales require a special attitude from the commercial service, therefore, when heading a B2B sales department, you must take into account all the nuances and specifics. A step-by-step algorithm for increasing sales in B2B, as well as the key difficulties that you will have to face, are in our article.

B2B sales is a business format in which a company or its division sells its goods or services for other organizations, its corporate clients. With the help of the purchased goods and services, these other companies will make their sales in the B2C market.

Find out in this article more about what it is - the B2B sales segment in simple language, what its features are, what are the best sales tools to use in the b2b area and how to work with bi-to-bi clients.

Features of B2B sales

    Consumer-buyer relationship

B2B sales involve legal entities acting as both sellers and buyers. Therefore, such sales can lead to an imbalance in the relationship. This imbalance is manifested by the fact that the money is allocated by the company, and the decision to purchase will be made by an individual, taking into account personal interests. Accordingly, a rollback problem may arise. However, not always and not only “kickbacks” can influence decisions made; there is also personal comfort in working with a given supplier, friendly relations, personal ambitions and many other reasons that do not relate to the properties of the product or service.

    Purpose of purchase

B2C sales are focused on spending money for your own pleasure or solving existing problems. B2B sales are about making money at a lower cost.

    Communication method

As you understand, there are much more individuals than legal entities. At the same time, the transaction amounts in B2C sales are almost always an order of magnitude smaller. Consequently, mass communication becomes the main way of interaction in the B2C market, since individual contact with each buyer wastes too much of the seller’s time.

In the case of the B2B market, the situation is completely opposite; here there is a significantly smaller number of companies and there may be only a few buyers. When a sales manager in the B2B sector comes into contact with a company, much more will depend on his skill than on advertising or PR.

    Sales process

Success in the B2B field can be achieved thanks to the professional qualities of the manager and the capabilities of the company. Consequently, the B2B market requires more sophisticated and calibrated work by salespeople: by communicating with many people in the client company, the manager achieves a deal only through his skill.

35 facts about b2b clients that every manager should know

The seller’s task is to understand the mood of the target audience and abandon methods that do not work. How to understand which sales actions lead to a deal and which ones irritate the company’s clients?

The editors of the Commercial Director magazine learned about this from the buyers themselves. The article contains the results of a survey of b2b customers, which will be useful in your work. Check your managers right now.

9 tools to increase the profitability of B2B sales

There are nine basic tools that can help you achieve sales growth without prioritizing cost reduction. The bulk of the positions are intended for manufacturing enterprises, although some are suitable for retail ones.

    Exception of marriage.

    Ensuring a high level of availability of necessary products in the supplier’s warehouses.

    Increase in output level at existing facilities.

    Increasing reliability and reducing order fulfillment times.

    Providing key managers with bonus payments from excess profits.

    Formation of profit “conveyors”.

    Transfer of stocks of materials, raw materials and components for consignment.

    Transition to long-term contracts in cooperation with suppliers.

Example 1. For a long period, the company did not increase salaries for its employees; management considered such a step to be an important savings. In production, good qualifications were needed, but only non-professionals were ready to work for such a salary. This led to a situation where the company's losses from defects were many times greater than such savings, which led to financial losses and the departure of many clients. To avoid repeating similar mistakes in your company, sign up for , where you will be taught the principles of effective leadership.

Example 2. In an effort to achieve additional savings, the production of dairy products began to use vegetable fats instead of milk. After some time, it lost a significant part of its regular customers who were accustomed to the good quality of the product.

Example 3. A manufacturing company, in an effort to reduce the cost of maintaining a vehicle fleet, decided to reduce salaries for drivers. This decision led to the departure of 40% of drivers, which provoked a serious problem of staff shortages for transport needs and customer organizations. I had to resort to renting transport, and my cars were idle. Consequently, costs increased by 50-60%, not to mention organizational difficulties.

To win back former customers, you need to understand what influenced them to leave. Then you can take the right actions and get your cooperation back on track. You will learn how to do this from the article in the “Commercial Director” magazine.

Loyalty programs in the B2B market

Loyalty programs in the B2B market can be divided into 3 main types:

Rollback. It is considered the simplest, although ineffective, approach. After all, it will only be possible to achieve short-term results. In this case, it is assumed that the decision-maker, for a fee or various gifts, will make a choice in favor of your proposal. But to continue cooperation, such rollbacks will be required again. I personally have never resorted to this approach.

Bonus programs - gifts for points. This is a very relevant principle for ensuring loyalty in the B2B market. The method is an improved solution to the first. This system works on the following principle: the person making the decision is awarded rating points for making purchases, which he can exchange for useful goods or services - for example, household appliances or financial rewards. But this system is tied to only one person, although for long-term loyalty it is important to focus on the consumer company as a whole.

Solving customer problems that are not directly related to your product. For example, you sell cement and are a competitive market participant in terms of quality and cost. However, these conditions are not the only ones for making a decision, because he is also interested in other issues. In particular, he needs to purchase large quantities, but has nowhere to store them. By solving this problem, customer loyalty increases significantly. This is the method we chose in our work.

Examples of loyalty programs in the B2B sales segment

“Great benefits for corporate clients”. Customers of the store can receive not only standard discounts, but also purchase goods that are not in the catalog (through a personal manager). They will also have access to a free cloud service with data on available products.

“Are you doing a good job? Have a good time". This slogan is adhered to by the Cordiant company, which is aimed at owners of tire centers and sellers - they receive bonuses for selling company tires. First, the company asked the client about his hobbies, after which he was offered the opportunity to receive a reward according to his taste.

Marketing, money or charity. Calculator and printer manufacturer Citizen Systems Europe launched a program that rewards resellers with points based on sales volume. In the future, points could be exchanged for financial rewards, marketing support, charity or training.

Recycling cartridges. OfficeMax has introduced the MaxPerks loyalty program, which is aimed at teachers and directors of colleges and schools, and small businesses. Part of the funds spent by the buyer in the online store is returned to his account in this store. He can use the money received for purchases only in this store. They also offer the opportunity to return printer cartridges for recycling - for each you will be charged from 1 dollar.

Choose from: leisure or business benefits. The IT company TechAccess has introduced a system of accumulating bonuses for contracts for its clients. You can spend these funds on entertainment, as well as on services useful for business. Including a bonus program, according to which the reward can be chosen between a holiday in a 5-star hotel, a Mediterranean cruise, a trip to Formula 1, participation in trainings and conferences.

New B2B sales channels

Channel 1. Passive (inbound) sales in the b2b market

Many corporate clients themselves turn to the company on the recommendation of colleagues. They often had to run into the secretary. Our work centralizes the processing of request data, highlighting the incoming sales channel. Calls are now sent to a single number at the head office, with processing by specialists involved only in inbound sales. Geographically, they are located in one place, reporting to a separate leader. Managers work in shifts, taking into account the wide geography of our companies across the country.

This channel is considered the least expensive, because no effort is required to find a client. The caller already has a need, which makes the work of managers easier. Typically, employees of this division are remunerated several times lower compared to the direct sales department.

The experience of European companies confirms that the total share of passive sales can reach up to 50%. In our work it reaches 40%. This indicator allows you to judge brand awareness and customer trust. In fact, the focus can be shifted towards product rather than price competition.

Channel 2. Sales in the B2B market to large clients

To work with such clients, the most highly qualified managers in the company are needed. This includes excellent communication skills, sales experience, and understanding of technical nuances. We provide individual training for each specialist; business trips are often required.

The main task of the manager in this case is to create conditions so that the client feels comfortable collaborating, providing a “single window” where the client can resolve any issue within the framework of communication with one specialist.

Channel 3. Internet promotion channels

This channel is aimed at buyers interested in our services and who prefer to use the Internet for communication. Usually these are people who are accustomed to making independent decisions, without the need for consultation from a manager. The Internet is considered the most promising B2B sales channel today, so we continue to actively develop this area.

Channel 4. Service sales

This division serves existing corporate clients in each department by providing information on solutions and products. A personal manager is assigned to each corporate buyer. Its main function is to assist the buyer in selecting telecommunications services, taking into account the needs of the buyer’s business as much as possible. Thanks to this channel, it is possible to achieve increased profitability of existing customers without significant costs.

I do not recommend outsourcing customer service. At first glance, this approach may seem to help reduce costs. But experience confirms that third-party consultants usually have much worse qualifications compared to in-house specialists. As a result, the quality of service suffers, and customers leave the company.

  • Competitive Environment Analysis: Effective Business Intelligence in Action

How to avoid conflicts at the intersection of promotion channels

At a certain point, the interests of employees begin to intersect - managers of different areas contact one client. Consequently, various conflict situations. This situation becomes a definite indicator for the manager to understand the depth of development of the client base for employees of different departments.

In particular, the client asked to connect additional services or points to the manager who was working with him for the first time. But the connection must be made by the service manager, since the task of the direct sales department employee is only to attract new clients. The team faces a conflict of interest.

The direct sales manager should remind the service specialist's contact information when referring the client to him. He can also provide advice to the client, but is not obligated to do so. Situations like this are quite common. Let's consider possible ways to resolve controversial situations.

    Filling out customer information in the CRM system. In case of a conflict, we analyze who found this client, accompanied him, etc. Also, CRM becomes an effective tool for improving the efficiency of an employee, with an analysis of his sales funnels, operational recommendations.

    Plans can be adjusted by managers themselves. In particular, a funnel of 15 calls, 4 meetings, 0.5 concluded contracts daily is established for sales department employees. However, the manager understands that 4 meetings and ten calls are enough to organize, so he makes adjustments to the CRM data. Taking this into account, he will plan his working time. The manager can control the situation online, monitoring the workload of subordinates.

    Regulations. Interaction between departments often involves many issues. Department heads in their regulations describe the procedure for action in case of intersections, taking into account the interests of employees of all departments. In case of typical problems, the relevant regulations will be revised.

Other rules are also possible, in particular, if there is a list of federal clients with which only a certain division of the head office can work. Managers of passive and active sales channels cannot work with these clients; they simply will not be given a reward for this.

  • Personnel certification: what and how to teach employees

Conflict analysis

In case of conflict situations, the head of the department analyzes the causes of the problem, identifying which manager made a greater contribution to the overall development of the relationship with the client. The main thing for a manager in this situation is to correctly judge the conflict so that one of the managers does not feel as if his customer was taken away from him.

From our own experience, we can say that channel diversification is one of the most effective ways to achieve sales growth. We would not have been able to achieve a similar effect, with a tenfold increase in sales in the B2B market, simply by increasing the number of managers in one unified channel. Thanks to multiple channels and an understanding of the unit costs to attract customers for each channel, it was possible to regulate overall costs by redistributing shares between channels. Consequently, we were able to achieve the most effective rates at lower costs.

Many believe that they offer customers advanced equipment, the most economical consumables, ideal packaging, advanced technologies, etc. But I can confidently say that you don’t even know what you are selling if you can’t tell the buyer in a nutshell how much and how to sell it. can earn thanks to your cooperation.

  1. Offer the buyer a ready-made business solution. There must be a simple, cost-effective and technically sound proposal. If the overall effect of using your proposal exceeds the current performance of the client company, then the cost of individual pieces of equipment will no longer be decisive for it.
  2. Help your client get your equipment working after purchase. We have to admit that the low qualifications of the technical personnel of the client company often lead to a threat to the supply of your products. Therefore, it is always necessary to train employees of purchasing companies, explaining the correct and effective use of their products.
  3. Conduct demonstrative comparative tests of your products. The director or owner of the client company, after the first successful presentation of the product, usually entrusts testing to the production or technological service. This stage can lead to certain difficulties. After all, for certain reasons, even high-quality samples in which you are completely confident cannot pass tests. Usually the reason is simple - you have invaded the sphere of other people's interests.
  4. When testing your products, use raw materials that the customer works with. When developing and testing technological solutions, the raw materials used by the buyer should always be used. Testing should never be carried out in front of a potential client unless appropriate internal tests have been completed first.
  5. Do not offer bribes or kickbacks - take care of your reputation. You are confident in the quality and effectiveness of your offer, and the benefits of cooperation for the buyer. But his reaction is rather cool. Then you just need to think - has the right employee of the client company received your offer, is he interested in success and benefit for his employer?