And also development. How to write “as well as”: rules of use, examples. Algorithm for choosing the correct spelling

The combined or separate spelling of the words “also” and “also” depends on what part of speech they are. This can be determined by the context through which their morphological and syntactic features appear.

The adverb “so” with a demonstrative meaning and the independent particle “zhe” are written separately. They are used in speech to compare any actions or states that occur or manifest themselves under similar conditions or circumstances.

I tried to imitate my father in everything: I also hurriedly drank my morning tea, got dressed on the go and jumped out of the house, although I had nowhere to rush at that time.

Outside the window, the cold rain was still drizzling, and it seemed that the grayish autumn sky had dropped over the city to the very roofs.

In a sentence after the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” you can use a combination of the adverb “how” with the conjunction “and”:

Just like her sister, Dasha loved to read, but she chose completely different books.

Canaries, like other songbirds, fall silent during the period of hatching their chicks.

The derivative conjunction “also”, formed by merging the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe”, is written together. In a sentence it can be easily replaced with the coordinating conjunction “and”:

There was an unusual excitement in the hall; behind the scenes they were also worried.

There was an unusual feeling of excitement in the hall, and there was excitement behind the scenes.

An important distinguishing feature of the adverbial combination “so” with the particle “zhe” is its syntactic role in a sentence: the adverb, as an independent syntactic unit or as part of a comparative phrase, acts as an adverb. The conjunction is also a service part of speech; it is used to connect parts of a sentence as part of a complex syntactic structure and is not a member of the sentence.

In some cases, the semantic difference between the words “also” and “also” can only be determined by the extended context, including several sentences, or by the intonation that is implied when reading them:

The site determined that the difference between "also" and "also" is as follows:

  1. The combination “also” consists of an adverb with a demonstrative meaning and a particle associated with it in meaning. The word “also” is a derived preposition.
  2. The combination of the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” is written separately. The derivative conjunction “also” is written together.
  3. In a sentence, the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” has an adverbial meaning and acts as a secondary member. The conjunction “also” does not have an independent lexical meaning and serves to connect individual parts of a syntactic structure.
  4. The combination of “so” with the particle “the same” can be used in a comparative phrase if it is followed by the adverb “how”. The derivative conjunction “also” is easily replaced by the coordinating conjunction “and”.
  5. In some cases, the adverbial combination “also” can be distinguished from the conjunction “also” only by an expanded context or intonation with emphasized logical stress.

In order to write correctly, one person only needs to use his inner instinct, while another needs to learn the rule. In any case, you need to know the rules of spelling in order to avoid mistakes in important documents that one way or another have to be drawn up in life.

Incorrect use of “also” and “also” in the text entails, if not a loss of meaning, then at least a loss of perception. This mistake is considered one of the most common: it is made by novice writers and journalists. Using a combined or separate description of “the same” and “also” in the text, we show our level of training in the Russian language, and our attitude towards it, especially if the language is native.

Spelling "also" and "also"

Many people are concerned with the question of how Is it also spelled correctly or the same? To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to clearly define in what context this part of speech is used. Rules for writing the same and also following:

  • it is also written separately if there is further comparison,
  • also writes together if there is identification with the word “too” or “more”.

In connection with this rule, it is easy to determine places in the text where it would be correct to use the continuous spelling “also”, and where the separate spelling “also”. To easily remember the rule, it is recommended to take the entire text, highlight spelling also and the same, and view the full context.

Comparison of one with another in the text is often carried out using “the same,” it looks like this: “He was a military man just like his brother.” In this case, be sure to add “as” after the comma to draw attention to the comparative element.

Another question is that in various texts one can most likely find the combined spelling “also”, used as a replacement for the word “too”. For example: “Among the wide range of dresses, there are different models, colors, and sizes.”

Native language

Learning your native language is always important, and knowing the spelling of a number of words is necessary in order to write correctly. The native language is studied in schools and universities without fail, regardless of what specialty the student chooses.

It is especially important to study the spelling of those parts of speech with which confusion may arise, since this immediately reveals the level of the person writing. The basic rules for using combined or separate spelling of words are taught at school, the rest is taught in higher educational institutions, as a rule, reinforcing the material.

Competent Russian language implies the ability to avoid many pitfalls and know the rules that are important to follow so as not to make yourself look like an ignoramus. There are words that we regularly use incorrectly in everyday life. In writing, the words “also” and “also” look different depending on the context and meaning of the sentence. But how do you know when to choose which option? To do this, you need to turn to the rules of the Russian language and determine what part of speech a given word can be and what semantic load falls on it.

We suggest you figure out how to write these words correctly. In Russian, you can use both options, because combined or separate spelling is determined by what part of speech the problem word is.

Also, a lot depends on the context and meaning. But let's return to parts of speech. The fact is that “also” or “also” can act as a conjunction or with a particle.

The conjunction "also"

If the word in question acts as a conjunction, the spelling will be continuous. But how can we understand that we are dealing with a union? There is an option to check. You can replace this word with another conjunction, and the meaning of the sentence will not change. Here are some examples:

  • He would also like to go to the forest with us.
  • He would also like to go to the forest with us.

And one more example with another union:

  • We did all the homework and also completed a few tasks for ourselves.
  • We did all our homework and also completed a few tasks for ourselves.

“Also” – adverb and particle

In the event that “so” acts as an adverb, and “the same” as a particle, this combination of words is written separately. In the Russian language there is a corresponding rule that does not tolerate deviations. To quickly determine whether the combination “in the same way” refers to these parts of speech, you can replace it with the combination of words “in the same way.” Here's an example:

  • By doing the same, we can achieve even more impressive results.
  • By doing the same, we can achieve even more impressive results.

But this method is not suitable for all offers, so there is an additional verification option. You can omit the particle “zhe” in the sentence. And if the meaning remains unchanged, it is necessary to write the adverb and particle separately. Here's an example:

  • Masha, like Anton, was afraid of dogs.
  • Masha, like Anton, was afraid of dogs.

Difference between "also" and "as well"

To quickly remember how to write the words “also” and “also” correctly, pay attention to several main differences between them:

  • "Also". A part of speech is an adverb that has a demonstrative meaning, and a particle that is related to it in meaning, while the word “also” is a derivative conjunction.
  • An adverb with the particle “also” in a sentence has an adverbial meaning and is a minor member. “Also” as a conjunction does not have a separate lexical meaning, is not a member of the sentence and serves only to connect a syntactic structure.
  • The adverb “so” can be part of a comparative phrase together with the particle “the same” if it is followed by the adverb “how”. And when it comes to a conjunction, it can be replaced with another conjunction “also” or “and.”

Important! Sometimes these words can be distinguished solely by the semantic load that is assigned to them in a certain context.

So, a conjunction and an adverb with a particle can be distinguished by the semantic load of the sentence. These words have completely different meanings and places in sentences. If you know exactly what a word means, you will forever remember how to spell “also” or “the same way.” Let's take a closer look.

The union expresses identification, closeness. Synonyms - equally, in the same way, too, at the same time.

  • He is also good, but the other student knows the subject better.
  • Masha also loves to play.
  • These words were also true.

An adverb with the particle “the same” indicates identity, similarity, sameness of actions or characteristics. Synonyms - in exactly this way and not in another way, in exactly this form, to such an extent.

  • Try to do your work just as quickly.
  • Pretend that you are as worried as Sasha.

There are many words in the Russian language that sound the same but are spelled differently. The words “also” and “also” are pronounced the same, but they are written differently in different contexts.

This is why confusion often occurs, the consequences of which can be very disastrous. Many Russian speakers almost always use the conjunction “also” in sentences, without thinking that such writing can change the entire meaning of the sentence. Poor writing can make a person look bad.

Important! Competent written speech is needed not only by business people, managers and teachers. Correct spelling of words shows the level of development, erudition and responsibility.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Let's summarize. We found out that “also” and “also” are completely different parts of speech, which in different sentences, depending on the meaning, can be written together or separately. We selected options to check and found out how to remember correct spelling. We found a large number of differences between the two words. In the event that you don’t remember or doubt whether to write this or that word correctly, it is better to once again turn to the dictionary or the Internet so as not to get into trouble and not expose yourself as an illiterate person.

In contact with

And also(s)

And also (and) A 1, conjunction.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what “And also (and)” is in other dictionaries:

    See yes, and and also... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. also yes, and; as well as, in turn, equally, in turn, in addition, too, that’s all, again, as well as... ... Synonym dictionary

    ALSO, adv. 1. At the same time, at the same time, in the same way (not to be confused with the same). “Restraint was also noticeable in the face, i.e. self-control." Goncharov. 2. The same, used. in meaning connecting union, usually in combination with unions a, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Also, the union (he also came)… Spelling dictionary-reference book

    ALSO, union. Expresses addition [not to be confused with the combination of the adverb “so” and the particle “same”]. He doesn't mind, we agree. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    - (Aka), UK, 2002, 120 min. Drama. Young Dean was sick of the boredom of the working-class suburbs. He runs away from home and finds shelter in the house of an aristocrat, Lady Grayfon. After a quarrel with her son Alex, Dean finds himself back on the street. Meeting with… … Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Union. Joins homogeneous members of a sentence or sentence as part of a complex one. He was a good friend, he studied well. Brother quit smoking, you should do it. He agrees, we don’t mind. You're tired, I'm t. ◁ Just like, in zn. union... encyclopedic Dictionary

    See also; in zn. union. He speaks French as well as German... Dictionary of many expressions

The spelling of these words, which so often causes difficulty for students, depends on what part of speech they are. We tell the rule with examples, to When “also” and “also” are written together, and when separately. There may even be a hyphenated option.

The word “also” is written together when used as a conjunction. The word was formed by merging the adverb “so” and the particle “zhe”. "Also" meaning can be replaced by “more”, “also” or “and”. So you can test yourself.

Example sentences:

1. We cleaned the room, and also washed the dishes (= and also washed the dishes).

2. Elena will have ice cream, as well as cotton candy (= and cotton candy).

3. He was nervous, and still worried (= and also worried).

Reference! There is no comma inside the “as well as” construction if it means “as well as.” The construction itself is distinguished by punctuation marks.
Example sentence: Just like her, I always knew it.

Adverb with particle “also”

“Also” is written separately if used as an adverb with a particle. "Also" used for comparison. To test yourself, you need to find out whether the construction in the sentence means “in the same way.”

Example sentences:

1. To make things fair, she did exactly the same (= in the same way).

2. It is known that he read as readily as his sister (= just as much).

3. I want the same salad: with shrimp and sauce (= in the same way).

Important! Remember that writing “the same” with a hyphen (also) is impossible.
For example: It was still snowing in April.

How to spell “also” or “the same”

In addition to those already listed, there are others methods for choosing the correct spelling designs.

Ask the question “how?”

Try to understand whether the design that confuses you answers the question is "how". If he answers, then “the same” is written separately. If not, it’s all together.

Example sentence: I need to make jelly (how?) the same way: with agar-agar.

Dropping a particle and replacing it with “and”

If in your case “also” is written separately, the “zhe” particle can be discarded.

Example sentence: Today it was cloudy just like yesterday (today it’s cloudy like yesterday).

If “also” is written together , this union, as we have already said, can be replaced with “and”.

Example sentence: He was worried, and there was also excitement in the hall (he was worried, and there was excitement in the hall).

Difficult situations

It happens that it is difficult to determine the part of speech in a single sentence. Consider this example: She was [also / also] very smart (she was as smart as someone else / in addition to the previously mentioned quality, she was also smart).

Attention! In this case, you can understand how to write a construction correctly only from the context or by intonation (the latter is not very reliable).

If you came across such a task on an exam or test, and there is no context, do not hesitate to inform the examiner or teacher about this, because without context, the choices are equivalent. This way you will avoid lowering your score and save other people. Defend your opinion if you are confident in it.

“Also” and “also”: comma after the turn

You need to put a comma after “as well”, if it is followed by “as”, and the construction means “to the same extent”, “equally”.

Example sentence: I think, like the rest of my group, I am counting on an automatic machine in the Russian language.


Both “also” and “also” have group of synonyms, which can replace words.

Synonyms for "also":

  • Same;
  • equally;
  • at the same time;
  • equally.

Synonyms for “the same”:

  • in the same way;
  • similar;
  • like;
  • as well as;
  • as well as.

You can't run from the problem. It’s better to memorize the writing rules once and for all and learn to identify the part of speech. However, if you absolutely cannot make a mistake and you are not sure of a doubtful word, better replace it with a synonym or try paraphrase so that the proposal turns out to be exactly literate. And they also say that learning synonyms is useful, as it greatly enriches speech. If a person expresses himself in the same words, it is very noticeable.

How to remember the rule?

  • R print the rule and hang it above your bed, re-read it every time you see it.
  • A solve problems actively on a topic of interest.
  • Seeing a word that causes difficulty in some text, research him, ask yourself: “why is it written here this way and not otherwise?” check which questions the word answers and check the rule.
  • Can create a picture with a rule and put it on the phone wallpaper, because a person sees the phone screen very often during the day.

And of course we recommend reading more, because reading forms the so-called “intuitive literacy”. So, we told you about in which cases is it written “the same”, and in which “also”, gave you tips on how to check your spelling, provided you with examples, and gave you tips on how to remember the rules. We hope the article did not leave you with any questions. Enjoy learning Russian!

Useful video

“Also” and “also” are the rules for writing in the video below.