Donate or bequeath: what is the best thing to do with the apartment. What is the best thing to do if someone is deliberately provoking a fight? How to choose a future profession and not make a mistake

Hello, I don’t know what to do anymore... I’m completely at a loss... I don’t know where to go and what to devote myself to. I’m an average student at school. I’d like to get a higher education. I’m more inclined towards a medical university, study as a psychologist, or at a pedagogical university.....My parents are already tired of me asking questions.....Should I give up on everything and not study for anyone, take a manicurist course and work for my own pleasure? This option (makeup artist, a hairdresser, a manicurist were considered, but the parents said, like, “hey, no higher education is bad,” etc....

Tatyana, choosing a professional path is difficult and responsible. And, of course, help is needed to take such a step.

To begin with, of course, you need to decide on your desires. In particular, what professional field would you like to work in? All professions can be divided into several categories:

  1. Man-man. These are professions in which you will somehow deal with people. For this area, professionally important qualities are the ability to establish and maintain contact with people, the presence of speech abilities and the ability to maintain calm and restraint.
  2. Man-technology. These are professions related to the creation and operation of technical equipment. Technical knowledge, skills and abilities are important here.
  3. Man-sign. These are professions related to numbers, figures, drawings. Mathematical and verbal-logical thinking, as well as the ability to operate with numbers and perseverance are important here.
  4. Man is an artistic image. These are professions associated with the creation, reproduction and production of various types of works of art. This requires certain inclinations and abilities (for drawing, singing, etc.), as well as artistic taste and a rich and vivid imagination.
  5. Man-nature. Professions related to the study of living and non-living nature. It requires endurance, unpretentiousness to living conditions, love of nature, and perseverance.

To determine your predisposition to a particular type of professional activity, it is enough to undergo psychological testing, which is presented in abundance, for example, on the Internet.

Your own desire is a necessary condition for satisfaction with your future profession. A inclinations and abilities necessary for success in a particular professional field. However, with all this, in order to know where to go, it is necessary to study all the proposed paths. For this purpose, there are now a lot of collections in which the features of a particular profession are described in accessible language.

And no matter how worried your parents are, it is still your choice. Choosing the activity in which you will be occupied for a certain part of your life.

Try to approach this choice wisely, without denying your family's help along the way.

Good luck, Tatyana

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Tanya, hello!

This is indeed a difficult choice and it is good that you are exploring different possibilities.

To begin with, you can actually take a test and see what you are predisposed to.

Then you can ask which of the professions for which you have an inclination are most in demand at the present time.

Perhaps you can already decide at this stage.

If not, try to remember your favorite childhood games. What did you dream of being as a child when you grew up? Or the most attractive movie characters for you. What is their profession? Maybe you also want to have the same one?

Study what specialties are currently offered by universities available to you.

Look at which faculties have less competition and still have the opportunity to enroll on a budget. And don’t think that if you are an average student, you won’t get in. Usually the one who has time to prepare comes in. And there is still time. In those faculties where there is less competition, there are often more opportunities to find a job later.

Don't forget to attend preparatory courses on time. Now is the time.

When you do all this, the situation will become a little clearer for you.

Explore all the universities in our city, read reviews about them on the forum.

Go to the employment center and look at the list of the most in-demand professions in our city.

In general, start preparing now. Even if you change your mind after six months, you will already gain some experience in choosing a profession. In addition, you may be surprised how many nuances there are when choosing a university (level of accreditation, possibility of employment with a diploma from this university). Collect more information about this.

What do your parents do? Do you like (if so, why?) or dislike (what do you dislike) their specialty?

Tanya, you can complete the manicurist course at any time, even in parallel with other studies. Therefore, if this is what you really like most, then you have quite a lot of chances here. Find out if it is easy enough to get a job in this specialty.

I wish you a successful choice and graduation!

Sincerely, Tatyana Bashmakova.

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To the applicant. Several interesting humanities specialties.

A future student always argues with himself, and sometimes with his parents: “Where is it better to go to study?”

How to choose an interesting and highly paid profession?

How not to make a mistake?

Often a graduate is faced with a choice: choose a highly paid and prestigious specialty or one that is very interesting to him, but not so prestigious.

Let's consider the option when a future student decided not to encounter the exact sciences in his future profession and chose the humanities for himself. But now he again faced a choice - which specialty to choose? When choosing a humanitarian path, an applicant sincerely hopes that he will be able to work in different fields. And this is partly true.

We will talk about such humanitarian faculties as “international relations”, “international law” and “international information”. Graduates of these faculties work in many directions. Only a few go to work at embassies. Some work successfully, some make progress in sociology, some become successful political scientists, and some even appear on television. Due to the fact that many humanities are taught in these departments, a diligent student can become a pro in many fields of activity.().

International relationships

Having graduated from the Faculty of International Relations, you can safely go to work at the embassy, ​​but in addition to the embassy, ​​a former student can work in such fields as journalism and political science. In addition, he is a certified translator, which significantly increases his rating in the employment market.

International law

The Faculty of International Law is one of the most popular faculties today. In recent years, international legal knowledge has become very in demand. This is due to changes in the socio-political life of society and changes in the legal system of countries. The faculty prepares international specialists with excellent knowledge of international law and foreign languages.

International information

The Faculty of International Information deserves special attention. This is a unique humanities faculty with elements of exact sciences. The first 2 courses are a combination of an easy course in mathematics with political science and psychology, computer science and sociology. After the second year, students are divided, if desired, into different departments. Department of Analytics and Department of International Communications and Public Relations. Having graduated from this department, the former student has no problems finding a job, because at the same time he can be an analyst, a specialist in international communications and public relations, a translator, and even a programmer!

A will is a disposition in the event of death. The heir becomes the owner of the property bequeathed to him only after the death of the testator.

Donation is one of the most popular ways of transferring property. Most often, citizens enter into a gift agreement when they want to transfer real estate - a house or apartment - free of charge, but, for some reason, do not want to draw up a will. For example, in cases where the owner has relatives who have the right to an obligatory share in the inheritance, to whom they do not want to transfer this very share.

Under a gift agreement, the donor (the one who gives) gratuitously transfers or undertakes to transfer the property to the donee (the one who receives the gift). That is, the contract states that you are giving your apartment to your beloved niece. And as soon as you sign the contract, you should know that the apartment is no longer yours.
Quite often there are reports in the media that another person found himself on the street, deprived of the right to live in his apartment due to the fact that it was donated to him, and the new owner evicted him, although the victim was sure that he had the right to live in the apartment remained. The main reason for this is lack of awareness about the consequences of concluding a gift agreement.
You need to understand that donation means the transfer of ownership to the donee (the one to whom you are giving). That is, he can dispose of the donated property at his own discretion. In the case when the donor decides to transfer, for example, to a relative the apartment he owns in which he lives, it is worth remembering that along with the right of ownership, he also loses the right to live in the apartment. That is, if you gave an apartment to a relative, and he evicts you, according to the law he has every right to do so.
Of course, many of those who transfer their only apartment to relatives are confident in their integrity. But the huge number of tragic stories about old people who find themselves on the street proves that trust is often in vain. Often, cloudless relations between relatives deteriorate sharply after the signing of the gift agreement. Especially often, such stories occur when concluding a gift transaction in simple written form; as a rule, old people deceived in this way do not understand the essence of the agreement at all, do not know about the consequences and do not even realize that they will no longer be able to live in their apartments.
When planning to enter into a gift agreement, it is better to think several times. And also seek advice from a notary. The notary will definitely explain all the details of the transaction and talk about what consequences may occur after its conclusion. If after this the confidence in the need to conclude a gift agreement disappears, the notary will help you choose other options for transferring real estate. They can be a will, a purchase and sale transaction, etc. The main thing is not to neglect the opportunity to get professional advice. After all, a notary is, first of all, a highly qualified lawyer of a wide profile who works in the interests of citizens.

Some people know from childhood that they want to become a doctor or a miner. Others have no idea what to work with. For some, finances and school results allow them to enter any department, while others choose from what is available. What if you don’t yet know which university is best to go to? Depends on what is preventing you from making a choice.

You don't know which university is better

A good university is a vague concept. To understand which university will turn a student into a cool specialist, you need to dig through a bunch of data.

Please note that university rankings vary. Simple lists like “100 best universities in the world” are not suitable: what they evaluate is not always necessary for a future profession. Look for ratings that reflect the employment of graduates: how many specialists found a job after studying, how quickly they got a job, and whether they work in their specialty at all.

Food for thought:

  1. Ratings of the Expert RA agency: starting from the abstract “best university” and ending with a list of the most sought after by employers.
  2. Monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the employment of graduates.
  3. Rating of the quality of educational activities (also according to the Ministry of Education).
  4. An example of a salary rating for the SuperJob portal. Look for similar collections for other professions.

If you are planning to enroll, but your educational institution does not appear on any list, ask the university representatives whether it is easy for graduates to find work. Perhaps the university does not track the fate of all graduates, but at least it cooperates with employers and helps in finding employment. Ask about such programs: whether they operate and under what conditions.

Chat with Alumni

  1. How do employers react to a university diploma?
  2. Was the knowledge from lectures and seminars useful in your work?
  3. How do your colleagues rate the university?
  4. Are graduates satisfied with the salary level? How quickly do they move up the career ladder?

Go to all the open days

Universities hold meetings with applicants to promote themselves. Come and listen. Ask how to find a job after university, whether it is possible to transfer to another faculty and how to do this.

Find out more about opportunities for studying and traveling abroad. Ask questions about the equipment in the labs and even the quality of the food in the cafeteria.

You don't know who you want to be

Don't worry if you don't know what you want to do yet. You have time to choose your dream business. But if you want to enroll now (in order not to waste time or for other reasons), try to find a suitable option.

Look for professions you don't know about

Open the directory of professions (the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation has one and another) and see who you can work with. Just read the job descriptions in order. If you like something, go to any job search portal and consider vacancies. Analyze what requirements are imposed on applicants and what you will need to be able to do.

Sometimes such a free search gives more than all career guidance tests.

Choose a university with a large number of directions

If after a year or two you realize that you want to do something completely different, you can find a suitable specialty within your university. Then it will be easier to transfer to another faculty and take additional subjects.

Stop at the hardest part

If you have no idea what you want to be, but you still need to study (your parents are pushing you or you are more afraid of the army than the session), then choose a difficult specialty.

Firstly, there is less competition in complex areas. Secondly, if you decide to change your faculty or specialty, after difficult studies, everything else will seem like paradise. Thirdly, the skills of self-discipline and overcoming difficulties are the best that a modern university can provide.

Choose a practical specialty

Such that you can start immediately after studying or even during it. Otherwise, after university you may find yourself with a diploma that neither you nor your employer needs.

It’s better to earn money in a position you don’t like and save money for a new business than to spend several years on jobs that won’t be useful at all.

You have no money

Training is expensive. Or not?

Don't get hung up on a big name

Roughly speaking, if you want to become a mathematician, you need to become a mathematician, and not a student at the Best Mathematics University. Therefore, look for the desired specialty in other universities and in other cities. Maybe you will find an option many thousands of kilometers away, but with a scholarship.

Don't stop at Moscow and St. Petersburg: they are not the only places where there are good universities. A HSE study on the accessibility of education in 2016 will help take a fresh look at the geography of education.

Go to college

Colleges are cheaper. They complete the program faster. And in a few years, you will have a ready-made specialty, a job and the opportunity to study by correspondence or evening classes, without thinking about how your parents will pay for your studies.

Choose a university that pays good scholarships

Many universities encourage active and talented students by paying them additional scholarships. The region can also help with money.

Find out if the university you are going to has such scholarship holders. Ask how they achieved it. The only small thing left is to become one of the best students at the university.

Try Target Set

Targeted recruitment is when an enterprise pays for your training, and after studying you must work at this very enterprise. Sometimes an agreement is concluded not with an enterprise, but with municipal authorities. In fact, this is a type of educational loan, only you have to repay the debt not with money, but with work.

Find out if the university you are interested in has a targeted enrollment, ask what companies they work with. Take the contacts of the departments that conclude contracts - and go ahead, study the conditions and features of training.

Please note that orders for enrollment of target students are signed earlier, and applications must be submitted in the spring. The best time to do everything is during spring break.

School graduate checklist

If you are confused about what to do right now, check yourself with these short instructions:

  1. Decide who you want to be.
  2. Make a list of universities that offer the required specialty.
  3. Cross out schools that you can't afford.
  4. Check the position of the remaining ones in different ratings.
  5. Choose several universities that are worth working hard for and passing exams.

It's a very stressful time for high school graduates. Making a life from whom? Who should I go to study? Where to go? Who to be? How to choose? There are a lot of guys who simply don’t know what they want. Parents know... They often explain: “you will go to study where you can.” Or: “You will study where our money is enough.” In most educational institutions, serious work is conducted in graduate classes. They invite university teachers and graduates, issue “newsletters,” hold interesting specialized classes, conversations... And in the souls of the children, the children have an anxious, nagging feeling: how not to make a mistake. The difficult thing is choice. If nothing is interesting, then everything is simple - it doesn’t matter where you serve 5 years, then life will show that you don’t have to work in your specialty. And it didn’t happen for 5 years. What if it’s interesting, but not prestigious, or not monetary?

So who should you go to study? Maybe first try to look at yourself from the outside

Sides? Do I know how to communicate with peers and with older comrades? Is it sociable or is it more interesting to think in silence alone about high things? Is my mind rational or do I primarily live with emotions and feelings? And then the first choice for yourself is a lyricist or a physicist? Then the second step: where can I acquire knowledge - in my city, in a neighboring city, in the capital? Third step: read in the press - what are they like these days?

After all, the future well-being of him and his loved ones, the possibility of further career growth and much more depend on the degree to which a specialist is in demand. Unfortunately, practical considerations, or fashion, or romantic ideas often become decisive. In the 60s of the 20th century they dreamed of conquering space, in the 90s they dreamed of becoming a lawyer and accountant. It was believed that they were the “breadiest”. But now there is an overabundance of them. Technologies and production levels are changing before the eyes of today's graduates.

So who should I go to study after 11th grade? Obviously, preference will be given to professionals in the field of information and nanotechnologies, managers of innovative enterprises and business sectors. Not everyone is capable of becoming an engineer. But everyone intuitively understands that without basic knowledge in the field of law and economics, it is quite difficult to become a sought-after specialist in any field. Therefore, when deciding for yourself the question “who is better to go to study for?”, the future applicant must understand that budget places for these specialties are very limited, which means high competition, and commercial places are waiting for them only if the family is ready to take on financial obligations for training .

According to forecasts, engineering specialties will become leaders in the next decade. The real sector of the economy requires technologists, operators and marketers. This is all the more relevant, because highly qualified personnel of the Soviet period either retired or left the profession, engineering and technical youth of the 90s and 2000s sought to leave their homeland or retrained, as they say, “to become house managers.”

But there is an even more urgent need for highly qualified personnel in the field of education and healthcare: prestigious, interesting, fashionable, but... without money. What a dilemma!

Finally, it is generally not important to have prestigious “crusts” for self-respecting graduates if they know that they have a head on their shoulders and hands, as they say, “golden”.

It has been a long time since there has been such an acute demand for qualified workers in Russia. Turners, milling operators, equipment adjusters, system administrators, logisticians... Young people capable of servicing “complex” equipment are so in demand that companies are willing to train and pay higher salaries at their own expense. Of particular interest to employers are software engineers, web designers and IT security professionals.

The specializations “Nanomaterials” and “Nanotechnologies in Electronics” are also very attractive in Russia. In the future, it is likely that the range of specializations in this area will be wider.

However, how to promote products on the market, how to increase sales volume, how to take a place in the sun of your company in conditions of fierce competition - this is where serious psychologists and other specialists in optimizing the management of material and information flows are needed.

Who should I go to study? Listen to yourself, take a closer look at the world around you, don’t be led by your momentary mood, don’t reject any advice, but decide everything yourself.