What is a universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Creation of a universal electronic card in Russia. Universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation - what is it and how to get it? Universal single electronic card where to get

Information is increasingly appearing in the media about the start of a program to issue universal electronic cards by banks. However, Russians do not strive to become owners of this convenient invention in the shortest possible time. Moreover, many even oppose their implementation. The reason for this phenomenon is that many people are not even aware of its benefits. For what purposes is it needed and how to get it? Is it possible to refuse it? Let's figure it out.

Creation in Russia

The history of the Russian payment system begins in 2010. In July of this year, Federal Law No. 210 on the provision of state and municipal services came into force. This document, among other things, contains information on the procedure for using the UEC. Initially, the law envisaged a ban on conducting payment transactions using cards outside of Russia. This initiative could lead to the bankruptcy of the Visa and MasterCard payment systems. However, after long negotiations the ban was lifted.

In 2011, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to create the UEC. The PRO100 payment system and all the infrastructure necessary for it were created especially for these cards. However, this initiative was not supported by banks and the population. Therefore, UECs are no longer required to be issued.

Since the beginning of 2012, a project to introduce new cards has been launched in several regions of Russia. At the end of this year, the largest number of UECs were sold in the Komi Republic.

Since 2014, UECs have been issued to all Russians. However, everyone has the right to refuse the card.

What is a universal electronic card

At its core, the UEC is a combination of a bank card, SNILS, a health insurance policy, and an identity document. In addition, you can enter data about your travel card, passes, and driver’s license. The card has a microchip built into it, which stores all the information about various electronic applications.

The UEC project is larger than a conventional payment system. The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation makes it possible to use all kinds of municipal, state and commercial services. As stated on the official website of UEC, with the help of these cards, Russians will be able to remotely use some services that were not previously available. We are talking about submitting applications and completing various documentation.


The external design of the UEC coincides with the design of a regular bank plastic card. Service through it is carried out at payment terminals, ATMs, retail outlets, as well as via the Internet. Non-contact use is also acceptable.

The UEC itself must contain the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the owner;
  • photo;
  • number;
  • validity;
  • contact information of authorized organizations.

The card does not contain a barcode.

Who can receive

According to the law, a citizen of the Russian Federation (Russia) is issued to all citizens of our country, regardless of age. Previously, the basis for its issuance was an application submitted to an authorized organization. Currently, issuance does not require a special application.

When receiving a card for children under 14 years of age, only their legal representatives can sign the application for issuance. In this case, it is impossible to connect the banking application to the card. Children over 14 years of age can connect it only with parental consent.

Where and how is the UEC issued?

A universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation is issued by organizations that are approved individually in each region. As a rule, banks and multifunctional centers are engaged in issuing.

To issue a card, you must present the following documents:

  • general passport (for children - birth certificate);
  • pension certificate;
  • health insurance policy;
  • photo on electronic media.

It is not necessary to bring a photo. When you receive your card, you will be photographed. The application must indicate the bank that will be used for the payment application. You can only select an organization that is a partner of this program. Card production time is no more than 20 days. Upon receipt, a general passport is required.


Many opportunities open up for UEC owners. What does a universal card give to citizens of the Russian Federation? With its help, you can obtain services from government organizations and various departments - tax, migration services, registration chamber, traffic police and others. For example, you can pay for utilities, public transport tickets, purchases in stores, taxes, government duties, make money transfers, make appointments with doctors, kindergartens, receive electronic prescriptions for medicines, keep an electronic diary, pay for meals in educational institutions. institutions. The list of available UEC services and various options for its use is gradually expanding.


The universal electronic card of a Russian citizen (UEC) has a number of advantages:

  • compactness - the card replaces several documents at once;
  • the ability to remotely receive government services at any time and anywhere;
  • the procedure for contacting state and municipal institutions takes less time, since card data is entered automatically;
  • the card has an electronic digital signature, which allows holders to use the services of commercial providers;
  • the ability to connect a card to a specific bank account;
  • Possibility of use as a travel ticket, as well as to pay for goods and services.


The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (UEC) is not mandatory for all citizens. According to the law, anyone can refuse it by writing a corresponding statement. You can do this anytime. After reviewing the application, the card will be cancelled. You can refuse the UEC until January 1 of the next year (2017). The list of application acceptance points is presented on the UEC website.

Replacement and loss

The universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation can be replaced both in case of loss or change in the installation data of its owner. An application for a duplicate is submitted to authorized organizations in each constituent entity of Russia.

The application is reviewed within a month. Based on the entries made in the register, a duplicate UEC is issued. Issuance is carried out directly to the citizen on the basis of an identity document. The fee for re-issuing a card if lost is determined separately in each subject of the federation. Replacement is absolutely free.


The creation of the UEC caused a flurry of emotions from the public. The fact is that the cards contain personal data regarding the amount of monthly income, the owners’ property, social security and other information about various aspects of human activity. All information is compiled into a single data bank. Opponents of the electronic card argue that the information security system is far from perfect and access to the database can be obtained by third parties. Moreover, all information will be contained in the microchip.

Even at the pilot stage, the project became a cause of discontent among Russians. More than a third of Moscow residents spoke out against the implementation of the UEC. The Moscow City Duma received more than 10 thousand appeals.

The universal electronic card causes a lot of discussion on the Internet. Total control, according to opponents of the system, has become quite real. After all, all operations and even the route of a citizen’s movement can be tracked. Information leakage may well occur.

There is another point of view. Many citizens fear that electronic cards will be very effective in cities where infrastructure is developed. In villages and towns, you should not expect results from the UEC.

Human rights activists argue that while civil society is at a low level of development, the introduction of universal personalized cards could lead to abuse and fraud.

The government claims that universal electronic cards carry out routing, but not the consolidation of information about citizens. That is, using the map, you can extract the necessary information from the database, which is located in the department of government agencies. Also, the UEC developers and project organizers claim that all cards are protected by hardware and software and are directly controlled by the state. It is not at all necessary to issue a card; you can issue a refusal if you wish.

So, the universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a very useful invention of our time. With its help, you can receive various non-cash payment transactions. Its main advantage is that it contains information about several documents of its owner. Every citizen can receive a universal card. However, the introduction of a system of personalized cards caused dissonance in society. Many Russians are categorically against this innovation. However, the authorities leave the choice to the citizens - they can refuse the card.

Let's start with the fact that in 2010 the law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” was adopted, on the basis of which the Universal Electronic Card was put into circulation.

The card itself combines:

  • bank card;
  • an identity document (however, there is a caveat - in cases established by law, so do not rush to hide your passport in a far corner);
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

You can “place” a travel ticket, pass, license, housing and communal services application, etc. in it. With the help of the UEC, you can pay, for example, for medical care, travel, shopping, utility bills, make an appointment with a doctor, and even submit an application to the registry office. All this is possible thanks to the presence of a built-in microchip on which all kinds of electronic applications will be stored.

In addition, the UEC certifies the rights to use federal, municipal, and some commercial services. It will allow (at least, this is what they promise on the official website) to receive remotely even those services that were previously available only by visiting a government institution in person. For example, draw up real estate documentation, submit applications, etc., because the user’s personal digital signature will be placed directly on the card.

Regarding the relationship with the “Map of Electronic Government” project, which competes in some functions, it was explained that the UEC is a much larger-scale and multifunctional project.

To process transactions that will be performed using UEC, the developers (apparently for patriotic reasons) decided to use the PRO100 system (for those who don’t know, this is Sberbank’s own PS).

What do Universal Electronic Cards look like?

The card looks like a regular bank card and can be serviced everywhere: in terminals, the Internet, ATMs, stores, as well as in government (and some other) access control systems. In this case, both contactless and contact use is allowed.

The card itself must contain the following information:

  • Owner's name
  • Photo
  • Number and validity period
  • Contacts of the authorized organization
  • Individual insurance number in the pension insurance system.

There is no barcode on the UEC.

To whom and when is it issued?

In accordance with the law, a Universal electronic card has been issued since the beginning of the current year based on an application submitted to the authorized organization. The applicant must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

From January 2014, the card will be issued to all other Russians without any application.

When receiving a card for a child under 14 years of age, the application is signed by his legal representative (a photo on the “plastic” in this case is not necessary). You cannot connect a banking application to such a card. If the child is between 14 and 18 years old, then connection is possible, but parental consent will be required.

Hello IdeaFox friends!

This card is similar to a regular Visa or MasterCard credit card, but allows you to make many more transactions.

Below is a leaflet that explains the design elements and appearance (click on the image to enlarge)

Design approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. To enlarge the image, click on the image.

Image belongs to the sitehttp://www.uecard.ru

Here's how it can be used in basic functionality:

- as an identity document

- as an online identity document (what kind of news is this?!)

- as a compulsory health insurance policy

— or as an insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance
— payment bank card

There are many more additional options for using this card:

— For example, to pay for tickets in transport (I wonder how exactly? Will they install data readers?)

- Can be used as a driver's license

— Like a compulsory motor liability insurance policy

— Payment for housing and communal services

— Pay for communication services

— Payment of taxes and fines

— Making an appointment with a doctor

— Payment for medicines and services

- Like a pass to school or university

— Like a student’s record book or diary (!!!)

— You can receive passport office services

— And many other services. Interestingly, the official website lists much fewer features than Wikipedia

Here is a grand list of all the possibilities from Wiki, where I took the most interesting points:

Screenshot of a page from Wikipedia

Who can receive UEC?

This card is issued free of charge to every citizen of the Russian Federation upon reaching 14 years of age from January 2013 on the basis of an application. Judging by information from the media, the extradition process has already begun.

Interestingly, you can refuse to receive the UEC by writing an application. The fact is that not everyone may like the fact that almost a person's entire life becomes enclosed in this rectangular piece of plastic.

Many have well-founded concerns, which I will discuss below.

Where can I get a Universal electronic card or write a waiver application?

For each region of Russia there is an Authorized Organization of the Subject (ASO). In Russian, for each region or region of the Russian Federation there is a list of addresses where you can obtain a UEC or write an application for refusal to issue a card.

Here, for example, is a list of addresses for the Nizhny Novgorod region, where I live. You will, of course, easily find your region or city.

I was surprised that there are only four such addresses in the Novgorod region. Quite sparse.

What do I think about this? What is causing concern?

Yes, it’s a good idea, since it’s more convenient to carry one piece of plastic with you than a folder full of documents of all kinds. And if lost, it will be easier to restore one document than fifty pieces of paper in different authorities.

It will be easier to interact with our beloved bureaucrats and the like.

Of course, this has a big advantage.

But there are also concerns. These are the questions that interest me most:

- How is the defense going there? How strong is the armor, so to speak?

— Will too many organizations get access to the consolidated information on my card? This is a very serious problem regarding the protection of personal data.

Just imagine that ALL information about your personality is stored in one place, in one database.

It is clear that the competent authorities already know everything about me. But I don’t want many organizations listed above to have access in addition to the competent authorities.

— Fraudulent schemes will flourish. This will definitely happen. Those who remember the endless monetary reforms of the 90s also remember elegant schemes to defraud the population of various kinds of swindlers.

I assure you, the best criminal minds are coming up with beautiful schemes right now. I hope this card has many degrees of protection and, first of all, has foolproof protection.

Tens of thousands of Russians experience exactly the same fears. These are not empty words - here you can read an extremely informative message about the round table initiated by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Moscow City Duma.


On January 1, 2013, on the basis of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services,” the production and maintenance of universal electronic cards of a citizen of the Russian Federation began.

This article will discuss the procedure for obtaining a card and the scope of its use.

General description of the universal electronic card

Universal electronic card (UEC) looks like a standard bank card with a chip. The chip contains a federal identification application and a banking application.

The identification application contains the following data about the user printed on the surface of the UEC card: Full name. citizen, gender, date of birth, sample signature, photograph, card number, compulsory health insurance policy number, compulsory pension insurance insurance certificate (see Fig. 1). Those. The UEC combines an identity document, a compulsory health insurance policy, and a compulsory pension insurance certificate. In addition, a universal electronic card can be used instead of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation “in a number of cases provided for by law,” which in practice means that the card can be presented instead of a passport in almost all usual places.

Fig. 1 - Appearance of a universal electronic card

Also, if the owner wishes and depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, other federal and regional applications will be recorded on the card, for example, a transport application.

The card is issued on the basis of the national payment system PRO100, organized by Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Those. It will be possible to pay for goods and services at trade and service establishments marked with PRO100 stickers. However, this payment system, unlike VISA, MasterCard, etc. systems, does not allow transactions abroad.

Therefore, along with the PRO100 payment system, it will be possible to install an additional banking application for international payment systems (VISA, MasterCard, etc.) of Uralsib and Sberbank banks, with the help of which it will be possible to make payments abroad. In the future, it is planned to expand the list of partner banks, which will be published on the official website of the UEC.

Contact and contactless use of a universal electronic card is allowed in ATMs and payment terminals (contact), public transport (contactless), trade and service enterprises (contact or contactless), on a single portal of public services (contactless) and in any other Internet services and portals that have received permission to use these maps from the authorized organization of the region.

The presence of a digital signature of the holder on the UEC will allow remote access to those services that were previously not available, as they required mandatory identification of users, for example, when carrying out real estate transactions.

Receipt procedure

Any citizen of Russia can receive a universal electronic card without any age restrictions. For citizens under 14 years of age, an application for a UEC card is submitted and signed by their legal representative. In this case, it is not necessary to place a photograph on the UEC card.

At the same time, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes restrictions for the use of the electronic banking application of the UEC card, which cannot be activated:

  • for children under 14 years of age - until they reach adulthood;
  • for children aged 14 to 18 years - without the consent of a legal representative.

UEC can be obtained from January 1, 2013 on the basis of submitting an application at one of the application acceptance points created by the Authorized Organization of the subject.

The procedure for obtaining a universal electronic card upon application (in 2013) simplified consists of three main stages: submission of applications and documents to the collection point → issuance and delivery of the card to the issuing point → receipt of the card at the issuing point.

Procedure for obtaining UEC upon application

  1. Application acceptance point
  • Fill out an application for a card
  • Write an application to open a bank account
  • Submit an application for connecting additional applications
  • Provide a passport, SNILS.
  • Take a photo
  • Sign
  1. Manufacturing of UEC
  • 20 working days
  1. UEC issuing point
  • Provide a passport
  • Receive a card, PIN code, package of documents
  • Issue a receipt for receipt of the UEC
  • Get advice from a specialist about the procedure for connecting and using additional services

In this case, if desired, you can refuse to issue the UEC by submitting an application for refusal to the federal authorized organization (FUO UEC). In this case, the card will be cancelled.

A universal electronic card is issued free of charge.

In case of loss or need to replace the UEC, you should also contact the authorized organization or directly to the application collection point with the appropriate application. A duplicate card will be issued after 1 month upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The procedure for issuing a duplicate and the fee for issuing is determined by the subject of the Russian Federation.

Services provided with the card

It is planned that a universal electronic card will allow access to the services of such federal organizations and departments as: Federal Tax Service, Federal Migration Service of Russia, State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Service, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

In addition, using the card it will be possible to pay for commercial services (including housing and communal services, tickets, communications, purchases in stores) as with a regular bank card.

Examples of services that, as they are introduced, can be received and paid for using a universal electronic card:

Housing and communal services

  • Payment of utility services
  • Obtaining information about the condition of the housing stock
  • Passport office services


  • Payment for travel on public transport (including for beneficiaries)
  • Booking and purchasing train and air tickets

Medical services

  • Making an appointment with a doctor
  • Electronic registry services
  • Electronic medical history
  • Electronic prescription
  • Payment for medicines and medical services
  • Accounting for preferential and additional provision in pharmacies


  • Obtaining information about tax debts
  • Payment of taxes

Banking services

  • Enrollment of wages and pensions
  • Enrollment of social payments
  • Payment for goods and services

traffic police

  • Payment of fines
  • Maintenance payment
  • Payment of the state fee for obtaining a driver's license
  • Payment for vehicle registration (registration and deregistration)


  • Access to an educational institution (kindergarten, school, university, dormitory)
  • electronic diary (grade book)
  • Electronic schedule
  • Payment for food

The list of services available with the card and possible methods of payment for them will expand and reach several thousand.

UEC security

The card provides a higher level of protection against counterfeiting compared to ordinary documents and bank cards:

  • the identification application itself does not contain personal data, but requests it from the servers of government agencies;
  • The card has both hardware and software protection built into it;
  • To pay for goods and services, a PIN code is required;
  • significant transactions using the card can be additionally protected or limited by the citizen himself, through his personal account on the portal of the universal electronic card;
  • the card is visually protected at the level of a banknote, and the procedure for its issue and circulation is centralized and under state control;
  • equipped with a special set of physical protection elements against counterfeiting (microprinting, micropattern, introduction of security fibers and threads into the card body, security holograms, kipp effect, guilloche elements, etc.).

Galina Skorodumova

It was planned that in the near future the UEC will perform the functions of a passport, insurance and medical policies. This will allow you to solve most problems online.

UEC - what is it?

UEC was the name of a Russian card, which was both a means of payment and a document. With its help it was even possible to identify a citizen.

Not released since this year (2017).

Card options:

  • fast payment and services
  • is a health care policy
  • insurance certificate
  • access to your e-wallet
  • you can connect a bank card
  • electronic signature (no longer valid)
  • ticket.

The release was carried out throughout Russia based on an application written in person. There were no fees for using it. According to the plan, the UEC was to be reissued every 5 years.

How to use

To identify the card, there are special terminals and cash desks with the appropriate sticker that accept the Pro100 service system. To use the card's capabilities at home, you need to buy a card reader with a regular USB connector.

Electronic signature or UEC - what is it?

This option is currently disabled. However, previously, thanks to it, the card received the following capabilities:

  • identification– you can, without presenting a passport, receive a number of government or commercial services (in the pension system, in medical institutions, etc.)
  • online identification, allowing you to perform legal and financial actions online. When this feature is activated, a secure connection is created between partners, which ensures the confidentiality and security of transactions;
  • payment functionality(you can carry out transactions with a bank account: pay for goods, services, withdraw funds in terminals with a cash-out option, transfer money to other accounts and cards. Valid if the bank has an agreement with the Pro100 payment system. For this, an account is opened, without commissions upon personal visit to the bank);
  • personal data.

The user checks and edits his data himself; this option allows you to fill out applications and forms when applying via the Internet in a second.

What else was planned to be connected

It was understood that a single card of a Russian citizen, capable of replacing many documents, including those written by hand, would expand its functions. Potential Opportunities:

  1. Creation and free access using a card to your personal account on State Services, use of available portal services.
  2. Virtual notary. Allows you to fill out significant documents for working and receiving services from various services, using an electronic signature. The electronic document is stored as a regular document and has legal force.
  3. Pension insurance. Replaces a pension certificate, serves as a means of identification for a pensioner, and provides access to his pension account from home.
  4. Medical services. Used as an electronic policy, at home on your computer you can: make an appointment with a doctor, buy medicine, pay for services(including preferential ones) , register for preferential services in pharmacies.
  5. Single travel card(unlimited travel on public transport at an average cost, purchased train and plane tickets, travel benefits for eligible categories of citizens, an electronic account that can be topped up from home).

The concept of what UEC is for instant confirmation was planned to be expanded:

  • information about your car and its maintenance;
  • obtaining information about your child (his progress, schedule, payment for meals, enrollment in school and kindergarten, etc.);
  • payment for sports activities, including rental of premises, sports equipment, booking and purchasing tickets for matches, latest information about sports competitions;
  • Civil registry office at a distance - get married, divorce, register a newborn;
  • FMS - register at your place of stay, order a passport;
  • receiving invoiced payments for utilities, taxes, electricity, etc.

The above list is not complete. With the help of this card, a citizen could solve most of his problems without going anywhere, but simply by turning on the computer.

How the security of user data and his actions was ensured

The card was chipped. The citizen’s identification data was printed on it, as well as the data of the current options (SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy number, money for travel, electronic signature, etc.). If it was lost or stolen, you could report it, after which it would be blocked. All data and photos were applied using laser engraving, that is, the text and images were in the structure of the card, so it was extremely difficult to replace or fake it.

When submitting documents for release, a video recording was made - all papers were immediately locked in a safe. The finished card was delivered separately from the envelope with the PIN code. It was also possible to limit the number of available options for security reasons.

What was expected from the card

The creation of such a medium was to be part of an extensive program based on the “one-stop-shop” principle. Make ordering and receiving government services easier and more accessible for all citizens. This could eliminate bureaucratic red tape. It would also ensure that holders are constantly informed of their rights. The staff of officials of all ranks would be reduced. It would be possible to create and develop a database of electronic signatures for individuals in the country. The share of non-cash payments would increase. Many other changes could probably be achieved.

What shortcomings were discovered during the implementation process?

In a certain sense, the map could not withstand the competition with paper documents. Due to its versatility, the card became too valuable - its loss, damage, theft led to the fact that a person was left without important documents for a significant amount of time (medical policy, SNILS, etc.). The presence of such a single and comprehensive source of all data about a person opened the way to all information about him, all options and opportunities - this made the person very vulnerable, especially in the presence of ill-wishers with some skills.

The logo of the bank that opened the current account of the cardholder was displayed on the card. If a citizen wanted to change bank, then the card would have to be changed. Also, a reissue would be required in the event of a change in the surname or other data presented on the surface.

Not everyone wanted to delve into the intricacies of the UEC functionality. Elderly people are often left out of the benefits provided. In addition, there are people who simply do not have the inclination to constantly contact the computer.

To fully work with the card, you would have to buy a special device and learn new software, which also did not make everyone happy. In conditions where computer addiction is already growing exponentially, the functionality of the card can increase it even further.

If the PIN code is entered incorrectly by the owner, the UEC is blocked, which deprives him of documents and opportunities. The plastic card itself often cannot withstand the load: when actively used, including as a transport card, it leads to wear and tear long before the expiration date.

Despite its wide possibilities, it does not eliminate the need to carry a passport with you, since it cannot be recognized as an identity document. The need to equip all potential places of its use with special terminals and readers did not please everyone. There are other disadvantages, which turned out to be many in practical use.

Plus to this:

  1. Attempts were made to track the movements of card holders, for example, in the subway, which ultimately did not make anyone happy.
  2. Concerns have arisen that the presence of the UEC will provide the opportunity for total secret control of the private lives of citizens.
  3. Some citizens fear that it will make fraud and fraud simple and accessible
  4. About 10% of respondents considered it a gateway to unauthorized knowledge of third parties about their private lives.
  5. Moreover, almost half of people prefer to have documents separately.

Is it possible to get this card now?

In December last year, the UEC was abolished, while holders of already issued cards can continue to use them until the expiration date. Universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation - what is it and how to get it? – these questions are closed. This project was stopped for many reasons, one of the reasons being the international situation.