Zhirkov after his resignation. Government orders related to Evgeny Zhirkov. The head of Balashikha resigned amid the landfill scandal

Evgeny Ivanovich Zhirkov is one of those people who are usually called self-made man, that is, a person who made himself without the help of rich and influential friends and relatives.

Childhood of Evgeny Zhirkov

Evgeniy Ivanovich was born in the Ryazan region into a family of workers. After graduating from high school, he became a turner's assistant and studied this profession until he was 18 years old, when he was drafted into the army.

Military service strengthened the character of the young man and taught him responsibility. During his service, Zhirkov gained his first experience in leadership work, which later became very useful to him in life.

The beginning of the career of Evgeny Zhirkov

After demobilization, Evgeniy Ivanovich got a job at the Mosoblstroy-21 trust as a pipelayer. His extraordinary abilities and desire to work and learn did not go unnoticed by management, and over 10 years of work in the trust, Zhirkov rose to the position of head of SMU-7 in the city of Zheleznodorozhny.

In 1991, Evgeniy Ivanovich made the difficult decision to leave Mosoblstroy-21 and open his own business. Creating a business from scratch in those difficult years was even more difficult than it is now, but Zhirkov coped with this task brilliantly - his company Skopa became one of the leading construction organizations in the Moscow region, built many projects in Zheleznodorozhny and neighboring Balashikha, and became the winner of numerous awards .

Evgeny Zhirkov and local authorities

Having achieved great success in business over 10 years, Evgeniy Ivanovich decided that it was time to apply his knowledge and skills in local government. In 2001, he put forward his candidacy for the Council of Deputies of Zheleznodorozhny, where he confidently entered, and two years later he won the election of the Head of Zheleznodorozhny, which he led until 2014, thanks to the fact that he was re-elected to this position twice.

Mayor of Zheleznodorozhny Evgeny Zhirkov

The result of Zhirkov’s work as the Head of Zheleznodorozhny speaks for itself - the district has taken a leading position in the main social and economic indicators in the Moscow region.

Personal life of Evgeny Zhirkov

Evgeniy Ivanovich is married. The marriage produced two children - a son and a daughter.

He tries to devote his free time to his family: children and three granddaughters.

Evgeny Zhirkov now

In 2014, Evgeniy Ivanovich’s career continued in the neighboring city district of Balashikha, where he was first elected as a deputy of the local Council, and then as the Head of Balashikha.

The head of Balashikha, Evgeny Zhirkov, visited the Rubin plant

In January 2015, the territory of the abolished Zheleznodorozhny urban district became part of Balashikha, so Zhirkov now governs the territory of these two districts. He has two higher educations, a large collection of various awards and prizes received both during the years of business management and during political work.

September 17th, 2022

In December 2003, Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov was elected to the position of Mayor of the city of Zheleznodorozhny. The name itself reflects the history of the city, which was once just a station on the Nizhny Novgorod railway. Now the population of Zheleznodorozhny is about 110,000 people. There are many industrial enterprises in the city: 119 operating enterprises, 50 under construction, approximately 100,000 square meters are put into operation every year. meters of living space. Zheleznodorozhny is one of the top ten cities in the Moscow region in terms of growth rates.

He came into the world in 1960 in the city of Skopin. His father was a simple worker. After graduating from high school, he immediately went to work and later served in the Soviet army. In 1980-1991 he worked at the Mos.reg.stroy-21 trust, where he worked his way up from a worker to the head of the construction and installation department. The young specialist studied the science of communication and leadership, gained experience, and headed the party committee of the trust. He received a higher education in absentia from the Institute of Civil Engineering. He was given many awards and badges of honor for his conscientious work.

In the early 1990s, during economic reforms, when many enterprises were collapsing, Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov gathered a team of qualified workers and specialists and founded the Skopa construction company. By mastering new technologies and introducing scientific methods of labor organization, Skopa became a leader in housing construction and one of the leading companies, and its leader was awarded the title of Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation. The Skopa company is a 3-time winner of competitions in the Moscow region and a laureate of the All-Russian competition.

Adheres to a healthy lifestyle, engages in physical education and supports the development of sports in the city. He created the Skopa volleyball team, which took 1st place in the Moscow region in 2003.

Today, Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov, as the head of the city of Zheleznodorozhny, is realizing the main goal: a safe and prosperous life for citizens, power for the benefit of the city.

March 5th, 2013

Original taken from zaochnik V

Original taken from petrov_elisey in Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov is preparing for exams (part 1)

So, the narrative of the story takes us to the distant student years, when Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov was a thin, lanky youth and was called a freshman. Having passed the entrance exams quite passably, Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov was enrolled in the first year of the Zheleznodorozhny Technical Institute, where, according to senior students, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin himself had once visited, and gave a course of lectures on the dangers of smoking.

Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov lived not far from the institute in an apartment building in a rented apartment with an elderly mistress, who was the widow of a high-ranking official.

October 28th, 2012

Original taken from krlica in Elections, elections, and then you know

I didn't get a degree. I have a budgetary institution, so when there are holidays or elections, all the money goes to the needs of deputies, and pensions with scholarships and salaries are delayed. And tomorrow is my birthday - my mother will help, of course. But today I could easily walk home from work - there were prospects. Because I go to the ATM - and instead of 1450 hryvnia on the card there are only 22 and ATMs don’t even suffer from such garbage. And they don't even have compassion.
I called the accounting department of the academy and said when the coop will be there, she should have come yesterday. and they told me: it should have been, but apparently it hasn’t been transferred yet - we, they say, have accrued everything correctly, but the budget has not yet transferred it to your bank account.
This is where I would have suspected something was wrong - but I relaxed, forgot...
And then I come home in the evening, I tell my mother, and she replies that it’s normal, that no one gets anything until Monday, because there are elections.
I don’t vote - I don’t really need it, I don’t want to waste my Sunday. IMHO, my opinion is controversial, but it is such that it doesn’t matter who sits at the feeding trough, because there are not enough altruists, or even people working for the future in Ukraine, to be managed by similar guys. Therefore, Sunday is sacred, and even more so DR, and even more so in the sauna. You have to prepare everything tasty and beautiful (and here I’m very grateful to my mother, she’s just wonderful, I don’t think I grew up like that at all).
In general, we boycott the elections, break laws and plunder private ATMs. Revolution and bloody terror! Patria or muerte! Che Guevara! Long live Fidel!
I demand the death of the President and Anarchy in Ukraine!
Well, or at least charge the stipuh something

True, LJ http://petrov-elisey.livejournal.com/ says that in the Russian Federation, in the glorious city of Zheleznodorozhny, everything is much more positive and optimistic. Well, let's hope that at least someone is lucky.

October 28th, 2012

Original taken from mynkin in Evgeny Zhirkov

At a later age, Vitek taught me to skip classes and generally lead an unbridled lifestyle.
In the 7th or 8th grade, he became so bohemian that he was first transferred to another class, and then he completely took away his documents so that he could complete his 10th and 11th grades with his father at a school somewhere near the Moscow Ring Road. By that time, my father was sick of our headmistress and got a job as a physical teacher at that school.
Almost every day, Vitek got up before dawn and fucked across the city for the coveted certificate of secondary education.
In general, about 5 people from our class ended up in other schools much earlier than they received their incomplete secondary school certificates. Someone was fed up with the stupidity of the school curriculum, someone's parents did not have a good relationship with the teaching staff, someone's parents again went off as ambassadors and diplomats to Angola, someone's war in Karabakh ended and they gradually returned to their homeland...
And as far as I know, 8 people lived and worked abroad for a long time, before reaching the age of 22.

All in the city of Zheleznodorozhny. Evgeny Zhirkov does everything for the prosperity of the city of Zheleznodorozhny

October 28th, 2012

Original taken from login_of in Evgeny Zhirkov

More often than not, brainwashing is a woman’s weapon, the same as a fight in a man’s world. Everyone is looking for something different in a relationship. Maybe something that I didn’t receive before.
Those who lack emotionality are looking for this emotionality.
Then it turns out that this emotionality is a banal “takeaway” of the male brain.
Pulling the veins, sucking the blood from a man is also called “brain-taking”.
At first, a man perceives the feminine quality of “brain-bearing” as emotionality.
When he turns on awareness, he understands
that someone has attached itself to it and is sucking blood, intercellular fluid, lymph, sperm, cerebrospinal fluid
and other fluids of the body... And this is vampirism.

If all public figures did at least a small part of what Evgeny Zhirkov did for his city, then everything would be fine with us a long time ago.

September 24th, 2012

Collapse of United (and indivisible) Russia
The head of the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, Viktor Sopin, announced that he was leaving the United Russia party in protest against the cancellation of the mayoral elections, Interfax reports.

Sopin also personally took part in the protest of city residents yesterday, September 24. About 800 people gathered on Lenin Square to support the city charter, which provides for direct elections of the mayor. There were slogans such as “Don’t deprive us of the right to elect the mayor of the city,” “Power to the people!”, “We are for Sopin.”

As Sopin said at the rally, he left the party because members of United Russia do not listen to the opinions of the majority of Dzerzhinsk residents and neglect rallies, public hearings and opinion polls. Allegedly, this attitude towards the people forced him to leave this party.

The decision to abolish direct elections was made by the City Duma. Now, according to the adopted document, a mayor will be appointed in 2015. Viktor Sopin was elected to this position as a self-nominated candidate.

He headed the local unit of United Russia after taking office.

August 20th, 2012

Original taken from petrov_elisey in “One Hundred Days” Shoigu: Zheleznodorozhny is developing together with the Moscow region

About 100 days have passed since Sergei Shoigu took office as governor of the Moscow region. According to the results of opinion polls, at the moment the head of the Moscow region is trusted by the majority of residents of the region; only Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev are ahead of him in the rating.

Over the past three months, Shoigu has focused his activities on such aspects as increasing the region’s budget, transport problems, attracting investments, supporting defrauded shareholders, protecting forests, and using agricultural land strictly for its intended purpose. Of course, g.o. Zheleznodorozhny, being part of the Moscow region, could not remain aloof from the processes launched by the new governor. According to the head of Zheleznodorozhny Zhirkov, Evgeniy Ivanovich, the regional leadership provides the city with enormous support: we are talking about the implementation of federal programs, and about construction, and about a number of other issues. In particular, with the support of the regional leadership, a new maternity hospital is being built in the city. “We started construction of it (the maternity hospital) at our own expense at the end of last year, the facility is planned to be commissioned at the end of 2013,” said Evgeny Zhirkov. - In parallel, we are working with the federal health service and the government of the Moscow region to allocate financial resources for the construction of this facility. Because the city alone, unfortunately, cannot handle this: the amount is 1.3 billion rubles.”


Russian politician, from 2014 to 2017 - head of the Balashikha urban district (Moscow region), from 2003 to 2014 - head of the Zheleznodorozhny urban district.


Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov was born on July 24, 1960 in the town of Skopin, Ryazan Region, into a family of workers. Father - Ivan Vladimirovich Zhirkov. Mother - Alexandra Vasilievna Zhirkova.


He graduated from high school in Skopin (1967-1977).


He began his independent working life as a turner's apprentice. He went straight from production into the ranks of the Soviet Army, serving in the signal troops.

From 1981 to 1991 he worked at the Mosoblstroy-21 trust, rising from a pipe-laying worker to the head of SMU-7 in the city of Zheleznodorozhny. From 1987 to 1989, he held an elected position - chairman of the joint trade union committee of the Mosoblstroy trust. He combined work with studying at the university. Graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Civil Engineering. Then the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Elected corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Engineering. Under the leadership of Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov, many industrial and civil construction projects were put into operation in Zheleznodorozhny: the 6th pumping station, a water supply building and a bomb shelter, an industrial base and several residential buildings on Proletarskaya and Yubileinaya streets.

In 1991, Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov created the Skopa construction company, which was engaged in the construction of various buildings (residential buildings on Pushkinskaya, Tsentralnaya, Lesnye Polyany streets, school No. 6 in the Savvino microdistrict, the Union shopping center, social facilities in the Balashikha district of the Moscow region). The activities of Skopa LLC were awarded with diplomas at competitions in the Moscow region in 1999-2000 and 2003. In 2002 and 2003, the company was awarded the title of laureate - winner of the All-Russian competition "Best of the Best".

In 2001, Evgeniy Ivanovich Zhirkov was elected to the Council of Deputies of the Zheleznodorozhny urban district in the second electoral district, receiving the support of 28.45% of the townspeople.

On December 7, 2003, he won the election for the Head of the Zheleznodorozhny urban district. He was re-elected in 2008, receiving the support of 89% of townspeople, and in 2013, when 76% of voters voted for him. On September 8, Evgeny Zhirkov won a landslide victory in the elections for the head of the Zheleznodorozhny urban district, gaining about 76.71% of the votes, with a turnout of more than 50%. On September 23, 2014, Evgeny Zhirkov became the head of the Balashikha urban district. Almost unanimously, 24 votes in favor with one abstention, the deputies supported the proposed candidacy of Evgeniy Zhirkov.


Married, two children - a son and a daughter, three granddaughters. He is interested in sports and loves reading historical and philosophical literature.


Order of the III degree "For professional honor, dignity and honorable business reputation"
Medal of the Order of Ivan Kalita
Order of Ivan Kalita
Commemorative Medal of the Navy "Admiral Ushakov"
Sign of the Ministry of Defense “200 years of the Ministry of Defense”
Badge of the regional united trade unions “For the Commonwealth”
Badges of the Governor of the Moscow Region: “For contribution to the development of the Moscow Region”, “For useful”, “Thank you”, “For labor and diligence”, “For military service”.
1999 - the sign “Honorary Builder of Russia”.
2010 - honorary title “Honored Engineer of Russia”.

"Connections / Partners"

Vorobyov Andrey Yurievich - Russian statesman and political figure. Governor of the Moscow Region (since 2013). Acting governor of the Moscow region (2012-2013), State Duma deputy (2003-2012), head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma of the sixth convocation, head of the Central Executive Committee of the United Russia party (2005-2012). Member of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party. Member of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation

— Former Head of the city of Balashikha in the Moscow region

— Former head of the city of Balashikha in the Moscow region

Soviet and Russian military leader and politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation. Colonel General (May 9, 1989), Hero of the Soviet Union (March 3, 1988). Governor of the Moscow Region (2000-2012)

Russian military and statesman. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation since November 6, 2012. Army General (2003). Hero of the Russian Federation (1999). Chairman of the State Committee of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (1991-1994), Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (1994-2012), Governor of the Moscow Region ( 2012). Head of the interregional movement “Unity” (1999-2001), co-chairman of the United Russia party (2001-2002, together with Yu. M. Luzhkov and M. Sh. Shaimiev), member of the Supreme Council of “United Russia”. Founder of the United Russia party. President of the Russian Geographical Society (since 2009)


The head of Balashikha resigned amid the landfill scandal

Evgeny Zhirkov wrote a letter of resignation from the post of head of the Balashikha urban district, the press service of the governor of the Moscow region reported.

Evgeny Zhirkov: “Construction of social facilities is proceeding as usual”

The Balashikha administration, as part of a regular meeting on construction issues in the city district, discussed the progress of work on objects of social significance. The meeting was held for the first time under the leadership of the mayor of the city, Evgeny Zhirkov. The meeting was attended by investors and developers, as well as representatives of those construction organizations involved in the repair or construction of social facilities.

Evgeny Zhirkov: “Next year we will fix everything”

The day before, in the Pehra-Pokrovsky quarter, the head of the city district, Evgeny Zhirkov, held a meeting with local residents. About 20 people came to ask their questions to the head.

At the beginning, residents asked Evgeny Zhirkov about creating conditions for safe movement around the neighborhood. There are few equipped sidewalks in the neighborhood, and some of those that exist are unsafe to walk on. There is also no controlled pedestrian crossing across Shchelkovskoe Highway and lighting on Lukino Street.

Evgeny Zhirkov: “In 2017 we must complete the renovation of medical institutions”

The head of the Balashikha urban district, Evgeny Zhirkov, inspected the outpatient departments in the May 1 and Gagarin microdistricts, as well as the surgical building of the Balashikha Central District Hospital as part of an inspection of the implementation of the governor’s program for the repair of healthcare facilities. It is planned to repair these facilities by the end of 2016.

In the building of the children's department of clinic No. 1 in the May 1 microdistrict, the renovation is almost complete. The institution has undergone general construction work, equipped with ventilation, a new heating system, windows, flooring and tiles. After touring the clinic, Evgeny Zhirkov talked with a representative of the contractor and gave some instructions, for example, next year, at the expense of the local budget, to carry out landscaping of the adjacent territory and organize an ambulance post.

A new system was tried in the Moscow region

The question remains silent even for members of the PEC. Voters who gave preference to fewer than five candidates did not understand whether their vote would be counted or not.

However, there is a lot that is unclear in the city. So, about a month and a half ago, the head of the city district, Yuri Maksimov, unexpectedly resigned. And in his chair with an acting attachment. the head of the neighboring urban district Zheleznodorozhny, Evgeny Zhirkov, sat down.

It’s hard to say why the regional authorities were so displeased with the former mayor’s team (to be honest, the population of Balashikha has big complaints against it), but in a matter of days the new acting mayor. replaced all the deputy heads of the Balashikha administration, brought his deputies from Zhelezka.

How the mayor of Zheleznodorozhny sold the city to himself

Evgeny Zhirkov, a businessman, having come to power, treated the city like a businessman and seriously rolled up his sleeves. It was a time of selling and taking away municipal property - basements, buildings and premises in which banks, shops, hairdressers, registry offices were located... They were sold in all cities, and everywhere a serious fight broke out for these tidbits. It’s no wonder: one such run-down basement can feed you until old age, even if you just successfully rent it out.

The mayor of Zheleznodorozhny was not ready to squander such wealth. And in order to place the goods not haphazardly, but in reliable hands, it was impossible to conduct fair auctions. At a fair auction, anyone could buy this very property. And in order to sell it to whoever needed it, the sale had to be organized in a cunning way.

In 2006, the official publication of the Zheleznodorozhny administration became the newspaper “My City Zheleznodorozhny” - instead of the newspaper “Gorodskoy Vestnik”. It is the official publication that, by law, publishes announcements about auctions at which municipal property is sold - so that everyone who is interested can find out about this auction. So not announcing the auction at all is breaking the law. But to write it in such a way that few people can read it seems to be no longer a violation.

Since the summer of 2006, issues of MG, which contain information required for publication about upcoming competitions, auctions, and public hearings, have been published in a “not for outsiders” format - with a circulation of 1,000 copies. This is with a regular newspaper circulation of 20,000. These “chamber” issues do not reach regular subscribers, newsstands, or even the city library. In order not to raise unnecessary questions, the editors make a kind of “trick of the ear”: a day before or a day after the “secret” issue of the newspaper, a holiday issue is published - for everyone. Only there, naturally, there is not a word about any auctions. As a result, only people come to the municipal “counter” on the desired day and time. Later, the newspaper began to place such advertisements in special supplements “officially” - they were published in the same narrow circulation and were not distributed.

Since Evgeny Zhirkov began to rule the city, dozens of auctions have been “quietly” organized, in which only “his own” and front companies participated. The wedding palace, premises and buildings of shops, pharmacies, post offices, and the Employment Center were sold for pennies to “their own”: deputies, business associates and bandits.

In the Moscow region, vodka magnates are attacking residential buildings

The “locked-in” residents tried to complain to whomever they tried—from the head of the city district, Evgeny Zhirkov, and the regional governor, Boris Gromov, right up to the President of the Russian Federation himself. In some high offices they remained silent, in others they sympathized in passing, but did not offer any definite encouragement. Mr. Zhirkov actually “comforted”: they say, you must understand that what is a nuisance for you is a happy chance for development, new investments, hundreds of jobs for the municipality...

Perhaps the only authority that has in some ways met those “trapped in a bottle” halfway is the city prosecutor’s office. It declared the construction of a warehouse with access roads illegal. But so far, all that the prosecutor has been able to offer as punishment for violators of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation is “a fine in the amount of 200 to 500 minimum wages for managers.” That is, from 460 thousand rubles to more than a million. For the average citizen, the sums are unaffordable; for vodka magnates, it’s more like a slight pinch. The maximum is “suspension of the activities of a legal entity for a period of up to three months.” This is already more annoying, but you can’t call it ruin, and you still need to get a court decision.

There have been enough distilleries in the surrounding area for a long time. It’s just the neighbors, but how can we lag behind? “Today a new stage has begun in the history of Zheleznodorozhny - such a rapid pace of economic development has not been seen here since the post-war years... The work of our administration is not limited to solving momentary problems, no matter how pressing they may be. We are moving on. By developing the city’s economy and increasing its investment attractiveness, we make the lives of citizens more comfortable and convenient. This is my clear position as a leader, the head of the city: every citizen should feel the result of our economic achievements” (Mayor Evgeny Zhirkov - on the official website of Zheleznodorozhny).

The mayor of Zheleznodorozhny decided to defend his honor in court

The mayor of the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Evgeny Zhirkov, filed a lawsuit against local businessman Georgy Udaltsov. The businessman accused the mayor of connections with crime and the illegal privatization of municipal property.

Udaltsov has been running a pharmacy in the center of Zheleznodorozhny for 10 years. Two years ago, city authorities held several competitions for the sale of municipal real estate. Shops, a wedding palace, a post office, hairdressers and the local newspaper editorial building were privatized. The new owners sharply raised rental rates for premises. The price of the one where Udaltsov’s pharmacy is located has also increased. According to the entrepreneur, municipal property was sold for pennies to local officials and their relatives. The entrepreneur tried to challenge the results of the competitions in court.

“My opposition to this raider takeover prompted a whole series of checks. “I was attacked by all the inspectors and the police, administrative cases were fabricated, fines were imposed, firefighters came and looked for violations in order to give the new owner grounds to terminate the lease,” says the entrepreneur.

Udaltsov was even beaten twice. He himself is sure that Zhirkov, who also has connections with the criminal world, is to blame here too.

Mayor of Zheleznodorozhny Evgeny Zhirkov celebrates his anniversary

On Saturday, July 24, the head of the Zheleznodorozhny urban district, Evgeny Ivanovich Zhirkov, celebrates his fiftieth birthday. The other day our editorial office received a letter from residents of the city with the following content. Guessing what words would be spoken on this day when honoring him, we decided to select the most unworn ones that the hero of the day is unlikely to hear from anyone else

Failed new settlers blame the administration of a city near Moscow for their troubles

Recently, the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights decided to create a working group to monitor problematic objects in construction. As if to confirm the relevance of the problem, almost simultaneously with this decision, a new pain point appeared on the map of the country: on the facade of the unfinished complex “Seven Stars” in Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow, a banner appeared: “Construction of the facility has been suspended due to the fault of the administration of Zheleznodorozhny.”

Shareholders of the property addressed the leadership of the Moscow region, State Duma deputies and the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation with an open letter, which noted that the actions of the city authorities could turn conscientious citizens into “a category of investors deceived this time not by an unscrupulous developer, but by the state.”

The accusation is serious: it turns out that while the federal authorities and the governor of the Moscow region, Boris Gromov, are doing everything in their power to help the victims of scammers, the administration of a particular city is aggravating the problem. What is the position of the management of Zheleznodorozhny? Let us turn to the report on the press conference of Mayor Evgeny Zhirkov on July 6, prepared by the press service of the city mayor. We quote: “The history of this object is as follows: In 2001, the Veteran Social Protection Fund entered into an Agreement with the city administration for the construction of a low-rise residential complex on an area of ​​14.4 hectares... For 10 hectares they identified the investor “Social Initiative” (the Golden Star complex "), and on 4 hectares of VMP Real Estate LLC (Seven Stars complex). As you know, the management of CT “Social Initiative” was prosecuted for fraud, and the construction of “Seven Stars” continues to this day. All deadlines for the completion of construction have passed, and, naturally, in order to justify themselves to investors, VMP Real Estate, together with the Federal Social Protection Fund Veteran, shift all the blame to the administration...”

Photo: RIA Novosti/ Alexander Natruskin

On Tuesday, June 27, the 56-year-old head of Balashikha Evgeny Zhirkov resigned, the press service of the governor of the Moscow region announced this. The official’s resignation occurred against the backdrop of a “garbage scandal” that erupted around the closure of the Kuchino solid waste landfill.

On June 15, during the “direct line”, residents of Balashikha near Moscow turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin with questions about a huge landfill within the city district, next to houses, which has been growing for 50 years. Putin promised to solve this problem as soon as possible.

On June 23, regional authorities, after inspecting the landfill, closed the Kuchino solid waste landfill, thereby fulfilling the instructions expressed in a rather harsh form at a meeting with members of the federal government on June 22. “Close this landfill within a month. I don’t know what the shortest time can be done, but in a month I’ll ask both you and ( Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey) Vorobyov", the Kremlin website quotes the president as saying.

In addition, after a complaint from local residents to the president, the Main Investigation Department of the RF Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region began checking information about the construction of housing near the landfill.

Zhirkov has not yet commented on his dismissal. Earlier, on his VKontakte page, he wrote: “The conversation on the topic of the training ground turned out to be very emotional. But at the same time constructive. The first measure, which will be taken within two weeks, is to install cameras with which it will be possible to monitor the test site online around the clock and record violations. Many today wanted to join the working group. Next week we will begin to shape it. This will include, first of all, residents of Rechnaya Street and nearby areas. Also, in order to reduce the negative impact before the start of reclamation, refilling with clean soil and preliminary collection of biogas will be carried out in the near future.”

According to Moscow region authorities, the closed landfill is planned to be reclaimed. The preliminary estimate of the cost of the reclamation project is about 4 billion rubles.

AiF.ru provides a biography of the ex-head of Balashikha Evgeny Zhirkov.


After graduating from school, he began independent work as a turner's apprentice. Served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

In 1980 he came to the Balashikha district. He worked in the Mosoblstroy-21 trust, having worked his way up from a pipe-laying worker to the head of the SMU, and was elected chairman of the joint trade union committee of the Mosoblstroy trust. The construction and installation department under the leadership of Zhirkov built residential buildings on Proletarskaya and Yubileynaya streets, the 6th pumping station, an industrial base, and a water utility building with a bomb shelter.

In 1991, he created and headed the construction company Skopa.

Graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Civil Engineering. Graduate of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Elected corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Engineering.

In 2003, Evgeny Zhirkov was elected head of the Zheleznodorozhny urban district, then twice re-elected to this position with the support of more than 80% of residents.

In September 2014, Evgeny Zhirkov was elected as a deputy of the Council of Deputies of Balashikha, and then from its composition as the head of the city district. In April 2015, after the unification of the Balashikha and Zheleznodorozhny urban districts, he was elected as a deputy of the Council of Deputies of the united urban district, then as its chairman, and after resigning as deputy - head of the Balashikha urban district.

In 1999, Zhirkov received the title of Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation, and in 2010 he was recognized as an Honored Engineer of Russia. He was also awarded the following awards: medal of the Order of Ivan Kalita; Order of Ivan Kalita; Commemorative Medal of the Navy "Admiral Ushakov"; Sign of the Ministry of Defense “200 years of the Ministry of Defense”; Badge of the regional united trade unions “For the Commonwealth”; Badges of the Governor of the Moscow Region “For useful things”; “For work and diligence”; "Thank you"; "For military service"; “For contribution to the development of the Moscow region”; Badges of the Moscow Regional Duma “For assistance to the law”, “For contribution to the development of legislation”, “For loyalty to the Moscow region”; Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; badge of the MOOOP “For services to trade unions of the Moscow region”; Honorary Badge of the Moscow Regional Duma “For contribution to the development of legislation.”

Married, two children - a son and a daughter, three granddaughters.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov refused to comment on Zhirkov’s resignation, referring the question about its reasons to Governor Vorobyov, RIA Novosti reports. “No, I can’t say anything. We are not monitoring this situation; this is still a municipal level. It’s more likely that you should ask your colleague Vorobyov a question,” Peskov said.

Later, Zhirkov himself, commenting on his resignation, said that the corresponding decision was not easy for him. “I have decided to resign. To be honest, this was not easy for me. But I know that everything will be fine for you and our city!” — wrote he's on his Facebook.

Prior to this, the Moscow region authorities in record time announced the closure of the Kuchino landfill in Balashikha. This happened after, during the annual “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin,” residents of Balashikha told the president that their houses were too close to the landfill, which was harmful to the ecology of the area and the health of the townspeople.

Responding to these complaints, Putin called the situation with the landfill “unacceptable” and promised to solve the problem as soon as possible. According to the president, Rostec will build a new waste recycling factory. The landfill in Balashikha was resolved within a month. After Putin’s statements, the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region began an investigation into the illegal construction of residential buildings near the landfill.

The approximate cost of reclamation of Kuchino could be up to 4 billion rubles, stated the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region Alexander Kogan.

During an unscheduled on-site inspection of the landfill, Kuchino employees Rosprirodnadzor, not allowing them into the landfill territory. It turned out to be possible to exercise the right of inspection only after the intervention of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the environmental prosecutor's office and the Civil Defense Emergency Service. Based on what happened Rosprirodnadzor asked to initiate criminal cases against Kuchino employees.

Against this background, in the Moscow region, by the end of the year, he decided to solve three more landfills - “Kulakovsky” in the Chekhovsky district, “Tsarevo” in the Pushkinsky district and “Astapovo” in Lukhovitsy. According to Kogan, after the landfills are closed, construction will begin in the region waste recycling plant

“Taking into account the fact that the Kuchino landfill has already been closed and that three more landfills will be closed in the Moscow region by the end of the year, we still have 14 landfills that have the ability to accept waste. We are in a situation where we need to build factories,” he said.

As a temporary measure, the Timokhovo solid waste landfill accepts waste from the landfill in Balashikha, however, due to the high tariff, former clients of Kuchino refuse these services. According to Kogan, the Kuchin landfill received up to 90% of all municipal waste in the capital: about 800 trucks brought garbage here every day.

Zhirkov headed the Balashikha city district on September 23, 2014. Then 24 members of the local council of deputies voted for his candidacy, one abstained. Before heading Balashikha, Zhirkov served as head of the city of Zheleznodorozhny for more than ten years. The official website of the head of the city district notes that he was re-elected to this position twice with the support of more than 80% of residents.

In the 1990s, Zhirkov was engaged in the construction business in the Balashikha region. The Skopa company he created built residential buildings, shopping complexes and social and cultural facilities in the area.

In 2011, Novaya Gazeta published an article entitled “Record robbery,” which stated that during the period when Zhirkov headed the administration of Zheleznodorozhny, the city authorities sold real estate for next to nothing, the mayor’s associates owned almost all city businesses, while the city itself was sorely lacking in social facilities.

After the publication, Zhirkov filed a claim for protection of honor and dignity against Novaya Gazeta, but the Basmanny Court of Moscow refused to satisfy it.