Who makes roofs profession. Profession roofer. What's dangerous about this job?

The roofing profession is one of the oldest. Even in the early stages of his development, man sought to erect a roof over his head, which would protect him from the cold wind, scorching sun, rain and snow. As roofing material, people used what was around it: tree branches, reeds, grass, etc.

Gradually, craftsmen were selected who managed to make the roof not only reliable, but also beautiful. They began to be invited by those who were building their own homes. This is how, in fact, the profession of “roofer” arose.
With the development of production, new roofing materials appeared: shingles, tiles, slate, roofing iron, roofing felt, etc. The strength and appearance of the future building largely depends on the choice of roofing material, as well as on the quality of the roofer’s work in general.

Socio-economic importance of the profession

No structure (civil housing or industrial premises) can exist without a roof. The roof is a very complex technical structure, created in full accordance with physical laws, protects the building from rain and snow, sunlight and wind, and also retains heat in the room.
features of work

Roofing work includes procurement operations and installation of the roof, often directly on the roof. During work, roofers check the dimensions and correct angles of roofing materials and mark various roof elements. Then a vapor barrier, roof insulation and screeds are performed. After covering the roof, eaves overhangs, gutters, and the like are installed.
The main task of a roofer is to arrange the roof so that it serves people for as long as possible.


During the work, the roofer uses a large number of materials. The most common ones include metal coatings, ceramic and cement tiles, slate, rolled bitumen mastics and the like.
To perform roofing work, workers use special tools: scissors, hammers, tape measures, brushes, electric and gas soldering irons, and the like.

Requirements of the profession for the employee

The profession requires significant physical exertion, constant attention and concentration from the employee. While on the roof, the roofer must be both courageous and careful, as increased demands are placed on the reliability of the vestibular apparatus. It is advisable to choose this profession for people who are inclined to manual labor and are interested in manufacturing and construction.

Must know: marking and cutting, making templates and assembling products, parts and fittings from roofing sheet steel using them; rules for preparing hot mastics, operating spray guns and other mechanisms used when covering roofs with roll or artificial roofing material; safety regulations.
The range of categories is 3-5. A profession can be obtained at a vocational school.

Employment prospects

The profession of a roofer is needed where new buildings are built and old buildings are repaired.
The professional activity of a roll roofer is well paid. The average salary also depends on the qualification category, the complexity of the work performed and is quite high. The profession of roll roofing roofer is very common. The number of roofing workers is growing. Up to 75% of repair work in construction consists of repairing roofs or ceilings.

This is one of the most significant areas in the entire construction industry. Therefore, there is a constant need for training specialists in the roofing profession. In a market economy, the likelihood of employment after training as a roll roofer is significant, since in public, private and commercial structures the need for such specialists is constantly growing. The risk of unemployment is minimal. A roofer can use the acquired professional knowledge in other professions.

Countries where roofers are needed

First of all, this is a country where there are predominantly or insufficient numbers of low-rise buildings, that is, a large number of houses. Which countries include: Poland, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Germany. It is to these countries that the maximum labor flow of specialists goes.

The need to have a roof over your head is one of the main life needs of a person. The roof shelters people from the scorching rays of the sun, rain and snow, allows them to retain heat in their homes and create favorable conditions for work and rest. In addition, the roof protects buildings from destruction resulting from atmospheric influences: moisture, freezing and thawing. Therefore, the specialty of a roofer since ancient times has been considered honorable and complex, requiring versatile knowledge and high skill.

Initially, materials widely distributed in nature were used to construct roofs: tree bark, reeds, straw, etc. In the northern regions of Europe, wooden roofs made of boards, shingles, shavings, and wood chips became widespread. But such roofs had very significant drawbacks: under the influence of moisture they quickly rotted, and in the hot season they easily caught fire.

Another natural roofing material, slate, is waterproof and fire resistant. It is mined in the Urals, the Caucasus, Ukraine and Estonia in the form of stone blocks, which are easily split along the strata into individual tiles and can be easily sawed and drilled. For roofing, rectangular or diamond-shaped plates of the same thickness are used.

Roofing material such as tiles, made from clay mass followed by drying and firing, has long been known. Tile roofs require almost no repairs and can last over 100 years. The disadvantages of tile roofs include their fragility and relatively large weight. Currently, the industry produces a lot of roofing materials: roofing steel, slate, roofing felt, ondulin and a lot of others.

The scope of capital and individual construction requires a large amount of roofing materials.

It is not difficult to imagine the material damage water can cause, especially in residential construction, where the interior decoration of buildings is carried out as they are erected. Water, seeping through the interfloor ceilings, forms wet spots, spoils the finishing of the walls, moistens the wooden parts of the building and causes them to warp, causing rotting of organic materials and corrosion of metals.

Scientists have posed the question: is it possible to use water for human benefit when constructing roofs? It is known that in the summer, especially in the southern regions, roofs heat up significantly, resulting in an increase in indoor air temperature. Scientists used the property of water to absorb heat during evaporation. The roof of an industrial building was constructed, having a flat, sealed base made of reinforced concrete slabs with roofing felt and a low fence around the entire perimeter of the building. Water is poured into this huge bathtub and maintained at a constant depth of 2-3 cm. By evaporating, the water protects the roof surface from overheating and provides conditions for the normal functioning of people indoors.

There are other ways to prevent significant heating of the roof in the summer. For this purpose, materials with high reflectivity are used, for example, foil coated on the underside with a protective bituminized composition. The sun's rays, reflected from it like a mirror, reduce the heating of the surface by about 20 ºС compared to a similar black roof. Aluminum paint, prepared by mixing aluminum powder and bitumen varnish, reflects the sun's rays well and protects the surfaces of roofing felt roofs from premature destruction.

Many research organizations are working to improve the quality and protective properties of roofing materials. A large number of different materials have been created for roofing. What materials are currently most used? Just the facts: in first place was roofing felt - a simple and cheap roofing material obtained by impregnating roofing cardboard and covering it on both sides with refractory petroleum bitumen. Second place was taken by asbestos-cement roofing materials in the form of corrugated sheets or flat tiles. In third place is roofing steel, although its use is limited due to insufficient anti-corrosion resistance.

Soft roll roofing materials are produced based on bitumen, tar and tar binders in combination with polymer films, foil and fiberglass. Their use allows not only to significantly increase the strength and durability of the roofing carpet, but also to significantly change the design of roofs. Traditional bulky pitched roofs are increasingly being replaced by flat roofs with a slight slope. Such roofs are most widely used in the construction of industrial buildings, the roof area of ​​which reaches several thousand square meters. The work of a roofer is almost completely mechanized. Sitting at the helm of the machine, the roofer controls the technological processes of gluing the roofing felt carpet: rolling out rolls, applying mastic to them and rolling the sheets of roofing felt to the base of the roof. The supply of mastic to the work site is carried out from the asphalt distributor, and the transportation of materials along the roof is carried out using special vehicles.

The creative work of scientists, designers, planners and workers helps to improve industrial methods for constructing roofing coverings.

How important will flat roofs be in the future?

Nowadays they are mainly used to protect buildings. However, they can also become a place of relaxation, where you can sunbathe, take air baths, swim in an outdoor pool and relax among flowers, bushes and even trees. These prospects are already beginning to be realized through advanced design and engineering solutions.

In the vast complex of construction work, the profession of a roofer is considered one of the main ones. The safety and durability of the buildings being constructed largely depend on the skill and experience of the roofer. The roofer must have a good understanding of roofing materials and technology, their application, competently use mechanization and tools, know the most effective methods of constructing the main roofing coverings: from sheet steel, roofing felt, asbestos-cement corrugated sheets, etc.

Familiarity with existing methods and organization of roofing work will help the roofer to imagine the nature and tasks of this profession, to determine its significance in the complex of housing, civil and industrial construction.


Short description
The main task of a roofer is to lay the roof of a building so that it serves people as long and reliably as possible. This profession is widespread everywhere. It is needed wherever new buildings are being built and old buildings are being repaired: in a city, town, village, etc.

Specifics of the profession
The demand for specialists in the labor market is average. Working outside. You must have good health, physical development, and endurance.

Required qualities
Professional: the ability to draw drawings based on measurements from life. The roofing elements brought to the construction site are lifted onto the roof, but before they begin laying it, the roofers carefully check the strength of the base. If everything is in order, then the roofer begins laying the roofing sheets in strict sequence. The roofer must be able to choose the right technologies for connecting roofing materials. Connect parts of various configurations and sizes. Promptly eliminate shortcomings and defects in work. Personality: very good linear eye, good health, physical strength and endurance, good vision, ability to concentrate for a long time, accuracy, balance.

Roofing work includes preparation operations and laying the roof directly on the roof. Procurement operations include a thorough inspection of galvanized steel, checking the accuracy of its dimensions, coating, and steel procurement.

Primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher education.

Career and salary

The salary ranges from 25,000 rubles per month to 50,000 rubles per month.

Today, roofers are high-class professionals in demand in any country in the world, thanks to whom not only the legacy of great architects is being revived, but also fundamentally new roofing masterpieces are being created.

Church of St. Mary in Essentuki.
(Peter and Paul Lavra) under the BRAAS tiles

It's no secret that one of the most advanced countries in the roofing business is Germany. Using her experience, you can study the history of the roofing profession, its characteristic features and significance for society.

In Germany, roofing is a respected and highly paid profession. Workers in this industry have their own professional associations and unions, and even have their own characteristic uniform. The most colorful among roofers are tile roofers. Corduroy pants, a vest, and a wide-brimmed hat create an unforgettable look.

Clothing for metal roofers is distinguished by a special cut and the presence of a large number of pockets. By the way, there is a saying among German roofers that there is no bad weather, only bad clothes. And every year around Christmas, in many companies, according to established tradition, the roofer receives a package with new workwear as a gift.

German roofers occupy leading positions in the world largely due to their reverence for traditions that have been tested for centuries. One of the main features of this profession in Germany has been and remains continuity, which allows maintaining the roofing business at the proper level. The father, who has accumulated invaluable experience and the necessary equipment, passes it on to his sons, who continue his work. At the same time, children learn a profession from their youth.

Here it must be said that nepotism exists not only in the inheritance of a profession, but also in business, which can also be passed on from father to son. But there is one condition - before taking a leadership position and becoming the head of the company, the heir must be trained in the profession of a roofer and have a master's diploma. By the way, in this case it does not matter who the heir is - a son or a daughter. Female managers of roofing companies in Germany are not an exceptional phenomenon.

The usual composition of a team of roofers in Germany: master, roofer, apprentice. A master is a bearer of knowledge and experience, a roofer is a future master, and a student, with due diligence and striving for improvement, will also rise to a higher professional level in the future. This is how the change of generations and the transfer of experience occurs.

If we talk about the education system, then, despite the fact that the profession of a roofer is learned more in practice, the role of the educational institution is not diminished at all. In Germany there is a harmonious education system. General specialized education provides theoretical and practical knowledge about the profession. The initial course lasts 3.5 years. In parallel, the acquired knowledge is supported by work in one of the private companies. In fact, at this stage there is a division according to profile into specialists in tiles, slate or metal. This method of training prevents random people from entering the profession, and the experience gained allows you to work effectively and move in a clearly chosen direction. As a result, despite the narrow specialization of German roofers, their activities are far from conservatism; rather, it is a practice-tested method of evolution of the profession.

In addition to individual roofing companies in Germany, there is a public organization that unites all roofing companies in the industry. This organization is an intermediary between the state and business. It develops standards with the help of which the state then regulates the activities of the industry. And this structure works as clearly as the triumvirate: the student - a state specialized educational institution - a private company.

Interestingly, an entire book has been published in Germany dedicated exclusively to the design of valleys for beavertail tiles. This type of ceramic tile consists of flat plates, the shape of which resembles a beaver's tail, and the lower edge is rounded.

But, in addition, the tile received its name for its laying technology: each joint of two tiles lying in the same row is covered with one tile lying one row higher - which is reminiscent of the scales that are present on the tail of a beaver.

Due to the fact that on the edges of the tiles missing "lock" You can trim the side edges of the tiles and lay them out in a wide variety of shapes, even cone-shaped towers. And this requires special qualifications and skill of the roofer.

Ceramic tiles BRAAS

From the history of the roofer profession in Russia

Despite the fact that the roofing profession in Russia has been and remains in short supply, due respect for it has not yet been developed. A specialty that is akin to craft art is still perceived as purely working.

Although in former times, the craft of a roofer in Russia was honorable and respected, and just like in Europe, it was inherited from father to son.

For example, the residents of the village of Vyatskoye, Yaroslavl province, were considered remarkable roofers, from which almost the entire male population went to work in St. Petersburg to cover roofs.

Currently, the following professions of roofers are accepted at the state level (from the all-Russian classifier of worker professions, employee positions and tariff categories (OKPDTR):

13201 7 Roofer for roll roofing and 2-5 03 7124

roofs made of piece materials

13203 6 Roofer for steel roofs 2-5 03 7124

The qualifications of specialists are divided into categories (from 2 to 6).

And on May 19, 2012, for the first time in the history of Russia, Roofer Day was celebrated. The new professional holiday originated back in 2010, when members of the National Roofing Union expressed the idea of ​​​​initiating it, and in 2011 an official decision was made to establish Roofer Day, setting the date for its annual celebration on the 3rd Saturday of May.

At the current level of technology, the requirements for roofers are quite serious.
Among other things, everyone is obliged to carry out preparation work on the roof, carry out markings, make an inspection, build a drawing and check the compliance of the dimensions.

To complete a drawing, the master must certainly have basic knowledge of drawing, as well as geometry, and be able to work with special working tools. Before directly laying the material, he should check the strength of the base very well, and then begin


A roofer must be able to do two things:

Eliminate operational deficiencies quickly and efficiently

Competently and clearly select at your discretion the necessary technologies for laying a particular coating and skillfully carry them out

To properly perform his duties without any incidents, the roofer must be as focused and attentive as possible. People in this profession simply cannot do without a good eye.

This profession involves a very serious load on the musculoskeletal system and vision, because roofers work in a bent position, also at height. Therefore, health and endurance are very necessary for a roofer.
Today, there is special equipment to make the work of the roofer easier.

And in conclusion, high-quality roofing can only be done if there is a project drawn up by a qualified design engineer, a craftsman or engineer with the necessary qualifications and a professional roofing team. Only in this case, the service life of the roofing material, guaranteed by the manufacturer, will correspond to the service life of the roof.
Roof of the house - ceramic tiles BRAAS

A roofer is a roofing specialist who is responsible not only for the appearance of the roof, but also for the quality of the work performed. A roofer must be able to do more than just re-roof. His responsibilities also include preparatory work: conducting an inspection and marking, constructing a drawing and checking for compliance with dimensions. This profession has become widespread: it is needed anywhere and everywhere where something is being built or repaired, in cities, villages and megacities.

Specifics of a roofer's work

The demand for roofers in the labor market is quite average. It is necessary to work outdoors, so a specialist in this profession must be hardy, physically strong, and healthy.


Covering and covering of residential and industrial buildings, roof repair, installation of cornices and drainpipes;

Construction of drawings based on data after measuring the structure;

Before installation, the roofer must know how to cover the roof with corrugated sheeting and carefully check the strength of the base under the roof;

Roofing sheets must be laid in strict sequence;

The roofer must be able to correctly select technologies for connecting roofing materials and connect together different configurations and sizes and troubleshoot problems and defects;

Roofing work also involves operations for preparing parts and laying them on the roof;

Preparatory work includes: inspection of galvanized steel, checking the coating, dimensional accuracy, steel preparation.


A roofer must work in any weather. Working in the fresh air, in stuffy conditions, in the wind and heat requires a roofing specialist to have great physical endurance and ability to work.

In addition, this profession has an even more significant drawback - the emergence of ever new technologies. Every day new materials and methods of fastening them appear, technologies that require new knowledge and skills, without which you can quickly find yourself without a job. A roofer should connect with knowledgeable people and continually invest in his education.

Personal qualities

Good eye, vision, concentration, accuracy, attentiveness, balance.

Contraindications for work

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

Visual impairment;

Frequent colds;

Problems with the vestibular apparatus;

Diseases leading to loss of consciousness.


Secondary or primary vocational, special or higher.


As a rule, a roofer receives from 25,000 rubles per month to 50,000.

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